Friday, November 30, 2018

Weekend HW - Riparian Festival Project

I am sorry to say but this is one of the very few times where you will actually have real life weekend homework from me this year...

Weekend HW due Monday:

1. How Does Our Earth Work - Individual interactive Project
a. Spend 31 minutes total this weekend working on this project that we will celebrate and share next Friday at the Riparian Festival  (though you are welcome to spend more time on it if you get into it and have the space/energy to do so).

You don't need to write anything down from your work this weekend unless you want to. My goal is that you can come into class on Monday able to answer the following questions:

-What is my geology concept? 
-What is my research question?
-How can I share my learning and response to my research question in an interactive way?
-What materials do I need to make this happen?

A reminder that we will do the project write-up and connections web in class, meaning you only need to focus your energy on the questions and work above.

The project will be due Friday, December 7th, though you should be pretty be much done with everything but the project write-up and connections web by the start of the school day Thursday.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

How Does Our Earth Work - Individual interactive Project

HW due Friday:

1. How Does Our Earth Work - Individual interactive Project
a. Spend 22 minutes continuing your work from this afternoon on your How Our Earth Works - Individual Interactive Project... All you need to do tonight is spend 22 minutes continuing to think about which geologic concept you are most interested in further exploring through this project. You don't need to write anything down unless you want to. My hope is that you come to class tomorrow with an idea of which geologic concept you want to focus on and what your research question could be. We will spend more time in class tomorrow thinking about how you could create an interactive project showing your learning around that research question. 

Geology - Volcano - Online Exploration

Geology - Volcano - Online Exploration
a. Read through the main volcanoes website
b. Click on any of the links you want, but you need to click on the links for volcano types (composite, shield, cinder cone)
c. Find other great resource to explore

Please keep your volume low or off (definitely off in the game!)

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


HW due Thursday:

We are not travelling tomorrow. We will be working on writing and geology and awesomeness throughout the day.

1. Writing for Justice - Narrative Leads (HOOKS)
a. We spent time in class reading On Cracking White City and discussing and defining the terms Perpetrator, Target, Upstander, and Bystander. Using the Narrative Leads - Writing a Hook handout as your guide, write 3 different hooks (each hook only has to be 2- 5 sentences long... these are just the VERY beginning of the story you could tell) for a story or multiple stories that you put down on your Writing For Justice Graphic Organizer this afternoon. Don't spend more than 26 minutes on this.

2Post Conferences Student Reflection - If you need more time to complete this, just let me know.

Find an awesome or cheesy video that is less than 5 minutes that we could share with the class related to VOLCANOES

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


HW due Wednesday:

1. Geology - orange Dynamic Earth Textbook - VOLCANOES
...With the orange textbook that you took home today read pages 88-91 and and respond to questions 1-3 on p. 91. Read pages 93-102 and respond to questions 1-3 on p. 102. This is a continuation from our work this morning in class. 

Monday, November 26, 2018


HW due 11/27:

a. Follow the prompts on the worksheet. Remember you don't have to use those exact colors, just note any changes on the key. You can be quick and rushed in your coloring. What matters most is that you notice where the major tectonic plates are and how they move against the other plates. Don't forget to do the work on the side focused on convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries. 

Extra Credit:
1. Find an awesome or cheesy video that is less than 5 minutes that we could share with the class related to any of the following:
-plate tectonics
-sea floor spreading
-plate boundaries
-divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries

HW due Thursday (unless we set up an alternative plan):
1. Post Conferences Student Reflection
a. Check in with your families about this and be specific in your responses

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Fall Break

Enjoy your fall break folks!

Here are the updated grades for Term 2: Term 2 Grades - 11/16/18

If there are assignments on there that you need access to, send me a quick email ( and I can pass them your way

A reminder that you should be reading daily during this break!!! Here are some great reads for middle schoolers if you are having a hard time getting a just right and meaningful book in your hands these days: Books Middle Schoolers in Michael's Class Should Read!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2018


HW due Friday:
-Homework is cancelled tonight. You have no homework due Friday thanks to Henry E's amazing smiley face ball throwing skills. Hooray!
-Make sure you are reading for at least 20 minutes daily
-Has your family signed up for Fall Conferences next Monday or Tuesday? Check here:

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


HW due Thursday:
Create 2 vocabulary cards using any of the following geology words. Your vocabulary card should include the word, an image, and a definition that you put into your own words (Meaning you can't just copy/paste it from the internet! You have to own what you think it means after reading about it).

Geology Vocabulary:
-Cinder Cone volcano
-Composite Volcano
-Shield volcano
-Plate tectonics
-Continental Drift
-Fault (related to earthquakes)

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Welcome back to the world of daily homework. Hooray. Make sure you are reading daily for 20-30 minutes.

HW due Wednesday:
1. Coming of Age - Short Stories Assignment #4

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Fall Conferences - 11/19 + 11/20

Fall Conferences for Parents/Guardians/Loving Adults are Monday, November 19th and Tuesday, November 20th. There is no school for students those two days.

Please sign up for a conference slot using our Sign Up Genius:
Fall Conferences Sign-Up Link - CLICK HERE

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Can We Predict Earthquakes? - Video

Today we watched a video about earthquake science by SciShow. Here is a link to their video "Can We Predict Earthquakes?".