Thursday, January 30, 2020


HW due Friday:

1. Mercy Corps Assignment Questions (we will do the EQ tomorrow afternoon)

2. Mic Crenshaw Spoken Word Poetry - watch 1 Mic Crenshaw video and write down one thing that stood out to you from it in preparation for our first lesson with him tomorrow morning.

Extra Credit - Watch Mic's TED Talk and write down 2 things that stood out to you from it

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


HW due Thursday:
1. Come with your signed permission form prepared for our field study to Mercy Corps.
We will be leaving at 9:05.

2. Spoken Word Poetry - HW - In preparation for our spoken word poetry unit with Mic Crenshaw ((, watch one spoken word poetry video. Write down 3 words that come to mind right after you are done with the video.

Portland Public Schools - Verselandia
(2 hours long presentation from PPS high school students doing spoken word!)
Kobe Bryant - Dear Basketball

Extra Credit --- write down 3 facts about the Mercy Corps Action Center  -

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


HW due Wednesday:

1. Hero's Journey + Change Maker Reading Assignment #1 
a. For the next week, practice "monitoring comprehension" by using sticky notes at the end of each chapter (or another 'stopping point' of your choosing depending on the style of book you have). Write a 1-3 sentence summary of what you think are the most important things going on in your book at the end of each chapter on a sticky note and then leave it in your book.
b. When responding to the "Hero's Journey" question, you can reference this video for support (TED ED - Hero's Journey. You can also adapt the question depending on where you are at in your book to refer to a different moment in the Hero's Journey.

We are headed to Mercy Corps to learn about water issues, access, and equity. Can someone in your family join us for the experience? We need more field study volunteers this winter.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Winter Easy CBM

Friday AM - Core Class:

Students should be silently and independently engaged during the Easy CBM testing process in the morning.

1. Take Easy CBM WINTER vocabulary and comprehension tests. Click here for the link:

2. Michael's teacher name is mjansa.

Thursday, January 23, 2020


HW due Friday:

Term 2 ends tomorrow. All work is due tomorrow! Here are the grades as they stand... Michael's Class Grades - End of Term 2 to Share - 2019-20

1. Term 2 Service Learning Reflection - If you want me to print it, share it with me before 8:30 tomorrow morning.

Service learning reflections should include: 
  • Hook (action, thought, dialogue) 
  • A minimum of 3 paragraphs of writing
    • What?
    • SO WHAT? → What did you learn about yourself through this experience? → GIVE SPECIFIC EVIDENCE OF THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • NOW WHAT?!?!
      • Connect your service learning experience to a bigger idea
      • Share a specific opportunity or organization and what they do that connects to your experience
  • Concluding thought
  • Creative piece
Consider → use your pink-ish rubric and the organization and conventions editing handout as a guide while you write

Be thinking about selecting your "Hero's Journey + Change Maker" novel and getting it into class
Hero's Journey - Book List

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


HW due Thursday:

1. We are going on a field study tomorrow to the Columbia Wastewater Treatment Plant. Come prepared to be outside for part of the day and ready to go with a lunch. Extra credit - Write down three facts about where we are going tomorrow and have them when you walk into school tomorrow morning.

2. Service Learning Reflection - Work on your term 2 service learning reflection for 21 minutes. Consider the notes we had projected onto the board today while we were writing.

Service learning reflections should include: 

  • Hook (action, thought, dialogue) 
  • A minimum of 3 paragraphs of writing
    • What?
    • SO WHAT? → What did you learn about yourself through this experience? → GIVE SPECIFIC EVIDENCE OF THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • NOW WHAT?!?!
      • Connect your service learning experience to a bigger idea
      • Share a specific opportunity or organization and what they do that connects to your experience
  • Concluding thought
  • Creative piece

Consider → use your pink-ish rubric and the organization and conventions editing handout as a guide while you write

Term 2 ends Friday, January 24th

Be thinking about selecting your "Hero's Journey + Change Maker" novel and getting it into class

Hero's Journey - Book List

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


HW due Wednesday:

Service Learning Reflection - Editing Practice Worksheet (complete page 1 only)

We will work on your Service Learning reflection in class tomorrow afternoon. A reminder that we won't have Morning Meeting tomorrow and instead will have a presentation from the Portland Water Bureau in Karen's room starting right at 8:45.

