Wednesday, October 30, 2019


HW due Thursday, October 31st!!!

1. Work on your  Final Choice Fiction Novel Assignment for 24 minutes. You don't have to finish it tonight. You will get time to work on it tomorrow in class as well. It will be due at the end of the class.

2. Tomorrow is the last day of term 1. All late work is due by the end of the day tomorrow. Term 1 Updated Grades - 10/28. If you didn't bring in your evidence of one hour of service learning, be sure to have it tomorrow.

3. NO SCHOOL FRIDAY, 11/1!!!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


HW due Wednesday: 

1. Service Learning - 1 hour completed with evidence of that hour (which can include a parent signature) ---

2. RICE Museum Essential Question ONLY  - We worked on this on 10/10 in class and again this morning in class.

3. Beacon Rock Field Study Assignment - Your Assignment Questions for this were due on 10/25. We worked on the EQ on Monday and this morning in class. 

HW due Thursday at the end of class:

1. Final Choice Fiction Novel Assignment (you will get 20 minutes to work on this Wednesday and an hour to work on this in class on Thursday)

2. All late work!!! Term 1 Updated Grades - 10/28

Term 1 ends Thursday, 10/31

Monday, October 28, 2019


HW due Tuesday: 

1. Bring silent reading material to class for tomorrow morning
2. For My People poem

For My People Poem - Requirements


  • Names at least 1 group you identify with and at least 3 characteristics about that group
  • References at least one misconception or stereotype that group faces 
  • Includes at least one idea about the group that shows what makes them awesome or gives hope to the group

4 Writing Moves:

  • Repeating lines
  • List
  • Specific detail
  • Other: Action words, similes/metaphors, alliteration, or any other writing move you can identify 

Term 1 ends on Thursday, October 31st. You have until then to turn in any late work. Here are the Term 1 - Updated Grades - 10/28 that I shared with families via email on Sunday. 

Friday, October 25, 2019


Harvest Fair - Saturday 4:00 - 7:00 --- Michael's Class Sign Up (there are still open slots if you want to help out!!!)

Make sure you are reading daily for at least 20 minutes this weekend!!!

Thursday, October 24, 2019


HW due Friday:

1. Beacon Rock Field Study Assignment - ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS ONLY (not the EQ)

Friday = SES Run/Walk/Move - Can you get anyone to support you and our school through pledges???

Your first just right choice fiction novel should be complete by Friday, October 25th.

Saturday = Harvest Fair - Do you want to sign up for our fishing booth that evening in the gym? Harvest Fair - Michael's Class Booth - Sign Up Sign ups for cafeteria support will be available tomorrow. Can you bring in any old toys for our fishing booth? Do you want to make a cake for the cake walk? 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


HW due Thursday:

a. Come prepared for cold, windy, wet weather... It might not be like that the entire time, but be prepared for all weather!!! We will be hiking up and down Beacon Rock. Bring appropriate shoes for hiking.
b. Come with 3 facts written down about Beacon Rock -

Friday = SES Run/Walk/Move - Can you get anyone to support you and our school through pledges???

Your first just right choice fiction novel should be complete by Friday, October 25th.

Saturday = Harvest Fair - Do you want to sign up for our fishing booth that evening in the gym? Harvest Fair - Michael's Class Booth - Sign Up Sign ups for cafeteria support will be available tomorrow. Can you bring in any old toys for our fishing booth? Do you want to make a cake for the cake walk? 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


HW due Wednesday:

1. Geology Vocabulary Card - Create a vocabulary card with your assigned geology word (if you forgot or were absent, pick one from the list below). The card should include your word, an image (it can be created or printed), and a definition in your own words.

Geology Vocabulary: Missoula Floods, Basalt, Fissure Volcano, Cinder Cone Volcano, Glacial Erratic, Magma, Beacon Rock, Rock Cycle, Sedimentary Rocks, Igneous Rocks, Metamorphic Rocks

If you left the Terra Tempo graphic novel at home yesterday, please be sure to bring it back tomorrow. RobinÅ› class needs this book!

Thursday = Beacon Rock Field Study (be prepared with appropriate clothes and shoes... It has the potential to be windy, cold, and wet, and we will be hiking for almost 2 total miles up and down).

Friday = SES Run/Walk/Move - We passed out pledge forms today. Can you get anyone to support you and our school through pledges???

Your first just right choice fiction novel should be complete by Friday, October 25th.

Monday, October 21, 2019


HW due Tuesday:

1. Terra Tempo geology graphic novel. Read your Terra Tempo graphic novel for 20 minutes (this can count as your expected 20-30 minutes of daily reading!). Write down 1 connection you made while reading and 2 things you learned about geology through the text. You can write these out anywhere. Please make sure to get the book back to school tomorrow. Thank you!

