Sunday, December 21, 2014

Winter Break

Hooray for Winter Break! I hope you all enjoy spending time with family and friends and that you create space for relaxation and growth.

HW during Winter Break:
1. READ (daily)... Take this space in your life to read something new, slightly different, and a little bit challenging. READ!!!

2. Other winter break HW assignments include relaxing, smiling, and appreciating the people and world around you :) :) :)

3. Have a great celebration as we enter into a new year!!!
Due Tuesday, January 6th:
1. What are you reading over winter break? What are you thinking about it?

***I would prefer if you could email this to me over break ( I am interested in hearing what you read and saying hi to you over break! If you don't want to email me over break, you can write it up and give it to me Tuesday, January 6th.

Service Opportunity:
***TREE RECYCLING - Jan 3rd - 4th (11:00 - 5:00)***

Sign up (and get more info) on the Sign Up Genius website for this event:

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Power of Music

  • Watch/Listen to at least 5 of these songs
  • For each song, write down the artist/song title in your notes.... write down at least 1 thought/lyric/connection/idea for each song
  • Be prepared to come back in 45 minutes with one song and the big ideas to share

Mic Crenshaw - Superheroes
Cloud Cult - You'll Be Bright
Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy
Black Eyed Peas - Where is the Love
Macklemore - Can't Hold Us

Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
The Flaming Lips - Do You Realize
Mason Jennings - Adrian

Prince Ea - The World is Coming to an End (THIS IS SO IMPORTANT... WATCH THIS!!!!)
Michael Franti - Bomb the World
The Roots - Masters of War
Wyclef Jean - If I Was President
Xavier Rudd - Energy Song
Macklemore - Wings

The World
K'Naan - Somalia - Spoken Word

Las Cafeteras - Trabajador, Trabajador
pay close attention to the spoken rap starting at minute 3:30... 
Rage Against the Machine - Maggie's Farm

J. Cole - Be Free
Kendrick Lamar (new song from just this week)
Chamillionaire - Riding Drity

Suli Breaks - Why I Hate School, but Love Education - Spoken
Low Battery - WATCH THIS!!! - LaSayany
Shane Kocyzan - To This Day (bullying)

The Beautiful Girls - Cash Money

Mason Jennings - Keepin It Real
David Gray - Shine
Letter to My Sister - spoken word
Daughtry - Waiting for Superman

The Album Leaf - Instrumental
Explosions in the Sky - The Only Moment We Were Alone
John Wizard - Muizenberg (Eli's song choice... check this out)
Explosions in the Sky - Postcards from 1952 (interesting video)
Eluvium - Prelude for the Time Feelers
Brad Mehldau - When it Rains
Slow Magic - Hold Still

Flight of the Conchords - I'm Not Crying
Tobuskus - Sideburns
Weird Al - Fat

Music Series:
Tiny Desk Concerts
Take Away Shows

Thursday, December 11, 2014

12-11 - Pangaea Fest

Tomorrow is the Pangaea Fest! Hooray!!!!

You have no specific HW tonight :)... However, here are some things to consider:

1. 3D Project --- Is there anything else you need to do for them so that they are ready for Pangea Fest? Check to make sure your work lines up with the expectations on the rubric.

2. SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE... Are you signed up to get service at the Pangaea Fest??? Here is the current sign-up sheet... If you want to sign up for something let me know ASAP

Cafeteria with Vinnie:
5:15 - 6:00 ____________
6:00 - 6:45 ____________
6:45 - 7:30 Manju
7:30 - 8:15 ____________

Classroom Tour Giudes
6:10 - 6:30 1. Wren 2. Arion 3. _____  4. ___________
6:30 - 7:00 1. Peter 2. Kahmali 3. Gavin 4 . __________
7:00 - 7:30 1. Seamus 2. Gretchen 3. Emma D  4. Lucia

After School FINISHING TOUCHES 3:30 - 4:15 (must be independent and highly motivated to help get the room finalized for the Pangaea Fest without any support from me)... communicate directly with me if you would like to be a part of this