Service Learning Reflections - Student Examples

HW due Thursday:

"Hero's Journey + Change Maker" novel selected and in class

Hero's Journey - Book List

Term 2 ends Friday, January 24th

Friday, January 17, 2020

Weekend Updates - 1/17/20

HW due Tuesday: 

***If you have not already done so, share the Community Expectations sheet with your family and bring it back with it signed by an adult in your life.***

1. Term 2 service learning hours (3) complete

HW due Thursday:

"Hero's Journey + Change Maker" novel selected and in class

Hero's Journey - Book List

Term 2 ends Friday, January 24th 

Term 2 - Updated Grades - 1/15/20

MLK Day of Service Learning (DAY ON) Events in Portland:

Thursday, January 16, 2020


HW due Friday:

1. Share the Community Expectations sheet with your family and bring it back with it signed by an adult in your life.

2. No other homework due tomorrow. Thanks for your patience with Zephyr the last 30 minutes of class today folks!

Hero's Journey - Book List

Thursday In Class - PM

Creating a Hero's Journey Story 

Clever --- 

  1. Grab a chromebook click CLEVER in the PPS student portal 
  2. Click “Teacher Pages M. Jansa”
  3. Click “Book Creator”
  4. The class code is 5WKTTJ5
  5. Play around with the app and consider taking a tutorial. 
  6. Your goal by the end of the period is to create a comic that explains one of the essential skills to your third grade buddy. Make up a story, invent some characters, and get creative! Think- what language and imagery can we use to engage a 1st/2nd grader and help them grasp the meaning of the essential (super) skill…..

Term 2 - Updated Grades - 1/15/20

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


HW due Thursday: 

We are not traveling tomorrow, but are going to the Belmont Library after lunch to begin our Hero's Journey choice reading unit.

1. Essential Questions - Vocab Card #2 - Students should make another Essential Skills vocabulary word (pick a different one than last time) that includes an explanation of the skill in their own words and an image

Discipline + Self-Control
Empathy + Solidarity
Grit + Perseverance
Critical Consciousness

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


HW due Wednesday: 

1. Read Water article. Highlight 3 big ideas and respond to the two questions at the end (In what ways does water impact the Earth and influence life? What are some of water’s basic qualities?

Monday, January 13, 2020


HW due Tuesday:

1. Silent reading material in class!!!

2. Thank You M'am - Written Response

Complete the work that we spent time on in class... Why does Mrs. Jones take Roger home?

Using R.A.C.E., make a claim with at least 2 pieces of direct evidence from the text that support your response.

Restate the question
Answer the question
Cite evidence
EXPLAIN how your evidence supports your claim

Reminder that you need to have your Term 2 service learning hours complete by Tuesday, January 21st and that Term 2 ends on Friday, January 24th. 

Check out our updated winter field studies (and adult volunteer sign-up) on the side of the blog. 

Thursday, January 9, 2020


HW due Friday:

1. Essential Skills Vocabulary Card
-Pick 1 Essential Skill that you have not already worked on and create a vocabulary card for it that includes the name, an explanation of what it means to you, and an image representing that skill.

Discipline + Self-Control
Empathy + Solidarity
Grit + Perseverance
Critical Consciousness

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


HW due Thursday: 

-No field study tomorrow

1. Read NewsELA article on Curiosity (if you can't access this link, search curiosity in NewsELA and click on the article titled "Curiosity changes the brain to boost memory and learning"). After reading the article write down 1 question you had while reading and create an image that represents a "fixed mindset" and a "growth mindset" based off our learning at the end of class today.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020


HW due Wednesday: 

1. Post Winter Break - Reading and Life Check In - This is a 5 point assignment. Treat it as such. You can respond in writing or verbally record your responses. This should not take more than 20 minutes to complete unless you want to really have fun with your drawings. 

Monday, January 6, 2020


Welcome back to the flow of school in the new year and new decade!!! It was great seeing you all today.

HW due Tuesday:

1. The only homework you have this afternoon/evening is to make sure you continue reading daily for at least 20 minutes and to bring in choice silent reading material for tomorrow morning

Morning Meeting Survey