Friday, September 9, 2011

9/9 - 1st weekend

Before we start talking about HW, lets take a moment to acknowledge that you were all ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE today. I have had some field studies where things have gone wrong before. Sometimes its just part of the trip experience. However, I have never had it happen on our very first field study of the year. You were all BEYOND amazing in the way you handled the LONG wait at the end of the day in the heat, the crowded bus, the people on that crowded bus, and the frustration of not being at school when school gets out. All this stuff about attitude that I have been talking about; well your attitude this afternoon was the epitome of allowing a positive attitude make a not so fun situation good. I am so so so so so so so so proud and happy to be your teacher. Also, lets not forget that we did in fact have a pretty fun time at the fountain!!! ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND!


For starters you will be happy to know that because we were obviously unable to make it back up to our classrooms that you have slightly less homework this weekend. This ok with me because I want to build your HW skills and habits back up bit by bit in this coming week so that you are ready to succeed with the middle school workload.

1. Complete Essential Questions and Assignment Questions from our field study.
-I did not get a chance to share my E-CORE pet peeves this afternoon so let me tell you know
-Use complete sentences in your answer.
-I expect the most thorough effort on the Essential Questions.

2. Please bring a special rock in to class from somewhere outside. We are going to talk about these rocks next week.

3. Read. Read. Read. Sometimes you will have assigned reading. Other times I will simply ask that you spend time reading a book/magazine/article of your choice. I would like a 25 word summary of what you read this weekend, why you did or did not enjoy it, and 2 connections you made while reading.


Anyone who volunteers at the Belmont Street Fair this Saturday can earn community service hours (which I haven't even explained yet, so don't worry if you aren't sure what I am talking about) and have a great time.

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