Monday, March 23, 2020

Michael's Class - Daily Distance Learning

I miss you all!!! Being apart from our incredible core class community for such an uncertain amount of time is difficult beyond words. I am thinking of you all as individuals and as a group. As Mo Phillips has been saying, "Together Apart!"

Above all else, be good to yourselves and your families and work to support your physical and mental health.

Here is a link to your daily distance learning assignment...

Michael’s Class - Daily Distance Learning

Work with your families to see what makes most sense for you all. You are encouraged to share your work with me.

You will also find other support resources on the side of this blog where I normally keep our field study calendar.

Take care, take care, take care!!!


Friday, March 13, 2020

Helpful Links During the Extended Break...

Michael's Class Grades - Term 3 - 2020 - Share with Families 3/11

8th Grade Portfolio Assignment

Counseling Support - from Rebecca

Information and Resources Regarding Extended Spring Break, Including Meals

Amy Kleiner's PPS Phone --- 971-3478429 (which includes some interesting digital learning resources)

Heather's SES Learning from Home Resources

OPB - Oregon High School Students Reflect On Coronavirus And Xenophobia

A google form for those interested in helping out with aide.

A spreadsheet of food pick up sites and materials

Coding Resources: (Scholastic is offering 3 hours of free content for 20 days!)

Comic Creator:

Acrostic Poem Creator:

PPS Research Resources:

"Digital Breakouts" From Gillian
Persuasive Essay Resources: 

Thursday, March 12, 2020


HW due Friday:

Thank you for your flexibility with our field study cancellation today. 

1. READ for at least 20 minutes. Make sure you continue to engage in daily reading!!!

2. Take care of yourself and be good to your family.

We will finish our persuasive essays together in class. 

Persuasive Essay Writing and Links

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


HW due Thursday:

1. Field study ... we are going on a field study tomorrow to the Portland Art Museum and Oregon Historical Society. Come prepared with a lunch, warm clothes (we will be eating outside), and an engaged mind. 

Extra credit if you write down 1 fact about each of the following exhibits we will be seeing tomorrow: 

Portland Art Museum

Oregon Historical Society 

2. Persuasive Essay - Self-Editing - complete the self-editing sheet no matter where you are at in the writing process of your persuasive essay (don't spend more than 23 minutes on this).

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


HW due Wednesday: 

Complete one of the following 4 HW options for tomorrow. You must choose something different from last week:

1. Read for 20 minutes. Write down what you read and what stood out to you about it and why. Include an image and a caption from an important moment of your reading.
2. Read a choice article on NewsELA that you find relevant and engaging. Write a 3 sentence summary of what you read and the name of the article.
3. Write a persuasive paragraph convincing me of something related to life in Room 211
4. Write 8 bars about your Tuesday

Monday, March 9, 2020


HW due Tuesday: 

1. Bring choice silent reading material to class tomorrow.

2. You all made great progress on your persuasive essays in class today. Continue working on your essay for another 15 minutes tonight. Consider any of the following mini-lessons we have done while you work:


Essay Transition Words (use at least 3 in your essay)

Thursday, March 5, 2020


HW due Friday:

Complete one of the following 4 HW options for tomorrow. You can choose which one:

1. Read for 20 minutes. Write down what you read and what stood out to you about it and why. Include an image and a caption from an important moment of your reading.
2. Read a choice article on NewsELA that you find relevant and engaging. Write a 3 sentence summary of what you read and the name of the article.
3. Write a persuasive paragraph convincing me of something related to life in Room 211
4. Write 8 bars about your Thursday

Persuasive Essay Writing

Tuesday, March 3, 2020


HW due Wednesday: 

2. Is anyone going lead our "What's been inspiring you lately?" for First Thoughts tomorrow???