Wednesday, November 30, 2016


HW due Thursday:

1. Writing For Justice - Final Draft
a. Complete Self-Editing graphic organizer: Self-Editing Graphic Organizer
b. Using the feedback from your classmate and your own feedback, go through and revise and add more to your narrative
c. Print it out or share it with me before 8:45.

After an introduction and brainstorm session, tomorrow we will spend our first full hour working on our How Our Earth Works individual 3D interactive projects. It is ok if you don't know what you are doing yet. Be consider for tomorrow:

What is my question?
How will this question and my answer (which is the entire project!) extend my learning?
How are you going to show your thinking? What will you create for your project? How will it be 3D and interactive????
What materials do I need for research and to make it?
My goal is that you are able to answer all those questions by the end of the day tomorrow after an hour of working in the class

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


My apologies for the late blog post, Tuesdays are our looooong staff meeting day!

HW due Wednesday:

1. Complete a draft of your Writing For Justice narrative.

Make sure your draft includes the following from our mini-lessons the past few weeks:
Writing for Justice Rubric

Either come to class with a printed copy of this draft or share it with me  ( before 8:40 tomorrow morning so that I can print it 

Tomorrow morning we will finish our How Our Earth Works - Geology Concepts group posters and further dig into our individual How Our Earth Works 3D interactive projects. You will have time in class Thursday, Friday, and Monday to work on those projects! Be thinking about what question you are most interested in and we will discuss the project more tomorrow.

After School Movie !!!!

For 5-8th grade:

First After-school Movie, Nov. 30, 3:30pmFifth-eighth grade SES students are invited to gather in the auditorium to watch "Big Hero 6" after school on Nov. 30. This is a GO Fund fundraiser with a suggested entry donation of $5. Of course, no one will be turned away. We will also have concessions (popcorn and baked goods) for sale. Only water will be allowed in the auditorium so we encourage students to bring their own water bottles. Once students enter, they will not be allowed to leave until the movie is over (around 5:20) unless a parent comes to collect them.

After-school Movie Help: Please check out our sign-up ( to see how you can support this and future GO Fund fundraisers. Specifically, we are looking for concessions donations, a few MS students who want to earn service hours at a fun and easy event, and some parents willing to organize future after-school movies. Sign up here:

Monday, November 28, 2016


HW due Tuesday:

Writing - write for 20 minutes, focusing on either Option 1 or Option 2

Option 1 - Writing For Justice
...Work on your Writing For Justice piece for 20 minutes. Focus on any feedback you may have received (if you shared your writing piece with me at the end of class!) and including the following:

Writing For Justice - Include:
  • Bystander/Target/Ally/Perpetrator
  • Hook (action/thought/dialogue)
  • Dialogue/Blocking/Inner Monologue
    • Correct punctuation/conventions
  • 1 Slow Motion Moment

Option 2 - Slow Motion Moment Practice
...Using our handout and notes from today, write a slow-motion moment. 
...You can create a slow-motion moment about something from  your day or you can pick something from any of my prompts below

Slow Motion Practice Writing Prompts:
  • Describe using slow motion writing the moment and feeling you had when you finished a big projcet
  • Describe using slow motion writing the moment when you first walked into the first middle school dance
  • Describe using motion writing the moment when you first saw a cool video and realized it was the single greatest video of all time!!
  • Describe using slow motion writing the moment you found out a major piece of news (test scores, tryouts, election, etc...)

Consider the following writing moves to expand your slow motion moment:
  • Hook (action/thought/dialogue)
  • Dialogue/Blocking/Inner Monolgue
  • Similes and metaphors
  • SENSORY DETAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (touch, smell, sounds, sights, taste)
  • EMOTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

During the Break...

Hiya core class! My apologies that I am just now updating the blog for the weekend. I hope everyone was able to enjoy time away from school, with family and good people, sharing appreciations and gratitude. 

You don't have anything due tomorrow on Monday. 

However, over the break you should have been reading daily! This includes finishing the Coming of Age Short Story you took home with you over break. 

In addition, you have a How Our Earth Work 3D Geology project due Wednesday, December 7th.

We spent all of Tuesday afternoon going over this project. As a reminder, the rubric is here:

We will spend more time this week on this project, though it would be wise to consider what you question you might ask, what project you could create based off that question, and how you will make it interactive

The Riparian Curriculum Festival is Friday, December 9th. Much of our next two weeks will be spent getting ready for this awesome celebration of our learning!