3. Pangaea Fest --- Tablecloths... Can you bring in some tablecloths to help fancy up our desks for 3D project displays?

4. Late work???

Secret Snowflake + Spirit Week

Claire - starburst/chapstick
Arion - Lollipops/VEGETARIAN
Wren - skittles
Gavin - Hot Dr. Pepper/Guana Antartica + skittles
Oscar - Sour Patch Kids/VEGETARIAN
Alijah - Altoids/mints/stuff
Lilly - don't care
Raven - GUM
Mia - Snickers/Chap stick + purple is my favorite color
Avery - Milky Ways
Emma D - I don't care + red
Ella - chocolate, but not dark chocolate
Emma S - I don't care + blue
Lucia - blue + regular erasers + junior mints + pencil sharpener
Gretchen - i don't like carmel (don't care)
Silas - Rolos + Red
Rico - Pink + stuff to make me really fat
Kahmali - mints, skittles, sour patch kids
Becca - dark chocolate things, sour stuff is awesome, I HATE MILK CHOCOLATE
Destinii - I love milk chocolate, I like peanut butter, favorite number is 21
Seamus - Anything really :) The number that I love is negative 8
Manju - panda, panda, panda, panda ... I don't really like sweet stuff that much
Erick - Rollos, reccess peanut butter cups, blue is my favorite blue
Peter - chocolate anything, blue is my favorite color
Kamiren - red bull (it gives me wings) + lots of water for hydration, red doritos, nacho cheese, gum, kit kat, gummy worms
Harper - gum and my favorite color is blue
Tyler - milk chocoloate, NO PEANUTS, I don't like dark chocolate


Spirit Weeek 

-Monday - Pajama Day
-Tuesday - Crazy Hair/Crazy hat
-Wednesday - Grade color (8th - black + 7th - blue + 6th pink)
-Thursday - Twin day
-Friday - Ugly holiday sweater

-Applebees tickets are coming up!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

School Life after Thanksgiving

I hope you all had an AMAZING and RESTFUL Thanksgiving Break.

You have no official HW due tomorrow UNLESS I did not collect your research paper graphic organizer on Wednesday before the break. We will be working with these graphic organizers Monday morning. I should either have this already (because I collected it Wednesday morning) or you should have it completed (except for the background info, transition sentences, and conclusion).

The other thing you could work on today is your 3D geology project. This isn't due until Thursday, Dec. 11th, but you would be wise to start thinking about your plan and how you will accomplish your ideas.

Reminder that you should be reading daily during the break! I'm excited to hear about what you have been reading.

3D Geology Project PLANNING SHEET

Our fall has consisted of focused learning about the Earth and geology, and now it is time to share the knowledge with our community!   In addition to class work, murals, and e-core journals, you will also create (at home)  a 3-D model of something geological that we learned and/or experienced to present at the

Identify the content knowledge you are going to demonstrate with your project.  (examples: the Missoula Floods,  Mt. St. Helens eruption, seismic wave energy, etc.)  What geology topic, big or small, will you teach the community about? 

Step 2: PlaN & Design
Create a design and choose a medium to represent the geology concept or topic (cardboard, papier-mâché, clay, wood, fabric, recyclables, etc).   Get your topic, design, and medium approved by your teacher before proceeding to step 3.

Step 3:  CREATE
Gather the needed materials and build/construct your project!

Determine how the geology ideas you are teaching connect to your lessons, activities, readings, labs, and field study experiences. Figure out these connections by completing the web on the back of this page. 

Step 5:  Explain
Write a short explanation of the geology your model is showing to accompany the piece.  Your explanation should be clear and accurate, and mention the connections to your field study experiences and other geology concepts learned. Utilize your E-Core and other available reference materials to ensure accurate information.  Cite sources as needed, and check for correct spelling and punctuation.

Geologic concept I’m representing:

Materials needed:

Resources needed to explain:

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Rock Cycle (in-class activity)

The Rock Cycle

"The main idea is that rocks are continually changing from one type to another and back again, as forces inside the earth bring them closer to the surface (where they are weathered, eroded, and compacted) and forces on the earth sink them back down (where they are heated, pressed, and melted)."

1. Go to this radical rock cycle link...

2. Observe each main type of rock and the different examples of each

3. Learn about the different forces that change the rock types (watch the quick videos!)

4. Click on Complete the Cycle  and take the Rock Cycle quiz!

5. Go back through the website and explore the following pages on it...
a. Introduction
b. Types of Rocks
c. How Rocks Change

6. Textbook reading (HOOORAY!!!!)... what is not done in class will become HW... 
a. Read pages 146-149
b. Answer questions 1-5 on page 149 in your e-core
c. Read pages 150-153
d. Answer pages 1-5 on page 153

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


A reminder about the importance of a growth mindset...(for those of you who didn't make sandwiches today, you already saw these videos)...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Outdoor School/Health Rotations Cancelled... This Week's Schedule

Hiya core class! Below is a message I just sent out to your families. The two most important things to know are...

