Tuesday, February 26, 2019


HW due Wednesday:

1. Based off our work with Mic Crenshaw on Monday, write 4 bars about the idea of "family." This is just 4 bars (essentially 4 lines). It does NOT have to rhyme. Don't spend more than 18 minutes on this unless you seriously want to.

A reminder that we are leading Morning Meeting tomorrow. Please make sure if you have a role in the work tomorrow that you are at school by 8:40.

The Hero's Journey + Change Maker Reading Assignment #4 that you got this afternoon is NOT due tomorrow. We will continue to work on in class tomorrow.

Thursday, February 21, 2019


Thank you all for an awesome day of engagement, planting, learning, pizza eating, and spoken word writing. You all rock! I am excited to have some of you help out with leading Morning Meeting tomorrow. 


HW due Friday:

1. Spoken Word - The purpose of the homework tonight is to build our practice with writing in "bar" format that Mic Crenshaw talked about in class this afternoon. Essentially a "bar" is what would fit within in 4 beats. If that is too confusing, just think of it as writing a line in a poem

Write 4 bars about what you ate for dinner (or if you don't want to do that, pick something random from your day and write about that, including eating pizza for lunch today, getting dismissed from school, walking into your room, etc...)

Write 4 bars about the following question "Who am I?"

Don't spend more than 18 minutes working on this homework. This should be perfectly, imperfect. We don't have to share this writing, it is all about practice!

We will work on our Powell Butte Plant Restoration Field Study Assignment in class tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


HW due Thursday:

1. We are going on a field study from 9:00 - 11:45 tomorrow to Powell Butte to work on "plant restoration" with Portland Metro. Come prepared to be outside with a positive attitude despite that it could be cold, wet, and muddy. Having appropriate clothes makes a HUGE difference!!! Bring a lunch because we might not get back until noon.

2. Spoken Word Poetry
a. In preparation for the beginning of our spoken word poetry unit starting tomorrow watch one of the following spoken word poem videos. Write down 3 words that come to your mind as you watch any of following videos
shane koyczan - to this day
Prince Ea - Why I Think This World Should End
Denice Frohman - Accents
Brenden Wellington - America in 4 Minutes
Who Am I? - Life by Sara

Portland Public Schools - Verselandia (2 hours long presentation from PPS high school students doing spoken word!)
b. In preparation for the beginning of our spoken word poetry unit with Mic Crenshaw, spend some time getting to know him and his work a little bit better. Watch one of these music videos and write down 3 words taht come to your mind as you watch them. 

Morning Meeting - Michael's Class

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


HW due Wednesday:

1. Hero's Journey + Change Maker Assignment #3 (unless you were working on Morning Meeting stuff that you are presenting tomorrow). If you were absent last week, focus first on finishing this current assignment. Try to get the late work to me by the end of the week. 

***We are leading Morning Meeting tomorrow. Make sure you all are at school on time so we can run this smoothly!***

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


HW due Thursday: We are not going on a field study tomorrow.

1. Spend 14-18 minutes continuing our Energy Change Makers - Research Activity work from class. If you were absent, you can also work on this if you are feeling up to work, though you will have to skip step 1 in the activity.

2. Bring your Hero's Journey + Change Makers book to school.

If you were working on the Wednesday, February 20th Morning Meeting planning, you can also spend part of your 14-18 minutes of homework continuing that work. Morning Meeting Brainstorm 

Energy Sources - Resources

Energy - Change Maker - Resources

Energy - Change Maker - Student Found Resources

Morning Meeting

Monday, February 11, 2019


HW due Tuesday:
1. Hero's Journey + Change Maker book in class for silent reading

If you were absent today (which was many of you)...

1. Feel better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Of all that you missed, if you are able to do work, the following is most important...
a. Read the intro to our Indigenous Peoples Global Summit activity that we started in class today
b. Read the information about the Bambara People of Sub-Saharan Africa (it is on the second page of the linked document)
c. For the Bambara People info sheet, highlight 1 big idea, 1 important fact, and 1 line that stands/quote that stands out to you
d. That is it, you are done and ready for class tomorrow. FEEL BETTER!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2019


HW due Friday:

1. Energy Article - 10 Interesting Facts About Energy
a. Read article
b. Respond by either explaining which fact you found most interesting and why OR using resources from your yellow Energy Folder or the blog, add an 11th most interesting fact (be sure to cite your source)

Cohorts Surveys

Wednesday, February 6, 2019


HW due Thursday:

1. We are not traveling tomorrow. Bring your Hero's Journey + Change Maker book to school!

2. Hero's Journey + Change Maker Assignment #1 (except for the Monitoring Comprehension sticky note part... I will check that off next week)

Energy Sources - Posters - Resources

Click on the link related to your energy source for more resources and information. Share on any helpful resources for further learning on our shared Google Doc below.

Energy Sources Poster - Helpful Resources - SHARE HERE

Monday, February 4, 2019


Happy belated birthday Winter and Livy!!!

HW due Tuesday:

1. Finish the Service Learning "Found Poem" from class this afternoon. Don't spend more than 13 minutes on this, though for many of you it will be even less than that.

Using only words from other people’s service reflections that you wrote down in your WW Journal, create a FOUND poem that captures what you think Service Learning is all about…

2. Create a basic vocabulary card for your assigned energy topic including a definition in your own words and an image.

Nuclear (Alisha, Eva, Lalo, Marley)
Wind (Jade, Neamia, Owen, Tallulah)
Hydro (Elliott, Henry E, Poppy, Violet)
Oil (Chaim, Ezra, Jojo, Olivia)
Solar (Livy, Maya, Nico, Rowan)
Coal (Hannah, Henry N, Levi, Winter)
Natural Gas (Annabel, Cooper, Kai, Sasha)
Geothermal (Hazel, Joseph, Lane, Max)

3. I will collect your Reed College Reactor Field Study Assignment that you were given time to work n Friday tomorrow

4 Bring your Hero's Journey + Change Maker book to school tomorrow for silent reading. 

Friday, February 1, 2019


HAPPY BIRTHDAY (on 2/3)!!!!!!!

HW due Monday:

1. Read daily this weekend for at least 20 minutes. Make sure your "Hero's Journey + Change Maker" book is a "Just Right" fit that you can finish within 1 month. 

HW due Tuesday - Reed College Reactor Field Study Assignment