Saturday, March 23, 2019

Spring Break Updates

Happy Spring Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A reminder that even during spring break the expectations are that you are reading daily for at least 20 minutes. I look forward to hearing what you read about when we come back together on April 1st.

Updated Term 3 Grades .... A note that no one has seen their Plant Restoration, Portland Art Museum, and Thursday EQ feedback until now. This means students haven't had their normal week to look at this and take ownership before being share with families. I am putting them here so that people can know where they stand going into the last week of term 3 when we get back from spring break.

  • 6th + 8th graders - Service learning term 3 hours should be complete by Monday, April 1st
  • 7th graders - 7th grade service learning project hours (4 hours with at least 2 visits) should be complete by Monday, April 1st.
  • We will work on our service reflections back at school.
  • Term 3 ends Friday, April 5th.

A reminder that we will be starting state ELA testing once we are back at school after spring break.

Here is a link to Rebekah's yoga Spotfiy playlist for those of you who were interested.

Extra Credit: Finish up the teacher feedback for Michael from class on Friday... What are up to 3 things that Michael does in our core class community that make learning more effective, engaging, meaningful, etc... What are up to 3 things that Michael could differently to improve his teaching or your experience in our core class community? Any other comments/feedback for Michael?

Oh, and let's hope the March Madness continues... GO GONZAGA!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 22, 2019

Spanish Class - Culture Extension

Culture Extension
a. Extend your work from previous "Culture Notes." Add at least one valuable link to the document above that you found informative or engaging. 

Thursday, March 21, 2019


HW due Friday:

1. ESSENTIAL QUESTION - Was _____________ (choose from options below) a valuable learning experience for you a human?

Option 1 - Argumentative Writing
Option 2 - Yoga with Rebekah
Option 3 - Poet X read aloud

GO GONZAGA BASKETBALL!!! Hooray for March Madness (unless it becomes March Sadness)!!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


HW due Thursday:

1. NewsELA - College Admissions Scandal
a. Read article + respond to 3 questions
b. Come to class prepared to share about another current event that has captured your attention lately. It can be something from NewsELA, but does not have to. If you are struggling to find a current event, here are some options:

We will be doing yoga with Rebekah for 30 minutes before lunch. Come prepared to positively engage with her during her final mindfulness lesson.




Argumentative Essay - Student Examples

 Argumentative - Graphic Organizer 1

Intro + Conclusion Notes:

Intro (Start board, end specific) = Hook + background info + thesis

Meaningful HOOKS related to your essay ideas include:
Thought → Inner monologue from your thinking
Action → Capture a moment of activity from the energy unit
Dialogue → Start with dialogue related to your essay topic
Quote → Begin with a quote that captures the big idea of your essay

Conclusion (start specific, end broad) = Re-stated thesis (in slightly different words or order) + extra review + concluding thought

Meaningful ways to end your essay with a powerful final concluding thought include..
Echo → circle back to how you started the essay
Anecdote → A short, personal story that reinforces the main ideas of your essay
Question → Leave the reader thinking with a big question
Action → What can the reader do now to create more positive impact?
Inference → How might the future be better, different, or worse based off the ideas in your essay

Strong, concise final sentence

Citing Sources → 
Example 1- According to Juiciest Oranges, students can reference a source within the sentence.
Example 2 - Students can also reference source at end of sentence (Juiciest Oranges).

There should be a “Sources Cited” section at the end of the essay that includes the name of the source, the name of the article, and how you accessed it (website URL).
-Cori’s Lesson - Natural Gas Activity
-NPR - Juiciest Oranges - www.npr/


Argumentative Essay - BRAINSTORM Research - Graphic Organizer

Energy Sources - Resources

Energy Change Maker - Resources

Energy Change Maker - Student Found Resources

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


HW due Wednesday:

1. Argumentative Essay 
a. Update your essay with at least one piece of peer feedback you received this afternoon.
b. Work on this for 11 to 22 minutes depending on how far along you are. Students should be getting close to completing a draft of their essay. Use the links/notes in the previous blog post for support.

8th graders you have a choice 8th grade portfolio assignment that should be completed by tomorrow.

We will have our first official portfolio check in after spring break on either that Wednesday or Thursday.