1.Outdoor School/Health Rotations cancelled, meaning normal schedule tomorrow

Read on for more details...

Parents/Guardians/Loving Adults,

A heads up that Outdoor School has been cancelled for 6th graders this week as a result of weather (see message below for details). It will be re-scheduled in the spring. As a result the 7th/8th health curriculum for this upcoming week has also been postponed.

This means that all students in my core class will have a regular schedule for the rest of this week.

Because students did not know until recently that they were going to be spending part of their day with me as a core class, no homework is due tomorrow. Students and I will make up a plan to complete their assigned work (that wasn't due originally until next Monday, November 17th) in class tomorrow. No homework is due tomorrow!

Sorry for any confusion and thank you all for your last minute flexibility.




Outdoor School is closing its sites tomorrow, due to complications resulting from this weather we're having. Outdoor School will be rescheduled for 6th graders in the spring.

This week, Middle Schoolers will follow their normal schedules.
  • NO outdoor school for 6th graders.
  • NO health curriculum for 7th or 8th graders.
Thanks, everyone. Please direct any questions and they will be forwarded to the appropriate person.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Outdoor School/Health Rotations Week/Beginning of Term 2

WOW. Term 1 is over. We are going to have a big break from each other because...
-No school Monday (Term 1 Teacher Grading Day)
-No school Tuesday (Veteran's Day)

Wednesday - Friday
-6th Grade - Outdoor School
-7th/8th - (grade level) Health Rotations

This means I won't see you all back in my room as a core class until Monday, November 17th!

You will have some homework due that Monday. Don't wait until the night of Sunday, November 16th to get it done... it won't work!

HW due Monday, November 17th
1. Term 1 Reflection (this is worth 10 points)

2. Short Story reading
...Read two shorts stories
...Complete the setting and character worksheet (1 for each story)
...Complete the sheets WHILE READING!!!!

3. Tell me 3 things you learned about yourself/the world while you were doing whatever you all are going to do these next 10 days!

By the way, great news, my cowbell was found! I got more cowbell!!!

6th Graders - Outdoor School Info...

Outdoor School buses will come for us on Wednesday at 9:30AM. 

They will return with us at 1:30PM on Friday. 

Wednesday morning, have your 6th graders bring their stuff and themselves up to 

Patrick's room (patrick and Michael)
Asa's room (Asa and Karen)
Indigo's room (Indigo, Tara, Cori)

and we will check in and meet in those classrooms. 

I will draft an email for our parents tonight and send it out to all of you for your 6th grade families. 


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Computer Lab - Geologic Time + SERVICE

Geologic Timeline Exploration

Service Learning Scavenger Hunt
1. Find 3 service organizations that people could connect with at any point in the school year to get service (example: Oregon Food Bank)
2. Find 3 specific service events going on in Portland in the month October (or early November)
3. Fill out your Service Calendar Card  with one specific service learning opportunity

If you finish early come check in with Michael and then get started on creating a poster for one service organization or service event. The poster should be bold, have images, and include the following info: Who?/What?/When?/Where?/WHY WHY WHY WHY?!?!?!?!?!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Computer Lab - Columbia Gorge Scavenger Hunt

While in the Computer Lab this afternoon, please complete the following:

1. Read the following article:
a. Where do you see evidence of lava and water shaping the land?

2. Go to the following link:
a. Read the intro and captions to the Ice Age Lake article
b. Explore the Scablands... Find at least 5 pieces of evidence found that help explain the impact of the Missoula Floods on the Columbia River Gorge

3. Read the following article:
a. After reading the article, click on and explore the Ice Age Floods map

4. Find definitions for Basalt, Columbia Rive Basalts, Glacial Erratics

5. Learn about Beacon Rock
a. Find 5 different images
b. Find 3 interesting facts
c. How did it come to be?
d. Read about the hike

6. Find 5 other interesting sites related to any of the following: Missoula Floods, Beacon Rock, Columbia River Gorge geology, Rocky Butte, Mt. Tabor, Columbia River Basalts, and the Vista House

Friday, October 3, 2014

Post Overnight Weekend HW

What a lovely Friday we all had... In case you missed the Friday celebration, here is a video for you to help experience the excitement

Whether you were in school or not today, you all still have homework due Monday.