Thursday = Beacon Rock Field Study (be prepared with appropriate clothes and shoes... It has the potential to be windy, cold, and wet, and we will be hiking for almost 2 total miles up and down).

Friday = SES Run/Walk/Move (I will be passing out forms tomorrow in class)

Your first just right choice fiction novel should be complete by Friday, October 25th.

Saturday = SES Harvest Fair

Monday, October 14, 2019

Outdoor School + Health Rotations Week

6th grade students are Outdoor School this week (10/14 - 10/18).

7th and 8th grade students are at school but in grade level health rotations and are not meeting as core classes. 7th and 8th grade students also have math and Spanish everyday this week.

7th and 8th graders should be reading daily for at least 20-30 minutes this week.  Michael's core class students should be working to finish their first just right choice fiction novel by Tuesday, October 22nd. If 6th graders are worried about finishing their first book by this date, they can have an extension as a result of their time at Outdoor School.

Nobody needs to worry about their Rice Museum of Rocks and Minerals field study assignment. We will wrap up that work together in class next week. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


HW due Thursday:

1. Field study to the Rice Museum of Rocks and Minerals. Come to class prepared with 3 facts about the museum. We will be leaving at 9:30.

2. You will have 9 minutes in class tomorrow to finish your Age Poem that we've been working on all week. If you need more time than that, continue to work on it at home tonight.

3. Bring your choice fiction novel to class tomorrow for silent reading. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


HW due Wednesday: 

1. Choice Fiction Novel Assignment #3

The Rock Cycle - Online Activity

Rock Cycle - Online Learning Worksheet

The Rock Cycle Online Learning Notes
  • Explore each website (links are on the blog…
  • List at least 2 notes per website

Interactive Rock Cycle (With Animations) 
Point and click on rock types and how they move from type to type:

Interactive Rock Cycle
Click on illustration of rock type and description pops up.

Rock Collection: 
Types of rocks, description of rocks, and interactive locations of where these rocks can be found

Interactive Types of Rocks

Monday, October 7, 2019


HW due Tuesday: 

1. Bring your Just Right Choice Fiction novel to class for silent reading to start the day.

2. Complete the Age Poem - Graphic Organizer #1 with at least 8 specific memories filled out.

Thursday = Field Study to RICE Museum
Friday = NO SCHOOL - "State Inservice Day"

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Weekend Updates - 10/5

Here are the Term 1 - Updated Grades - 10/4/19 that I sent home to your families this weekend.

A reminder that you should be reading 20-30 minutes DAILY, including on the weekends!!!

Tomorrow is Garden Day from 9:00 - 1:00 at SES. You are all highly encouraged to go!!!! This is a part of our service learning!

Garden Day THIS Sunday, October 6, 9:00-1:00

For a few hours each Fall and Spring, Sunnyside families come together to take care of the school grounds on what we call "GARDEN DAY." The productivity we can accomplish during this short amount of time is incredible if people show up! Drop by and work for however long you can between 9:00am-1:00pm. Projects that require adult-sized bodies, brains, and tools will be the priority. There will also be small tools and smaller jobs for young people. Please do not drop off your student, there will not be supervision- this is a community event, we encourage you to come as a family or together in chaperoned groups.

For more information on Garden Day, please visit our Garden Day Event Post or contact SES Garden Coordinator Steph at

Thursday, October 3, 2019


HW due Friday:

Thanks to Oabiloe’s epic toss of the ball into the recycling bin, HOMEWORK IS CANCELLED TONIGHT!!!!!!!!

Thanks for an engaged and productive day and my apologies for the hail-storm/break timing in the afternoon.

A reminder that I will be sending your updated grades home this weekend. You can check in with me tomorrow at lunch or after school if you want to take ownership of anything before it goes home to your families.

Intro to Geology Project

Local (and Semi-Local) Geologic Wonders - An Introduction to Geology

Research Requirements: 

Using the Local Geological Wonders Project Document spend least 15 minutes just exploring your group topic.

Watch at least 1 provided video, access at least 1 provided website resource, and find and list at least 1 new helpful, engaging, and informative resource on your own.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


HW due Wednesday:

Things we finished (or almost finished in class) that need to be done by tomorrow:

1. Zoo Tunnel Field Study Assignment + Self-Assessment. Have this completed and turned into the grey E-Core Bin by the start of class tomorrow

2. Metaphor and Simile Graphic Organizer (at least 3 similes, 3 metaphors, and 10 sentences)

Things we didn't work on in class that are due on Wednesday:

3. Choice Fiction Assignment #2 
***Reminder, you only have to complete questions 1, 2, and 3. We will work on question 4 tomorrow in class.*** You can complete these questions on a blank paper or in your Reading Journal.

A reminder that we are not going on a field study this upcoming Thursday.

Saturday is Garden Day at Sunnyside from 9:00 - 1:00.