Happy birthday Delilah and happy weekend to everyone!
HW due Monday:
1. Camp Collins Essential Questions (1-4)
Below are the questions and the notes we took based on our discussion in class today. In addition, I have added the guiding ideas for responses.
Also, I posted the grades for you all in class today. We did not get time to talk about it as thoroughly as I had wanted. We will spend time Monday diving into what they are, how to view them, how to use them to self-advocate and take ownership, and how/when I will be sharing them with families.
HW due Monday:
1. Camp Collins Essential Questions (1-4)
Below are the questions and the notes we took based on our discussion in class today. In addition, I have added the guiding ideas for responses.
Also, I posted the grades for you all in class today. We did not get time to talk about it as thoroughly as I had wanted. We will spend time Monday diving into what they are, how to view them, how to use them to self-advocate and take ownership, and how/when I will be sharing them with families.
Essential Question 1 Brainstorm Notes
Using evidence from at least two of your Camp Collins lessons, tell the story of how a small change in one part of an ecosystem can cause large changes within another part of the same ecosystem.
Asa → the world without spiders
Karen → Deer + willow bushes which impacts river… Without the deer leaves on the ground could create layers of soil which could thereby impact ________
Michael → macro life cycle (what would happen if macros weren’t in the life cycle)
Sarah → A world without mountains = a world without rivers… a world without rivers = a world without forests (EROSION)
Tara → Life and Death carnivoress/omnivores/herbivores connections!
Essential Question 2 Brainstorm Notes
The world can be observed at different scales using models to study systems that are too large or too small. Give examples from when you did this in a Camp Collins lesson and explain how it deepened your understanding of that system (What was the model and what did you learn from it?).
Indigo → looking at different rock models with scale and proportion → perspectives
Michael → zoom out (cycles, soil, energy) + zoom in (macros) → __________
Heidi → transect → observing a small part tells you about the whole part
Essential Question 3 Brainstorm Notes
What is the value of a whole school fall overnight experience?
- build community → HOW DID YOU DO THIS?!?!?!
- Getting to know other classes → cabins
- Connecting as a whole school → CAMPFIRE because __________________________
- connecting all three years together (that is important because _________) → how did you do this
- TRUST COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- TRUST COURSE → trusting classmates → especially like trust falls → I FELT ____
Essential Questions Responses Guide
R.A.C.E. → To write an effective constructed response
Restate → restate the question by turning it into a statement
Answer → Answer all parts of the question
Cite → Give examples and evidence (from the field study!!!, text, video, guest speakers, etc…)
Explain → Explain how your evidence supports your answer (“This means that… This is important because…”)
***Camp Collins Essential Questions*** (each response worth 5 points, 20 points total)
- Minimum of 2 specific examples from each class you mention
- Connections/Observations
Hello Sunnyside 7th and 8th grade families!
We have an opportunity for service hours, as well as helping our Go Fund grow to cover all students for our overnight trips.
Please sign up and come have fun with our group at the Portland Marathon Sports and Fitness Expo.
SES is committed to 30 volunteers total (parents or students). We strongly encourage your 7th and 8th graders to participate!
If you have any questions, please email Marie Petrasy atsunnysidefieldstudies@gmail.com.
We have an opportunity for service hours, as well as helping our Go Fund grow to cover all students for our overnight trips.
Please sign up and come have fun with our group at the Portland Marathon Sports and Fitness Expo.
- When: Saturday, October 8, 2016, 8am-12pm
- Where: Sports and Fitness Expo at the Portland Hilton Hotel (921 SW Sixth Avenue)
SES is committed to 30 volunteers total (parents or students). We strongly encourage your 7th and 8th graders to participate!
If you have any questions, please email Marie Petrasy atsunnysidefieldstudies@gmail.com.