Sunday, November 25, 2012

Nothing is due tomorrow!!!

A reminder that NOTHING is due tomorrow.

You can work on your reading pages, botany pages, and SECRETS project, but none of it is due tomorrow. Thanks to all of you who are checking your planners and checking in with me with questions.

NOTHING needs to be done tomorrow BUT you can set yourself up for success by working on the things listed above. Any questions and you can check in with me tomorrow afternoon.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Break

Happy Thanksgiving Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy the time away from school, family, friends, yourself, and of course, food!

Things to consider while away:
1. Have a conversation with your parents about conferences, what you are doing well, and what you can work to improve on

2. Botany Pages... Make sure you are caught up on all the botany pages that were due last week (Nov 12-16)

3. Read!!!!
-You should be caught up to pace, completed sticky notes, and a 1/2 page journal entry by Tuesday, Nov 27th. This means you should be reading while you are away (which is no big deal because good readers read nightly!)

4. SECRETS project
...This is not due until Dec 6th but is definitely something worth thinking about.
...You will be expected to have a project idea and plan by Tuesday, Nov 27th (we will brainstorm together Monday)
....If it would make the project more enjoyable feel free to start working on it over break

5. Service Journal - Buy Nothing Day - Friday, Nov 23rd
...Participate in Buy Nothing Day!
...Service Journal page related to it is due Tuesday, Nov 27th (p. 79)


Friday, November 9, 2012

Beginning of Term 2!

Congrats to most of you on a strong finish to the term. I thoroughly enjoyed our field trip to Tillamook. Both because of the engaging learning at the Tillamook Forest Center and because of all the interesting things your brains came up with for the "equation analysis tests" on both bus rides.

I hope everyone enjoys their LOOOOOONG 4 day (!!!!!) weeekend! 

Grades are officially submitted for term 1. We are now back to the beginning of a new term. Each and every one of you has straight A's for your 2nd term. Be engaged, participate, and stay on on top of your work starting from day 1 and you can keep those straight A's!

HW due Tuesday.... 

1. Field Study Questions
...Extra Assignment Question: Where did you see your expert area in the forest today? Give some specific examples.

2. Reading... We will be having book groups on Tuesday.
Make sure you have done the following.
-Bring book to class!
-Have read to the agreed page (no less, no farther)
-Sticky notes (chapter summary/predictions, questions, connections)
-Reading Journal (see below for more details)

3. Writing.... Basic rough draft of your choices story...
-Hook, introduction to setting, characters
-Choice 1 (not the real choice) with exploded moment
-Choice 2 (what really happened) with exploded moment
-Result and conclusion of story based off your real choice.

4. 1 fact/story related to Veteran's Day (this Monday)

Reading Journal Requirements title/name of book

Respond to one or several of the questions on the main (yellow!) sheet for the Forest Novel reading assignments. Your response should be a minimum of 1/2 page. If you have lost the sheet below are some of the questions to consider.
-What do you think is the most important thing the author wants you think, know, or feel? WHY?
-What parts of the book were difficult for you and how did you get through them?
-What tricks do you notice the writer using that you want to try sometime in your writing?
-What social issues are involved with this story?
-What kind of music would you choose for the soundtrack for a movie of this book? What actors would play what roles?