Monday, October 31, 2016


HW due Tuesday:

***Enjoy Halloween. Spread kindness and positivity amidst all the Halloween shenanigans and costumes.

Though you have nothing due Tuesday, you would be wise to spend 15-30 minutes working on your Columbia River Gorge Beacon Rock field study assignment this afternoon. We also worked on this for 20 minutes in class today. This is going to be due Wednesday at the start of class. You will have other homework due Wednesday as well. Set yourself up for success Tuesday night tonight.

HW due Wednesday:
1. Columbia River Gorge Beacon Rock field study assignment
2. Term 1 Service Reflection - Resubmit (based off the feedback I give you Tuesdsay)

Thursday we are going to an Earthquake lab at OMSI
Thursday is the last day of term 1

Columbia River Gorge  
Beacon Rock

Essential Question:
  1. How did two very different floods—one a molten lava flow and the other raging floodwaters—sculpt this landscape around you? How does Beacon Rock connect to both? Give specific evidence from what you learned and observed today on this field study

Student Brainstorm Examples
    1. From the top of the rock → seeing the layers of the basalt in the gorge (evidence of the molten lava flows from 16 million years ago)
    2. Nature Journal → seeing the hills and layers of the columbia river gorge
    3. noticing how flat the area between the hills because of the floods ripping floods
    4. nature journal → the odd shaped grooves of beacon rock showed how it had been worn down by the flood
    5. From the top of the rock → edges
    6. From the Missoula Floods info sign at the bottom and top of Beacon Rock → How high and powerful the Missoula Floods were
    7. Noticing the rock formations all around me made out of Basalt from the lava flows
    8. The story Michael told from the top of Rocky Butte, an extinct Boring Lava Volcano, about the Missoula Floods coming through the Gorge into Portland

Assignment Questions:  
  • Essential Question answered thoughtfully and thoroughly.
  • Beacon Rock worksheet + nature journal complete

  1. How can land formations and rock layers/arrangements/patterns/type tell geologists the story of a place?
  2. What was the most awesome geological experience/thought you had today?
  3. Describe one awesome interaction you had today with a classmate that you don’t normally hang out with that much.

Sunday, October 30, 2016


SORRY for the super late weekend blog post!!!! I was at an all day teacher conference yesterday. My bad!

HW due Monday:

1. Term 1 Service Reflection!!!
...Follow the green service rubric as your guide. Attach it to you reflection when you turn it in
...The reflection should have a minimum of 3 paragraphs (What? SO WHAT?! NOW WHAT?!?!)
...The reflection should include a hook, concluding thought, and creative element
...You should have this at the start of class. If you want me to print this it should be emailed/shared with me before school starts on Monday
...When you share things with me, share with both AND
...If you lost the super important green service handout rubric, tsk tsk. I don't have the exact copy of that rubric available digitally. However, you can use this rubric, which is very similar to the front page of my green service handout rubric: Service Rubric (similar to mine)

We will work on your Columbia River Gorge - Beacon Rock field study assignment in class Monday. This is not weekend homework

Thursday = TERM 1 ENDS!!!

Service Opportunity:
Tuesday - 6:30 - 8:30 Cultural Exchange - Dia de los Muertos celebration
...The celebration starts at 6:30 at the Sunnyside baseball field. At 7:00 a procession down Belmont will begin, ending at Holocene. The event at Holocene ends at 10:00 (though if you do this, you definitely don't have to stay the entire time).
...This is not a SES teacher sponsored event, meaning teachers may be there, but they are not responsible for students. Students should work with the adults in their life to have a plan if they attend this event (Who will chaperone? How will you get home?)

6th Graders - A Note from Friendship
6th grade service project was introduced in friendship!
Weekend homework is to talk to your families about this awesome project!
Due November 2nd- Must know what your project idea is and who you will be working with!
Due November 16th- Service is completed
Due November 30th- Tri-fold board finished (we will have time in class).

Thursday, October 27, 2016


AWESOME field study today!!!

HW due Friday:

1. For My People poem
...Your completed draft tomorrow should have all of the writing moves and content pieces from the drafting/rubric graphic organizer below (pasted below). Be prepared to turn in your draft tomorrow with all of your other graphic organizers/drafts stapled behind it.

2. Choice Fiction Novel Final Assignment
...This has been assigned since Tuesday. We had time to work on it class Tuesday morning and afternoon. If you are feeling overwhelmed, you can turn the creative piece in on Monday if you self-advocate and check in with me before class.


Saturday, Oct 29th - No Ivy Day

Sunday, Oct 30th - Portland Parks Basket Weaving

Name: __________________________

For My People - Drafting + Rubric

Poem Title: _______________________________________

Writing Moves
Example Line From My Poem
Repeating Lines

Repeating Words/Phrases


Action Words

(student choice)
shift/change of pace
beginning/ending cycle back and connect

Example From My Poem
Positive Attributes

Misconceptions stereotypes that are wrong!