Monday, November 21, 2016


HW due Tuesday:
1. Work for 45 minutes on your Writing for Justice narratives. Include dialogue, blocking, and inner monologue in your writing. Use the Narrative Criteria and Dialogue Punctuation handouts as a guide.

Remember that the writing you did in class counts towards that 45 minutes, meaning that though everyone has to do some writing tonight (no one got all 45 minutes done in class), no one should have to write for more than 30 minutes tonight.

Monday In Class Work (not HW):

1. Click on the following link to read the Voting Laws article in NewsELA
2. Read the article, respond to the written part, and complete the quiz

NEWS ELA Article - Election Voting Laws

If the link doesn't work, sign in with google to newsela using your google PPS account, and search:

Laws from Civil War stopped 6.1 million from voting


With their Chromebooks

Students can begin working on their HW by continuing to write their Writing for Justice narratives on chromebooks. Students should include dialogue, blocking, and inner monologue in their narrative. USE YOUR CLASS TIME WELL!!!!


1. Click on the following link to read the Voting Laws article in NewsELA
2. Read the article, respond to the written part, and complete the quiz

NEWS ELA Article - Election Voting Laws
The link won't automatically log you in. To access the work, sign in with google to newsela using your google PPS account

If the link isn't working, sign in and search:

Laws from Civil War stopped 6.1 million from voting


With their Chromebooks

  1. Students should go to the class blog (ses211.blogpsot) and follow instructions to read a NewsELA article. They should complete the writing and quiz for the article

  1. When done, students can begin working on their HW by continuing to write their Writing for Justice narratives on chromebooks. Students should include dialogue, blocking, and inner monologue in their narrative. USE YOUR CLASS TIME WELL!!!!

  1. Students should clean up their desks, return pencils, and leave at 2:08 to check back in chromebooks in the library and then go straight to Art class.
HW due Tuesday:
1. Work for 45 minutes on your Writing for Justice narratives. Include dialogue, blocking, and inner monologue in your writing.

Friday, November 18, 2016


HW due Monday:

1. Writing for Justice Narrative

...Work on your Writing for Justice narrative for 30 minutes
... Include a hook (action, thought, or dialogue)
... Attempt to include dialogue in your narrative

2, Coming of Age Short Story Assignment #3
...Read a short story, complete the corresponding assignment (link to the assignment is below)

Coming of Age Short Story Assignment 3

If you need a short story, here is a link to Bruce Colville's What's the Worst that Could Happen:

HW due Tuesday:

1. Parent Conference Reflection

Parent Conference Reflection

Thursday, November 17, 2016


HW due Friday:

1. Reed College Cooley Art Gallery field study assignment
-I know the essential question was too wordy. What it boils down to, is what was essential about this trip and how does it connect to our previous learning.
-Consider R.A.C.E. for the essential question (Restate the question, Answer the question in complete sentences, Cite evidence (with at least two specific examples), Explain + Add other observations or connections
-Assignment Question 1 has changed... It is now simply, explain what you drew during the drawing activity
-Extra Credit: Write a thank you note to Gregory (not in your e-core so I can send it to him)
Reed College Cooley Art Gallery field study assignment

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


HW due Thursday:

1. Reed College Cooley Art Gallery
...Tomorrow we are headed to the Cooley Art Gallery from 11:00 - 3:00. In addition to a water bottle, either bring $5-8 for food from the Reed College cafeteria or a lunch.
...Write down three facts about the gallery and/or the current exhibit:

Here is the essential question for tomorrow so you can ponder it well in advance:

Reed College Cooley Art Gallery Essential Question:
  1. Even though this field study does not directly connect into our other geology field studies, what made this field study an essential Year or the Mountain learning experience? In what ways does this experience with Gregory at the Reed College Cooley Art Gallery connect with the learning we have done this year? Give specific examples and connections.

2. Writing for Justice
...You don't have to do anything specific for HW, but be thinking about where you have had experiences as a target, ally, bystander, and perpetrator for our graphic organizer work tomorrow morning

READ 20-30 minutes DAILY!!!!

Extra Credit:

Read the following article on News ELA and complete the corresponding writing and quiz
In these classrooms, fidgeting, moving around and bouncing are encouraged

6th grade - Read at 950L
7th/8th grade - Read at 1040L

1. Read the article
2.  Write!!!
3. Take the quiz

4. Explore other articles in the news section of NEWS ELA. Pick another article to not only read, but complete the Writing and Quiz sections for

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


A note from our principal Amy: Participate in the #NoDAPL National Day of Action. There is a gathering of solidarity at the US Army Corps of Engineers, 333 SW 1st Ave, 4 pm. Several teachers, students and families will attend (as will I).

