Sunday, November 9, 2014

Outdoor School/Health Rotations Week/Beginning of Term 2

WOW. Term 1 is over. We are going to have a big break from each other because...
-No school Monday (Term 1 Teacher Grading Day)
-No school Tuesday (Veteran's Day)

Wednesday - Friday
-6th Grade - Outdoor School
-7th/8th - (grade level) Health Rotations

This means I won't see you all back in my room as a core class until Monday, November 17th!

You will have some homework due that Monday. Don't wait until the night of Sunday, November 16th to get it done... it won't work!

HW due Monday, November 17th
1. Term 1 Reflection (this is worth 10 points)

2. Short Story reading
...Read two shorts stories
...Complete the setting and character worksheet (1 for each story)
...Complete the sheets WHILE READING!!!!

3. Tell me 3 things you learned about yourself/the world while you were doing whatever you all are going to do these next 10 days!

By the way, great news, my cowbell was found! I got more cowbell!!!

6th Graders - Outdoor School Info...

Outdoor School buses will come for us on Wednesday at 9:30AM. 

They will return with us at 1:30PM on Friday. 

Wednesday morning, have your 6th graders bring their stuff and themselves up to 

Patrick's room (patrick and Michael)
Asa's room (Asa and Karen)
Indigo's room (Indigo, Tara, Cori)

and we will check in and meet in those classrooms. 

I will draft an email for our parents tonight and send it out to all of you for your 6th grade families. 


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