Hardships overcome

Drafting Process
What I added/changed

What I added/changed

Name: ______________________________ Book Title ____________________________

Book author _________________________

Choice Fiction Novel – Final Assignment
***Use your Reading Journal notes and assignments for support/guidance
***If you need more space you can type your responses or add extra paper

Summarize the book in 3 – 7 sentences…

Good Reader Strategies:
  1. What are the main Good Readers strategies we discussed? How can they help you as a reader?

  1. Explain how you can use background knowledge every time before you read (not just the first time you pick up a book)…

  1. What is the difference between a quick prediction and making a good reader inference? Explain.

  1. How does asking questions and making connections help you as a reader? Give a specific example

  1. What were three things/big ideas/messages that you took away from your book and reading experience this past month?

Choice Fiction Novel - Final Assignment - Creative Piece
  • Write a 1 page story that takes your main character and places them into a real life setting. Based off what you know about your character how would they act in our world?

  • Create a video, song, skit, animation, or puppet show that either summarizes your book or represents one of the major scenes. Be prepared to share this with the class.

  • Design a poster or new book cover depicting the climax of the story. In addition to the poster/book cover there needs to be a written paragraph that explains what is happening in the scene you created.

  • Make a scrapbook/collage of all the different topics that were brought up in your novel. Explain how 5 of the things in your collage connect to your book and why they are important.

  • Create a bookmark that best represents your book, its messages, and the images it created in your brain. This should have a minimum of 6 things that represent different parts of your book. On the back of your bookmark explain how each represent a part of your book.

  • Re-create the ending to your book and/or add on to the ending. Show the characters and one main idea from  your story in your new ending. It should be at least 1 page.

  • Come up with something else for your final assignment. Run it by Michael FIRST before you go through with it to create some expectations together.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Michael’s Core Class - Wednesday, 10/26 - Planner

Homework due Thursday:
  1. Field Study - Columbia  River Gorge
    1. We are leaving right at the start of school, come on time, with water, a lunch, and appropriate clothing and shoes (we will be hiking in the rain!!!!)

  1. Missoula Flood Computer/Internet Research
    1. On the other side of this handout, work to find out more about the Missoula Floods. Spend 15-20 minutes on those websites (they are also linked blelow) and working on the research sheet. You do NOT need to finish it. Work on it for 15-20 minutes (no more!). Get as much done as you can in that time.If you don't have access to the internet tell me and I can support you with a similar assignment

Homework due Friday:
  1. Choice Fiction Final Novel Assignment
  2. For My People poem
***We will share both of these in class Friday morning***

We will have time in class Friday afternoon  to work on our service reflections

Homework due Monday, October 31st:

  1. Term 1 Service Reflection


Saturday, Oct 29th - No Ivy Day

Sunday, Oct 30th - Portland Parks Basket Weaving

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


HW due Wednesday:

1. For My People - Rough Draft Poem
...Complete your graphic organizer
...Use the examples as a guide
...Consider what writing moves you are using (repeating lines, words, lists, shifts in the pace of the writing, action words, etc...)
...Bring a rough draft to school tomorrow

Thursday = Columbia Gorge field study (wear warm clothes!)

Friday = Choice Fiction Novel Final Assignment due

Monday = Term 1 Service Reflection due

Monday, October 24, 2016

Welcome Back 10-24

HW due Tuesday:

1. Mt. St. Helens field study assignment

most of you already completed this! That means you don't have HW tonight :) :) :) Tonight would be  a good day to check your grades, make sure you have no missing work (and to work on your missing assignments if you do), and to make sure you have completed all of your fall service hours.

Mt. St. Helens
Volcano Field Study
October 13th, 2016
SES → 503-916-6226  MJ →503.901.9775 Johnston Ridge Observatory→ 360.274.2140

Essential Question
  1. What makes a visit to Mt. St. Helens an essential part to our geology curriculum? How did this field study connect to our previous learning? Use examples from our trip to show evidence, connections, and observations related to these questions.

Restate → Answer → Cite → Evidence

  • Complete essential and assignment questions
  • Completed Johnson Ridge Observatory worksheet
  • Completed nature journal

2. Where did you see examples of Constructive and Destructive forces today?

3. What was the most interesting thought you had today? Explain.

4. Considering the long bus ride, was this field study worth it? Using evidence from your day, explain why you say yes or no.

If you still need service, check out this service opportunity this weekend:
Upcoming Service Opportunities:

No Ivy Day - Oct 29

Friday, October 21, 2016

Harvest Fair and Core Class Weekend HW

Welcome back from Outdoor School 6th grade!!!!!!!

Tomorrow, Saturday, Oct 22nd is Harvest Fair. 6th graders, come volunteer and get some service.

You can sign up for our class booth, Pumpkin Bowling, in the gym here: Harvest Fair - Class Booth Volunteering

You can sign up to help out in the cafeteria here: Harvest Fair - Cafeteria Volunteering

HW due Monday, October 24th:

1. Mt. St. Helens Field Study Assignment
...I'm going to collect this in the afternoon, so you can work on it Monday at lunch if you need extra time/support.
...Because most of your E-Cores are at school do this on a blank sheet of paper and attach it to your Mt. St. Helens packet. I will collect the packets instead of your E-Core Journals.

