Sunday, November 30, 2014

School Life after Thanksgiving

I hope you all had an AMAZING and RESTFUL Thanksgiving Break.

You have no official HW due tomorrow UNLESS I did not collect your research paper graphic organizer on Wednesday before the break. We will be working with these graphic organizers Monday morning. I should either have this already (because I collected it Wednesday morning) or you should have it completed (except for the background info, transition sentences, and conclusion).

The other thing you could work on today is your 3D geology project. This isn't due until Thursday, Dec. 11th, but you would be wise to start thinking about your plan and how you will accomplish your ideas.

Reminder that you should be reading daily during the break! I'm excited to hear about what you have been reading.

3D Geology Project PLANNING SHEET

Our fall has consisted of focused learning about the Earth and geology, and now it is time to share the knowledge with our community!   In addition to class work, murals, and e-core journals, you will also create (at home)  a 3-D model of something geological that we learned and/or experienced to present at the

Identify the content knowledge you are going to demonstrate with your project.  (examples: the Missoula Floods,  Mt. St. Helens eruption, seismic wave energy, etc.)  What geology topic, big or small, will you teach the community about? 

Step 2: PlaN & Design
Create a design and choose a medium to represent the geology concept or topic (cardboard, papier-mâché, clay, wood, fabric, recyclables, etc).   Get your topic, design, and medium approved by your teacher before proceeding to step 3.

Step 3:  CREATE
Gather the needed materials and build/construct your project!

Determine how the geology ideas you are teaching connect to your lessons, activities, readings, labs, and field study experiences. Figure out these connections by completing the web on the back of this page. 

Step 5:  Explain
Write a short explanation of the geology your model is showing to accompany the piece.  Your explanation should be clear and accurate, and mention the connections to your field study experiences and other geology concepts learned. Utilize your E-Core and other available reference materials to ensure accurate information.  Cite sources as needed, and check for correct spelling and punctuation.

Geologic concept I’m representing:

Materials needed:

Resources needed to explain:

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Rock Cycle (in-class activity)

The Rock Cycle

"The main idea is that rocks are continually changing from one type to another and back again, as forces inside the earth bring them closer to the surface (where they are weathered, eroded, and compacted) and forces on the earth sink them back down (where they are heated, pressed, and melted)."

1. Go to this radical rock cycle link...

2. Observe each main type of rock and the different examples of each

3. Learn about the different forces that change the rock types (watch the quick videos!)

4. Click on Complete the Cycle  and take the Rock Cycle quiz!

5. Go back through the website and explore the following pages on it...
a. Introduction
b. Types of Rocks
c. How Rocks Change

6. Textbook reading (HOOORAY!!!!)... what is not done in class will become HW... 
a. Read pages 146-149
b. Answer questions 1-5 on page 149 in your e-core
c. Read pages 150-153
d. Answer pages 1-5 on page 153

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


A reminder about the importance of a growth mindset...(for those of you who didn't make sandwiches today, you already saw these videos)...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Outdoor School/Health Rotations Cancelled... This Week's Schedule

Hiya core class! Below is a message I just sent out to your families. The two most important things to know are...

1.Outdoor School/Health Rotations cancelled, meaning normal schedule tomorrow

Read on for more details...

Parents/Guardians/Loving Adults,

A heads up that Outdoor School has been cancelled for 6th graders this week as a result of weather (see message below for details). It will be re-scheduled in the spring. As a result the 7th/8th health curriculum for this upcoming week has also been postponed.

This means that all students in my core class will have a regular schedule for the rest of this week.

Because students did not know until recently that they were going to be spending part of their day with me as a core class, no homework is due tomorrow. Students and I will make up a plan to complete their assigned work (that wasn't due originally until next Monday, November 17th) in class tomorrow. No homework is due tomorrow!

Sorry for any confusion and thank you all for your last minute flexibility.




Outdoor School is closing its sites tomorrow, due to complications resulting from this weather we're having. Outdoor School will be rescheduled for 6th graders in the spring.

This week, Middle Schoolers will follow their normal schedules.
  • NO outdoor school for 6th graders.
  • NO health curriculum for 7th or 8th graders.
Thanks, everyone. Please direct any questions and they will be forwarded to the appropriate person.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Outdoor School/Health Rotations Week/Beginning of Term 2

WOW. Term 1 is over. We are going to have a big break from each other because...
-No school Monday (Term 1 Teacher Grading Day)
-No school Tuesday (Veteran's Day)

Wednesday - Friday
-6th Grade - Outdoor School
-7th/8th - (grade level) Health Rotations

This means I won't see you all back in my room as a core class until Monday, November 17th!

You will have some homework due that Monday. Don't wait until the night of Sunday, November 16th to get it done... it won't work!

HW due Monday, November 17th
1. Term 1 Reflection (this is worth 10 points)

2. Short Story reading
...Read two shorts stories
...Complete the setting and character worksheet (1 for each story)
...Complete the sheets WHILE READING!!!!

3. Tell me 3 things you learned about yourself/the world while you were doing whatever you all are going to do these next 10 days!

By the way, great news, my cowbell was found! I got more cowbell!!!

6th Graders - Outdoor School Info...

Outdoor School buses will come for us on Wednesday at 9:30AM. 

They will return with us at 1:30PM on Friday. 

Wednesday morning, have your 6th graders bring their stuff and themselves up to 

Patrick's room (patrick and Michael)
Asa's room (Asa and Karen)
Indigo's room (Indigo, Tara, Cori)

and we will check in and meet in those classrooms. 

I will draft an email for our parents tonight and send it out to all of you for your 6th grade families. 
