Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Welcome to the month of March folks.

HW due Tuesday: 
1. Bring silent reading material to school tomorrow

2. Persuasive Writing --- spend 16 minutes working on your Water is Life persuasive essay. Do you know your topic and claim? Were you able to complete most of the Brainstorm Research Graphic Organizer?Do you have enough evidence from multiple valid sources to support your claim? Were you able to access any valuable evidence from the Room 211 - Shared Class Research? If you can answer yes to all of the above, you are ready to begin focusing on your Persuasive Essay - GRAPHIC ORGANIZERBegin by focusing on your thesis statement and topic sentences. 

Credible Sources Google Form 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


HW due Wednesday:

1. Thesis Statements Practice - Write 3 thesis statements on the subject of your choice about essays you could in theory write. Consider our notes below:

Thesis Statements Notes

  • The thesis statement is like the MAP to your essay… when a person reads the thesis statement, they should know what the rest of the essay is going to be about
  • It introduces and summarizes the entire argument
  • Within the thesis statement we should see an introduction to what each body paragraph will be about
  • Last sentence of the first introductory paragraph
  • Avoid use of I/we/us/our

Topic Sentences NOTES:

  • Like a thesis statement, but just for one body paragraph
  • First sentence of the body paragraph
  • It should be arguable
  • Avoid use of I/we/us/me/our
  • States the main point of the paragraph and…how it connects to the entire essay

Michael's example thesis statement that he did not want to write: 

Although Michael would STRONGLY disagree and has evidence to prove it, Haviva is better than Michael in Connect 4 BECAUSE she claims to have a better record and has more daily practice. 

Water is Life


  • Middle school students should or should not have a month long “Water is Life unit.”
  • Students in Portland should or should not visit the Columbia Wastewater Treatment Plant.
  • It is or is not important to know about Portland’s water systems.
  • Mercy Corps is or is not working to address water issues both locally and globally

Search on Youtube - Mos Def - New World Water - Lyrics

Monday, February 24, 2020


HW due Tuesday:

1. Hero's Journey + Change Maker book in class. First book should be finished by tomorrow unless we have had a conversation.

2. Thesis Statement Practice ... Of the 8 sentences written, complete the following:
  • Find and circle the two perfect thesis statements (Give one reason why it works and write out what the main point and body paragraphs will be about)
  • Put an X next to thesis statements that are not effective (For these thesis statements write 1 thing that does not work about it)

2/24 - Thesis Statements Notes

  • The thesis statement is like the MAP to your essay… when a person reads the thesis statement, they should know what the rest of the essay is going to be about
  • It introduces and summarizes the entire argument
  • Within the thesis statement we should see an introduction to what each body paragraph will be about
  • Last sentence of the first introductory paragraph
  • Avoid use of I/we/us/our

Water is Life

Water is Life


  • Middle school students should or should not have a month long “Water is Life unit.”
  • Students in Portland should or should not visit the Columbia Wastewater Treatment Plant.
  • It is or is not important to know about Portland’s water systems.
  • Mercy Corps is or is not working to address water issues both locally and globally

Search on Youtube --> Mos Def - New World Water - Lyrics

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


HW due Thursday:

1. Mic Crenshaw Spoken Word Reflection

2. Field study - Powell Butte plant restoration - 9:00 - 12:00... Come prepared to work outside (even if there is sun it will be cold) and get in the dirt. Your hands and clothes (especially your shoes)will definitely get dirty so come prepared!!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


HW due Thursday: 

***Sorry for forgetting to update the blog yesterday. MY BAD!!! In case you need it, your Hero's Journey Assignment 3 was due yesterday.***

1. Spoken Word Poetry
-Complete at least 8 bars (or lines) for the wide topic of "Who am I?"
-Complete at least 8 bars (or lines) for the wide topic of "Who are we?"

Students should spend between 12-22 minutes on these tonight. Even if you are completely done, still work on these for at least 12 minutes (if you have nothing to edit or add you can always write a new poem!). We will have from 8:45 - 9:15 to finish these up in class tomorrow morning.

2. Students should have their choice Change Maker book in class tomorrow morning for reading.

There is a SES Dance tomorrow from 6:30 - 8:30!!!

No school Friday

Monday, February 10, 2020


HW due Tuesday:

Thanks for your flexibility while I was out sick today.

You have no new homework due. That said, by now you should have completed the OMSI - Ice Worlds field study assignment.

In addition, you should plan on having your Hero's Journey + Changemaker book in class tomorrow.

Thursday, February 6, 2020


HW due Friday:

Tomorrow we will be working with Mic Crenshaw in the morning from 10:25 - 11:25 (AMAZING 4 bars that you all shared this afternoon by the way!) and Marv Pemberton around climate change in the afternoon 12:05 - 1:05. As a result, you have no homework due tomorrow.

HOWEVER, you will have your OMSI - Ice Worlds field study assignment due MONDAY, 2/10. We brainstormed evidence and worked on this in class for 30 minutes this afternoon. Finish this up sooner, rather than later, so that you don't have a rush of homework on Sunday evening. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


HW due Thursday:

1. Bring your Hero's Journey + Change Maker book to class for silent reading tomorrow morning.

2. WRITING - 4 BARS!!!
a. Write 4 bars (essentially, 4 lines) about water
b. Write 4 bars about homework

3. We will be headed to OMSI around 10:15 to experience the Ice World documentary in the OMSI Planetarium. We will be back in class by 1:30. Come prepared with a lunch, weather appropriate clothes, and an engaged mind.

Ice Worlds is a tour of the icy landscapes of our solar system, especially our home planet Earth. In Ice Worlds audiences explore the critical relationship between ice and life – “a tale of friend and foe, enabling, challenging, supporting and adapting” – that has developed over millions of years.

SPIRIT WEEK --- Tomorrow is "Sports Day." Keep that spirit week energy rolling!

Mic Crenshaw - Elegy for John Trudell

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


HW due Wednesday:

1. Hero's Journey + Change Maker Reading Assignment #2

A reminder that we will be working with Mic Crenshaw tomorrow from 10:25 - 11:25 for our 2nd spoken word poetry lesson

Monday, February 3, 2020


HW due Tuesday:

1. Bring choice Hero's Journey + Change Maker book to school

2. Complete the Home Water Footprint Calculator and write down the results. Share what you learned with someone in your family.

3. Field study assignments - We spent another hour discussing and wrapping up our work on the following field study assignments today. Many of you finished these in class already, but know that these will both be due and collected tomorrow at the beginning of class.

Columbia Wastewater Treatment Plant Field Study Assignment

Mercy Corps Field Study Assignment