Mt. St. Helens
Volcano Field Study
October 13th, 2016
SES → 503-916-6226  MJ →503.901.9775 Johnston Ridge Observatory→ 360.274.2140

Essential Question
  1. What makes a visit to Mt. St. Helens an essential part to our geology curriculum? How did this field study connect to our previous learning? Use examples from our trip to show evidence, connections, and observations related to these questions.

Restate → Answer → Cite → Evidence

  • Complete essential and assignment questions
  • Completed Johnson Ridge Observatory worksheet
  • Completed nature journal

2. Where did you see examples of Constructive and Destructive forces today?

3. What was the most interesting thought you had today? Explain.

4. Rate yourself on a 1-4 scale (4 high) on your learning engagement today and provide evidence. INSTEAD OF QUESTION #3, IF YOU PREFER, I WOULD LIKE YOUR HONEST FEEDBACK... RESPOND TO THIS NEW QUESTION: Considering the long bus ride, was this field study worth it? Using evidence from your day, explain why you say yes or no.

Upcoming Service Opportunities:

No Ivy Day - Oct 29

Friday, October 14, 2016

Outdoor School Week

WOW! What a trip to Mt. St. Helens. You were all incredible with your attitude, engagement, curiosity, and patience yesterday.

Next week:

7th Grade - Come to Monday prepared for your Maker Space experience (bring a lunch)
8th Grade - Come to school ready to connect, lead, question, and learn

Saturday, Oct 22nd - Harvest Fair - 4:00 - 7:00
...Come join/volunteer!!!!!

HW due Monday, October 24th:

1. Mt. St. Helens Field Study Assignment
...I'm going to collect this in the afternoon, so you can work on it Monday at lunch if you need extra time/support.

Mt. St. Helens
Volcano Field Study
October 13th, 2016
SES → 503-916-6226  MJ →503.901.9775 Johnston Ridge Observatory→ 360.274.2140

Essential Question
  1. What makes a visit to Mt. St. Helens an essential part to our geology curriculum? How did this field study connect to our previous learning? Use examples from our trip to show evidence, connections, and observations related to these questions.

Restate → Answer → Cite → Evidence

  • Complete essential and assignment questions
  • Completed Johnson Ridge Observatory worksheet
  • Completed nature journal

2. Where did you see examples of Constructive and Destructive forces today?

3. What was the most interesting thought you had today? Explain.

4. Rate yourself on a 1-4 scale (4 high) on your learning engagement today and provide evidence. INSTEAD OF QUESTION #3, IF YOU PREFER, I WOULD LIKE YOUR HONEST FEEDBACK... RESPOND TO THIS NEW QUESTION: Considering the long bus ride, was this field study worth it? Using evidence from your day, explain why you say yes or no.

Upcoming Service Opportunities:

No Ivy Day - Oct 29

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

10/12 - Mt. St. Helens tomorrrow!

HW due Thursday:

1. Mt. St. Helens Field Study
-Lunch, Water Bottle
-Meet in my room no later than 8:20... Please do not be late
-We will be back at SES by 4:00

2. Volcano Reading Handout
...Read, describe shield, cinder cone, composite, and calderas, highlights the parts of a volcano, and list three facts about Mt. St. Helens

Where we are gong tomorrow
Mt. St. Helens Website

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


HW due Wednesday:

1. Choice Fiction Novel Assignment #4
2. Spread joy and positivity!!!

Choice Fiction Assignment #4 (answer in Reading Journal)
Choice Fiction Novel Check In
  1. Check In…
    1. What is the title of your book? Who is the author?
    2. What page are you on? What do you need to do to finish your book by Thursday, October 13th?!
    3. How often have you been reading this month?

Good Readers Monitor Comprehension … (DO WHILE READING!!!!)
  1. Using sticky notes or strips of paper monitor your comprehension while reading. Write a 1-3 sentence summary on each sticky note to monitor your comprehension. I should see these in your book (having your book at school with your sticky  notes the day this is due is part of the assignment!!!) make at least 4 sticky notes where you monitor your comprehension

Good Readers make inferences
  1. An inference is like a prediction but you give reasons WHY you are making your prediction based on evidence from the text. What is one inference you have about will happen next in your story. GIVE EVIDENCE as to WHY you think this will happen based off what you have already read.

4. Good Readers make connections!!! List (you do not need to explain it) one connection you made with the page number and what kind of connection it is

5. Good Readers ask questions!!! List one clarifying question and one ponderable question with the page number

1. Choice Fiction Novel finished (if you already finished your first novel don't worry about it)
...If you are not going to be able to finish your first novel by this Thursday you need to come have a 1 on 1 conversation with me about your book before Thursday in the morning, at lunch, or after school. Self-advocate for yourself so we can set up an alternative reading plan
2. Mt. St. Helens field study - 8:20 - 4:00 (lunch, water, WARMTH!!!)