Thursday, May 30, 2019


HW due Friday:

1. Complete one of the following options for HW. Pick a different option from yesterday. 

Option 1 - What has been inspiring you lately? --- write 1 paragraph

Option 2 - What is a current event that has been interesting to you lately? --- Include the name of the current event and a source where you were learning about this from

Option 3 - Is it appropriate to watch a movie such as The Little Prince during school hours at the end of May in middle school? Why or why not? Give evidence to support your claim.

Term 4 Service Learning hours + 8th Grade Portfolio + 1 hour of SES Garden Service Learning due Tuesday, June 4th

Steph has garden service learning hours available after school on Tuesday, June 4th and Friday, June 7th.

Class Photos + Yearbooks

If you want a yearbook you can order one here or check in at the office. Yearbooks are limited so if you want one make it happen soon.

We are preparing to submit our order for the 2018-2019 Class Photos.  If you intend to place an order, please do so by end of day Friday, May 31st.

Orders may be submitted via SchoolPay or by stopping by our school office.

To purchase using SchoolPay:

Formal Group photo - this is the link to follow:

If you are interested in purchasing a copy of the GOOFY Group photo - this is the link to follow:

Thank you for supporting our GoFund fundraiser.


Ancient Cultures Post Assessment

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


HW due Thursday

1. Choice reading material in class!!!

2. Ancient Cultures Post-Assessment is happening tomorrow morning. No need to study or anything, but know that this will be open note so you would be wise to have your blue ancient cultures folder in class tomorrow. You will respond to 2 out of our 4 unit essential questions:

How do perspectives or biases affect the lens through which we view a culture?
How is culture connected to place?
How are cultures interconnected and unique?
How do ancient practices influence and impact our lives today?

Option 1 - What has been inspiring you lately? --- write 1 paragraph
Option 2 - What is a current event that has been interesting to you lately? --- Include the name of the current event and a source where you were learning about this from

A reminder that you need to have your term 4 service learning and SES garden hours complete by Tuesday, June 4th. 

Steph has availability on Tuesday, June 4th and Friday June 7th for garden work if you still need it.

If you want a yearbook you can order one here or check in at the office. Yearbooks are limited so if you want one make it happen soon.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


HW due Wednesday:

1. Work on your Genius Hour Project for 19 minutes

2. Reed College Calligraphy Extra Credit (write down 3 facts from the Reed College Calligraphy website in preparation for our ancient cultures calligraphy lesson with Gregory tomorrow)

HW due Thursday 
1. Choice reading material in class
2. Ancient Cultures Post-Assessment (this will be open note so you would be wise to have your blue ancient cultures folder in class)

Term 4 Service Learning hours + 8th Grade Portfolio + 1 hour of SES Garden Service Learning due Tuesday, June 4th

If you want a yearbook you can order one here or check in at the office. Yearbooks are limited so if you want one make it happen soon.

Thursday, May 16, 2019


Awesome job with Iron Chef today!!!!!!!

HW due Friday: 

Ancient Cultures - End of Unit Projectuse the rubric as your guide!

-If you want anything printed, please share it with Michael before 8:40 tomorrow morning.
-You will have 15 minutes at the start of class from 10:25 - 10:40 to put everything together and get it on display in the room
-If you need the extra time, you can work on this during your Library time from 9:20 - 10:20. This means that you will need to make up that lost Genius Hour Project work by working extra outside of Library class later on this weekend or the week back from Marine Biology.

Iron Chef - To Do

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


HW due Thursday
This is a continuation of the work and homework from yesterday and the work today. The goal is to have the project complete by the beginning of the day Friday.

1. Spend 23-27 minutes continuing to work on your Ancient Cultural Academy of Sunnyside Learning project. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019


HW due Wednesday:

1. Spend 23-27 minutes continuing to work on your Ancient Cultural Academy of Sunnyside Learning project. 

If you want to come up with a beverage or meal item for Iron Chef tomorrow get a specific recipe that meets our requirements and highlights a special ingredient by 8:40 AM.

Ancient CASL Program - Final Project

Monday, May 13, 2019



HW due Tuesday:

1. Have choice silent reading material in class

2. Iron Chef Feedback + Reflection 

Ask to see if anyone from your family is interested and available to help out with our Iron Chef cooking on either Tuesday or Wednesday from 10:25 - 11:25 or Thursday from 9:30 - 11:30.

Thursday, May 9, 2019


HW due Friday:

Rest easy now that we are out of that hot, hot heat!

1. Mudbone Grown Unity Farm Field Study Assignment (we had 20+ minutes to work on this in class this afternoon. Between that time and the adapted essential question, hopefully you don't have to spend too much time on this tonight).

A reminder that tomorrow is a 1/2 day early dismissal. Middle school will be let out at 11:45. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Service Opportunity! - May 11th

Garden Build Volunteer Day - Saturday, May 11th:

10:00 AM -  We will meet at Parklane Park near SE Main & 155th.  Check Trimet for bus details. Residential and bike parking available.

Garden build day agenda:

10:00 AM -  Meet up at park. Sign-in, get coffee and snacks. Staff will give a brief orientation of Growing Gardens.

10:30 AM - 12:30 PM - Head out to site 1, meet gardeners, build gardens!
12:30 PM - 1:00 PM - Lunch break at first site (bring your lunch)

1:00 PM - 3:00/3:30 PM - Heat out to site 2, meet gardeners, build garden! 

What to Bring
  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes you do not mind getting dirty. Rain gear recommended. Note: We build gardens rain or shine!
  • Work gloves (optional). Growing Gardens has work gloves, but if you have a favorite pair at home, please bring them with you
  • Water bottle
  • Bring packed lunch (there is no microwave)
  • Snacks
  • A smile and your strong muscles!

Portland Public Schools 

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Wednesday = No School - teacher walk out for better school funding

Extra Credit: Read any of the following articles on the teacher walk out tomorrow and write up what your perspective on the article and the walk out are:

New York Times - Oregon Teacher Walk Out
OregonLive - Oregon Teacher Walk Out

HW due Thursday 
1. Field study to Mudbone Grown Unity Farm
a. We will be leaving school at 9:00. Come prepared with a lunch, water, appropriate clothes for getting dirty (no sandals please!), and with a positive attitude.
b. Read the following articles related to Mudbone Grown Unity Farm
Mudbone Grown - Intro Article - 2019
Mudbone Grown Unity Farm Programs - Spring 2019

Ancient CASL - Traveling!!!

Begin the process of your Ancient CASL travel experience by using this form as your guide:

Ancient CASL - My Travel Experience

Also, the updated term 4 grades from 5-3-19 were sent home to your families. These are posted around the room. They can also be found in the link above. 

Monday, May 6, 2019


HW due Tuesday:

1. Finish the Ancient CASL Travel Grant Proposal 
...If you already have the "Potato Head Stamp of Approval" spend an extra 10 minutes engaging in your two different ancient cultures you will be focusing on.

2. Bring in choice silent reading material tomorrow.

Thursday, May 2, 2019


HW due Friday:

1. Japanese Garden Field Study Assignment 

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


HW due Thursday:

1. Tomorrow we are going to the Japanese Gardens from 10:00 - 3:00. The cost is $5 per student. Please either pay online or bring in $5 if you can tomorrow for the trip. Come to class with 5 facts about Japanese Garden.

8th graders a reminder that we are checking in on your 8th grade portfolio work this Friday. You should have 7 assignments (your speech is included in this list if you have gone already) done by then.

Portland Japanese Garden

Other Japanese Garden Background info