HW due Wednesday:


2. Share an appreciation with at least 1 person. Be present to others

Notes from today:

Sarah Kay - If I Should Have a Daughter - TED Talk

Room 211 - - - What We Know to Be True

  • That everyone is equal
  • That everybody falls, but what matters is if you get back up
  • Portland hates the sun
  • Just because one person is bad, doesn’t mean the love around the ones you care about is gone
  • We are a community
  • Just because our voice is one of a billion doesn’t mean we can’t be heard
  • It isn’t over yet
  • “The power of the people is stronger than the people with power”
  • Kindness is a requirement
  • Just because someone has done something bad doesn’t mean they are a bad person
  • Calling someone stupid doesn’t make you any smarter
  • Never give up on someone
  • Just because you lose once doesn’t make you not a winner
  • After it rains there is always a rainbow
  • We need to hope
  • Anyone can be successful

Thursday = Reed College Cooley Art Gallery field study (11:00 - 3:00)
...Bring 5-8 dollars if you want to buy a lunch at the Reed College Cafeteria before our field study

Wednesday Service Opportunity:

Wednesday, November 16th, Doors-6:30, Conversation-7:00 pm
An Evening With The Tar Sands Valve-Turners
"Stepping Outside Polite Conversation"
Sunnyside Community House
3520 SE Yamhill St. Portland
On October 11th, five individuals engaged in non-violent civil disobedience to show solidarity with Standing Rock Water Protectors and to bring attention to the need for immediate action on climate disruption. "Valve-Turners" broke into five U.S. entry points for Alberta Tar Sands oil and turned the valves to shut off the flow. "...we've tried the legal, incremental, reasonable methods, and they haven't been anything like enough: without a radical shift in our relationship to this Earth, all that we love will disappear. My fear of that possibility is far greater than my fear of jail. My love for the beauties of this world are far greater than my love of an easy life."--Emily Johnston, Valve-Turner 
Legal Fund for the Valve-Turners: Suggested $10 donation---no one turned away
All Five of the Pacific NW Valve-Turners will be present to share in the evening's conversation.

11/15 - NEWS ELA (to do in class)

In these classrooms, fidgeting, moving around and bouncing are encouraged

6th grade - Read at 950L
7th/8th grade - Read at 1040L

1. Read the article
2.  Write!!!
3. Take the quiz

4. Explore other articles in the news section of NEWS ELA. Pick another article to not only read, but complete the Writing and Quiz sections for

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


A Message from our amazing principal Amy...

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

News ELA

News ELA Tuesday Reading:

2. Add a class ---- Class Code: 4042j9 or 64FBB5
3. Go to News ELA - Michael's Class
...You have a NewsELA account (sign in with google account info, allow syncing)

4. Search  Issue Overview: Voting rights
5. READ article (at level 1090L)
6. Respond to the written portion
7. Take the quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. Read other articles (at level 1090L)

Monday, November 7, 2016


HW due Tuesday:

1. Fall Parent Conferences: 

Talk to your families about parent conferences. What are you excited for them to learn about your first term of learning and progress this year? When are they signed up to meet with Michael?
If they aren't signed up, go to the Parent Conferences SignUp link: Fall Parent Conferences Sign Up

2. Coming of Age Short Story Reading Assignment 1
...Using one the short stories available in class (What's the Worst that Could HappenNombresLa BambaKate the GreatHarrison BergeronPicky Eater), read it while responding to the questions related to character details, connections, questions, whilte demonstrating evidence from the text.

If you need the assignment, click here: 

If you need a short story, here is a link to Bruce Colville's What's the Worst that Could Happen:

Friday, November 4, 2016

Welcome to Term 2 - 11/4

Term 1 is over. Term 2 starts Monday (you all walk into the door with straight A's!!!). In the meantime, enjoy the loooong weekend!!!!

Service Opportunities:
-Monday, Nov 7th - Community Service: Sunnyside Neighborhood Supper and Public Forum @ Sunnyside Community House (3520 SE Yamhill St) 4:30 - 7:30. Work with the 8th grade housing cohort, sign up outside of Karen Shay's class
-Saturday, Nov 19th - Cultural Exchange/Community Service: Wreath Poinsettia Making starting 8:00 am in Woodburn with the Mujeres Luchadoras Porgresistas (Woman Striving for Progress).
-Garden Hours SIGN UP!!! SES Garden Hours Sign Up

HW due Monday:

1. OMSI Earthquakes field study assignment.
...Focus on R.A.C.E. in your response (Re-state the question, Answer all of the question, Cite examples and evidence from the field study to support your answer, and Explain how your evidence supports your response.)
...EQ responses should be in complete sentences, with AT LEAST 2 specific examples from teh field study, and AT LEAST 1 other connection and 1 other observation.