Monday, March 18, 2019


HW due Tuesday:

1. Argumentative Essay - Energy Unit 
a. Work on your argumentative essay for 22 minutes tonight.
b. Share it with Michael (

2. Bring in relevant and meaningful choice reading material for yourself for silent reading tomorrow



Argumentative Essay - Student Examples

 Argumentative - Graphic Organizer 1

Intro + Conclusion Notes:

Intro (Start board, end specific) = Hook + background info + thesis

Meaningful HOOKS related to your essay ideas include:
Thought → Inner monologue from your thinking
Action → Capture a moment of activity from the energy unit
Dialogue → Start with dialogue related to your essay topic
Quote → Begin with a quote that captures the big idea of your essay

Conclusion (start specific, end broad) = Re-stated thesis (in slightly different words or order) + extra review + concluding thought

Meaningful ways to end your essay with a powerful final concluding thought include..
Echo → circle back to how you started the essay
Anecdote → A short, personal story that reinforces the main ideas of your essay
Question → Leave the reader thinking with a big question
Action → What can the reader do now to create more positive impact?
Inference → How might the future be better, different, or worse based off the ideas in your essay

Strong, concise final sentence

Citing Sources → 
Example 1- According to Juiciest Oranges, students can reference a source within the sentence.
Example 2 - Students can also reference source at end of sentence (Juiciest Oranges).

There should be a “Sources Cited” section at the end of the essay that includes the name of the source, the name of the article, and how you accessed it (website URL).
-Cori’s Lesson - Natural Gas Activity
-NPR - Juiciest Oranges - www.npr/


Argumentative Essay - BRAINSTORM Research - Graphic Organizer

Energy Sources - Resources

Energy Change Maker - Resources

Energy Change Maker - Student Found Resources

Friday, March 15, 2019


HW due Monday:


2. E-Core Journals were collected this morning at the end of core class. If you chose to be out of class today you need to have your entire Portland Art Museum Field Study Assignment (EQ + AQs) complete and ready to turn in Monday morning. The assignment is not late if you have it at the start of class Monday.


Here are the updated Term 3 Grades that I shared with families this weekend:

Michael's Class Grades - 2019 - Term 3 - 3-15-19

Thursday, March 14, 2019


HW due Friday:

1. Portland Art Museum Field Study Assignment
a. Complete the Essential Question ONLY... We will work on the Assignment Questions together in class... Because the exhibit wasn't as directly related to our ancient cultures unit as I had thought, you have the option of changing the essential question. If you don't want to pick one of the essential questions I provided, you can create your own so long as it relates to your experiences and learning on the field study. If you make your own essential question, you also have to respond to it!

Remember for essential questions to Re-state the question, Answer the question, Cite evidence (with at least 2 specific examples from the field study and a connection), and Explain why your evidence supports your claim.

Extra Credit

Happy Pi Day!!! Check out this rad Pi Day video - What Pi Sounds Like.... Find your own radical Pi Day video and share it with me!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019


HW due Thursday:

1. I FORGOT TO MENTION THIS TODAY. ACK! SORRY!!!! We are going on a field study tomorrow starting at 10:45 to the Portland Art Museum. Bring a lunch or get one from the cafeteria. We will eat outside of the Portland Art Museum (weather permitting). SORRY FOR THE LATE NOTICE!!!

2. Argumentative Essay - 19 minutes...
-Continue your work from the afternoon on your argumentative essay related to our energy unit. Consider the following as you work...

Argumentative Essay - Energy Unit
1. Look through my yellow Energy unit folder (especially consider Brainstorm Research activity worksheet) … What could my claim be? Do I have enough knowledge/evidence to support my claim? Go through your yellow Energy unit folder and E-Core Journal. Check in on some links on the blog.

2. Work on Graphic Organizer 1
a. FIRST, write thesis statement and topic sentences.
b. Then, check in with Michael when they are written.
c. Add in your supporting evidence (facts, quotes, etc…) with sources and complete all of Graphic Organizer 1


Tuesday, March 12, 2019


HW due Wednesday:

1. NewsELA article - Perspective + Bias in Teaching History
a. Read article and respond to the following questions... What is one thing that stood out to you from the article? What is a perspective from the article on the importance of teaching 'ancient' cultures?


This is the final week to turn in pledge forms and pledges for READ-A-THON.

You can still get pledges, so even if you haven't asked anyone yet, you still have time to help out our wonderful school. You can ask people near or far and it is super easy with our online pledge form: Send it out far and wide!

 Things to remember when turning in forms:
-Turn in the signed pledge form AND any cash or checks you've collected together, in one envelope. -They are all due no later then this Friday, March 15th to be counted for prizes. (You can still get pledges after that date though to help the school.)
-Please make sure ALL pledge forms are accurate in units (not minutes).
-Remember that for K-2 one unit is 10 minutes of reading and for 3-8 one unit is 20 minutes of reading. If your student accidentally record minutes, no big deal, just convert or write a note on the form that says "recorded in minutes" and we'll convert for you. :)
- After checking for accuracy, make sure you've initialed each day and signed the form. Forms that are NOT checked and signed by parents will not be counted toward prizes. This is a very important step of the process.

Thanks so much for participating in this year's event we've had such a good time celebrating reading! Any questions please email me at

Monday, March 11, 2019


HW due Tuesday:

1. Bring choice silent reading material to class Tuesday. If you haven't finished your first Hero's Journey book, you need to bring that and finish it ASAP!!!

