Monday, April 27, 2015

Trip Around the World - Online Scavenger Hunt

Trip Around the World - Online Scavenger Hunt

***write your responses on a blank sheet of paper***

1. Visit each ( Spend 10 minutes on this website.
2. Visit the CIA - World Fact Book website... Pick three countries to read about... List the country and three facts from that country
3. Find a current event from each continent (must be news from the past two months)... Summarize the event, write a personal connection, and cite the news source
4. Online Resources... Visit 4 of the following websites... Write down 1interesting thing about each website...

-Read through these places in the world
-Pick 3 that are of high interest to you. Find two websites for each location that provide more information and detail about that place... Write down the name of those two websites

80 Unreal Places in the World!
explore this awesome slideshow!
Write down destinations in your notes that seem especially interesting!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Ancient India - Scavenger Hunt

Complete the following Scavenger Hunt in any order you want... Write your findings in your Curator's Notebook.

1. Find 3 things related to your expert group and 5 interesting facts from this website... Ancient India for Middle SchoolList them in your Curator's Notebook

2. Ancient India - Timeline + Maps
....Read through the following link

3. Ancient India Videos: Find three engaging videos (each under 8 minutes) related to Ancient India. Watch them! Write down the video name and two interesting facts from each video. Use your Smarter Balance headphones!!!

4. Find the five most engaging, informative, and meaningful images related to Ancient India

5. Play Lucia's Ancient India game

6. Find a website that directly connects to your Ancient India expert group

7. Find 3 facts related to each SMAC Ancient Culture
...Aboriginal Australia
...Ancient Egypt
...Ancient Greece/Rome
...Ancient Maya
...Ancient Japan
...Ancient Sub-Saharan West Africa

If you finish early go see Michael!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Random Updates

Weekend Service Opportunities
Attend this environmental film festival, driven by teenagers

Check out Lucia's Mohenjodaro SCRATCH game

8th graders listed below... I am tired of getting these emails from Tara.... DEAL WITH THESE!!!

8th Grade missing I Am Poems:

8th Graders missing Catalina forms (I have extras in my room!)
Mia Bray
Gavin G

"Break The Silence" Dance

Dear Sunnyside Families:

On April 17, the Sunnyside Middle School QSA (Queer-Straight Alliance) club will be hosting the "Break The Silence" dance. Breaking The Silence is an important culmination of a week of activities and education geared toward raising awareness of the issues LGBTQ individuals face in schools and the silence too often thrust upon them by our communities. As part of this week, SES students will lead lessons and conversations that address issues of gender identity and sexual orientation. The dance is an opportunity for everyone to come together and celebrate the diversity and resilience of our SES community.

Mark your calendars for 6:30pm Friday, April 17 and plan to join us as we dance the night away!

Mical and Patrick​