Monday, September 30, 2013


Happy end of September!

HW due Tuesday:

1. Writing - My Life as a River
...Following the Movie Behind Your Eyelids rule/idea (use detail... capture emotion... Write with all 5 senses) write 1 story from your My Life as a River Map. Your story should be somewhere between 1 paragraph to 2 pages. You should not have to spend more than 30 minutes on this homework assignment unless you want to spend more time writing because you love writing!

2. Current Event
...Pick a current event related to a river (any river in the world)
...Some helpful research hints include going to a news website ( and searching the word river or searching for a specific river (Willamette, Columbia, Balch Creek, etc...)

3. Bring your choice fiction novel to class for silent reading tomorrow!

Thursday = Field Study to Forest Park (round 2!)
Friday = Last day before I send grades home to families

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Belmont Library Resources

How to choose a "Just Right Book" according to the Belmont Librarian extraordinaire, Jane Corry...

Look at the cover.

Read the flap.

Open at random and read a page. See if you are intrigued.

Look at what authors wrote blurbs on the cover of a book you liked, read something by them.

Get recommendations from trusted friends or relatives.

Read another book by an author you like.

Ask a librarian for suggestions, we love talking about books (one you know or…)

Use a booklist.

Use a database.

Read an award winner


 Printz Award

Newbery Medal

Sibert Award (non-fiction)

Take a chance, they are free from the library and you don’t have to finish a book just because you started it.

Monday, September 16, 2013


HW due Tuesday:

1. Current Event
...Find a current event from a news source of your choice about anything going on in the world!
...Complete the current event worksheet form
...When filling it out know that I care most about your connection to the current event, reason for choosing it, and opinion.

Potential News Sources (there are so much more!)
-newspaper, magazine, radio, tv

2. Bring silent reading material (if you are reading something from my bookshelf tell me before class)

-Late opening
-Trip to Belmont Library (bring library card or a home address/phone number so we can get you a library card)

-Willamette River Walk field study

-Have chosen your choice fiction novel
-Have your "binder" set up and organized (see below for specifics)

Michael’s Class – Binder Organization

  1. Have a section/folder/space for HW that is needs to be completed or is going to be turned in
  2. Have a section/folder/space for handouts
  3. Have a section/folder/space for notes/activities
  4. Have a section/folder/space for returned homework (keep returned homework until the end of the term)

  • Put new things towards the front, old things towards the back
  • Avoid loose papers, stuffing things into your backpack
  • Check/clean/organize your binder/backpack once every few weeks (avoid binder/backpack monster)

Friday, September 13, 2013


Happy weekend! Enjoy the sunshine :)

HW due Monday...

1. "Important Moments in My Reading History"
 ...Help me build an understanding of who you are as a reader
 ...Explain the significance of each example

2. Writing
...Complete "Who are We?!" interview partner form
...Complete "Who am I?!" form
...We had plenty of time working on these in class today. Most of you were close to (if not all the way) finished. If this assignment is a struggle for you this weekend think about using your time more wisely in class!

3. Year of the River image (this is the least important homework assignment)
...The class has some of my images about what I think "The Year of the River" looks like. I want you to add your own so that its not my ideas but our ideas.
...Bring in something that represents what the Year of the River looks like in your mind (it can be an image, actual picture, map, quote, poem, word, anything!)

Thursday - Willamette River field study
Friday - must have selected your (just right) choice fiction novel

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Are you checking the blog?!?!?! If you are place a sticky note with a cool fact about yourself in my homework bin first thing tomorrow.

HW due Friday:
1. Come prepared for our field study to Mt. Tabor
...Bring a lunch
...Bring a positive attitude and a smile
...Bring layers and be prepared for rain