OMSI Earthquakes

November 3rd, 2016

Safety Numbers:  OMSI → 503.797.4661   SES 503-916-6226

Essential Question:
  1. How did today’s field study connect with previous geologic concepts? Share specific examples from today’s earthquakes lab, lesson with Michael, and previous geology concepts and field studies

Assignment Questions:  
  • Essential Question answered thoughtfully and thoroughly.
  • OMSI worksheet complete

  1. What were three big ideas covered in the OMSI earthquake lab?
  1. Create an image/caption of the coolest geological thing you learned today.
  1. Rate your engagement during the earthquake lab on a 1-4 scale. Give one specific example why you gave yourself that ranking. During the lesson with Michael explain how you used some of the 4 Agreements. Give at least one specific example.

HW due Tuesday:
1. Coming of Age Short Story Reading Assignment 1
...We will work on this in class Monday afternoon.
...Using one the short stories available in class (What's the Worst that Could Happen, Nombres, La Bamba, Kate the Great, Harrison Bergeron, Picky Eater), read it while responding to the questions related to character details, connections, questions, and demonstrating evidence from the text.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Last Day of Term 1

Term 1 ends tomorrow!!!!!

All late work must be turned in by tomorrow.

We are going to OMSI tomorrow for an Earthquake Lab. Bring appropriate clothing (we will be outside for part of the time), lunch/water, a positive attitude and an engaged mind!

HW due Thurday:
1. Service Reflection Re-Submit
...Look through my feedback and update the conventions and content of you service reflection
...Add at least one more thought/detail based off the So What?! NOW WHAT?! questions on the green service reflection rubric (see below)
...Stapled rubric, rough draft, and final draft together and turn in at the start of class (if you want me to print it, email it to me before class starts!)

So What?! --- Shift from descriptive to interactive; meaning of experience for each participant; feelings involved, lesson learned; why is it important to the community/people involved that this service be done? WHAT IS THE VALUE TO YOU - be specific?

NOW WHAT?! --- Contextual, seeing the situation's place in the big picture - how does it impact the world in some way?; applying lessons learned/insights gained to new situations; setting future goals, creating an action plan; how might others get involved?

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Welcome to November!!!!

Cultural Service Experience - Dia de los Muertos Procession
...Starts at SES @ 6:30. Procession down Belmont St begins at 7:00 and ends at Holocene (on SE 13th and Morrison). Teachers are not chaperoning this event. Must have an adult present with you!

Term 1 ends this Thursday, November 3rd

HW due Wednesday:

1. Columbia River Gorge - Beacon Rock field study assignment

Columbia River Gorge  
Beacon Rock

Essential Question:
  1. How did two very different floods—one a molten lava flow and the other raging floodwaters—sculpt this landscape around you? How does Beacon Rock connect to both? Give specific evidence from what you learned and observed today on this field study

Student Brainstorm Examples
    1. From the top of the rock → seeing the layers of the basalt in the gorge (evidence of the molten lava flows from 16 million years ago)
    2. Nature Journal → seeing the hills and layers of the columbia river gorge
    3. noticing how flat the area between the hills because of the floods ripping floods
    4. nature journal → the odd shaped grooves of beacon rock showed how it had been worn down by the flood
    5. From the top of the rock → edges
    6. From the Missoula Floods info sign at the bottom and top of Beacon Rock → How high and powerful the Missoula Floods were
    7. Noticing the rock formations all around me made out of Basalt from the lava flows
    8. The story Michael told from the top of Rocky Butte, an extinct Boring Lava Volcano, about the Missoula Floods coming through the Gorge into Portland

Assignment Questions:  
  • Essential Question answered thoughtfully and thoroughly.
  • Beacon Rock worksheet + nature journal complete

  1. How can land formations and rock layers/arrangements/patterns/type tell geologists the story of a place?
  2. What was the most awesome geological experience/thought you had today?
  3. Describe one awesome interaction you had today with a classmate that you don’t normally hang out with that much.

HW due Thursday:

1. Term 1 Service Reflection - Resubmitted (with all drafts and green rubric attached)
...Update your reflection based off my feedback, improving your conventions and responding to my prompts/questions
...Using the specific prompts on the So What?! NOW WHAT?!?! part of the green service reflection rubric, go deeper and add one more detail in either of those two sections of your reflection.

2. All late work must be turned in by Thursday!!!