2. Nacirema Reflection --- Respond to the Nacirema Reflection questions based off the reading we used to kick off our Ancient Cultures unit last week and that we discussed this morning. If you want to access the actual reading, you can click here and scroll down to pages 5 + 6 --- Nacirema Article

A reminder to all students that updated grades were posted in class today. You have until Friday to take ownership up them before I send them home to families. Term 3 service hours should be completed by Monday, April 1st and Term 3 ends Friday, April 5th.

Reminder to all 8th graders that your I Am Poem is due Wednesday, March 13th. 

Upcoming Service Opportunities:  
  1. Shamrock Run on Sunday, March 17, 6am-12:30pm: Volunteer and raise money for SES (contact Jarrett Altman at

Friday, March 8, 2019


HW due Monday:


Here is the Nacirema article we read in class if you want to share it with anyone in your family. You have to scroll down to pages 5 and 6 to find it. We will discuss why I would use this to kick off our Ancient Cultures unit in class Monday.

8th graders, a reminder that your I Am poem is due on Wednesday, March 13th. 

Morning Meeting Stuff for Carrie's Class

Thursday, March 7, 2019


HW due Friday:

1. Today in class we spent more time getting comfortable with the idea of our energy unit argumentative essay. We learned about writing thesis statements and topic sentences and considered what claim we wanted to make related to our Energy Unit.

For homework, students should spend 18 more minutes with the work we started in class. This class work included the following steps...

a. Look through my yellow Energy unit folder (especially consider Brainstorm Research activity worksheet)
b. What could my claim related to the Energy Unit be?
c. Do I have enough knowledge/evidence to support my claim? Go through your yellow Energy unit folder and E-Core Journal. Check in on some links on the blog.
d. Work on Graphic Organizer 1…

This is the Argumentative Essay Graphic Organizer 1 we used in class. 

Mindfulness Group Jigsaw Work


Crow pose

Proprioception/ Coordination

Half Moon pose

Crossing the Midline

Eagle pose

Parasympathetic Activation

Forward Folds

Energy Argumentative Essay Resources

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


HW due Thursday:

1. Argumentative Essay - Thesis Statement Practice 
a. Side 1 is notes and examples to help you and side 2 is the homework

If you were not able to take a leadership role at Morning Meeting, make sure you have completed the following Morning Meeting Participation Assignment by Friday.

We are NOT traveling tomorrow and will be at school doing awesome things for the day. Our trip to Reed College Cooley Gallery was rescheduled to Thursday, April 4th.

Service Opportunity TONIGHT from 6:30 - 8:30 @ SES in the Auditorium: Oregon Humanities Conversation Project

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Sorry for the late blog post. Tuesdays I have long meetings after school!

HW due Wednesday:

1. Hero's Journey Assignment #4
a. In addition to to completing the assignment linked above that we worked on in class last week and today you also need to do the following...
-Create 3 images that represent a main character in your book. Write a caption under each image that explains in 1 sentence how that images relates to your character
-List 3 details that you think make a main character in your book a "hero" or "change maker."

Monday, March 4, 2019


HW due Tuesday:

1. Complete the Mic Crenshaw Spoken Word Poetry Unit Reflection. This is a quick reflection and all questions should be treated like assignment questions. None of them are on the level of an "Essential Question."

If you were absent today and are able to, it would be great if you wrote out 8 bars on the topic of "Who Am I?"

Tomorrow we will spend time sharing our "Who Am I" spoken word poems that we worked on in class today. You are encouraged (but not required) to spend another 11 minutes working on this tonight.

If you have been tracking your Read-A-Thon reading units or getting pledges, bring your paperwork into school tomorrow.

Friday, March 1, 2019

3/1 - Weekend Check In

Hi core class! Between the snow days and the 8th grade retreat/6th + 7th health rotations we haven't met for awhile.

You are still expected to be finished with your first Hero's Journey + Change Maker book by Monday.

Speaking of which, this is a reminder that Monday is the last day of the Read-A-Thon!!! How has that been going for you??? I feel like we are not connected in it very well as a core class community because this was such a weird week. Definitely update your units and check in on any pledges people have made for you. Monday is dress like your favorite book character day. I'm excited to see all your creative reading energy in class Monday morning!

Everything else that we left hanging last week we will check in on when we are back together on Monday. This includes your Powell Butte Plant Restoration Field Study Assignment I never collected and the Hero's Journey + Change Maker Reading Assignment #4 that Jeff gave you last Tuesday. We will connect and check in on both of those on Monday. You are NOT expected to have finished your reading assignment #4 yet. Don't worry about it.

Read daily this weekend, make sure you have finished your first Hero's Journey + Change Maker book, and enjoy the weekend!