HW due Monday 

Weekend HW #1 - Central Oregon Overnight - Essential Questions... 
....They have been slightly adjusted so here is what expected...

(Essential) Question 1: What is the story of the Newberry Volcano (5 points)
...Spend 5-10 minutes reading about the Newberry Volcano before writing
...When did it become active? When did it last erupt? What happened in between the first and last eruption that makes it so important, huge, and well-known? What does the future hold for it?
...Reference at least 5 facts (examples, it was a shield volcano before it collapsed in on itself and became a caldera, the lava flow from the Newberry Volcano is the size of the state of Rhode Island)
...AT LEAST (minimum) of 1/2 page

(Essential) Question 2: How does each site we visited connect to the story of the Newberry Volcano? (10 points...THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION)
...Include: Boyd Cave Laba Tube, Lava Lands Visitor Center, and the Big Obsidian Flow
...Include SPECIFIC DETAILS FROM YOUR EXPERIENCE at each of these sites
...AT LEAST (minimum) of 1/2 page

(Assignment) Question 3: Write 1 sentence for how you experienced each of the following while on this trip... (5 points)
....Geology, Climate, Culture, and Ecology ((the study of living things, their environment, and the relation between the two),

Weekend HW #2 - Central Oregon Overnight Creative Reflection
...This is less important than the essential questions... Students who were at school today had over an hour to work on this. If you were not at school today and feel overwhelmed by the essential questions then you can turn this in on Tuesday (though you should at the very least get started on this). 
...Below is the assignment rubric/expectations

Central Oregon Overnight Creative Reflection

Welcome back to the world of being in a classroom! Before we get too caught up in everything that we do in here we are going to take some time to reflect on our Central Oregon experience. This is not an intense assignment and is instead something for you to do to capture what your time in Central Oregon was like.

On a blank white sheet of paper (you can choose whatever size works best for you) you are going to create a writing/drawing piece that reflects upon your fall overnight experience.

I would like to see the following represented in your assignment:
  • A map (it does not have to be to scale) of where we were during our trip (look at the map in your e-core for guidance!)
  • At least 1 word and 1 image for the following sites/lessons
    • LaPine State Park – camping with your class, campfire with the middle school
    • Big Obsidian Flow – hike, cooperative lava game
    • Lava Lands – hike, visitor center
    • Boyd Cave Lava Tube – lava tube exploring, panorama photo creating
  • At least 1 word and 1 image for the following:
    • The highlight of your trip (mark with a Jsmiley face J)
    • The biggest challenge you faced on this trip that you are most proud of overcoming (mark with an !exclamation point!)
    • The most important part of this experience for you (mark with a *star*)
  • The entire page should be filled
  • There should be color

How you complete the above requirements is up to you. So long as those are on your reflection, this can look like whatever you want. You can add anything else to this reflection you want.

Use your creativity and memories of Central Oregon to create this piece.

What isn’t finished in class today becomes homework. Use your class time wisely!

...Normally your reading assignments are due on Monday. NOT THIS WEEK! I will give you your week 3 reading assignment on Monday in school. It will be due Tuesday morning.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Post-LaPine Trip HW

You all have some VERY SERIOUS homework tonight!!!

1. Hug the people you love that you were away from. Thank them for supporting you on this trip.
2. REST, RELAX, SLEEP (in a cozy, non-freezing sort of way).
3. Take a shower (we all know that the D.O. (deodorant) can only cover that B.O. (body odor) for so long)
4. Show up to school tomorrow ready for a relaxing, reflective, and important day of celebration (for an awesome job this week) and learning. Please know you will also have Math/Spanish/Friendship tomorrow.

THANK YOU ALL FOR SUCH A SPECIAL WEEK. Your engagement, attitude, positivity, and support of one another was SO SO SO SO IMPRESSIVE!!!!

Enjoy your evening with your families :)

Monday, September 29, 2014

Getting Ready for the Fall Overnight!!!

Getting ready for our amazing fall overnight!!!

At the bottom of this blog is the packing list and links to all the places we will be visiting during our trip.

Things to remember:
B. DAY PACK (Lunch, Water, Snack, Warmth + Flashlight for our first stop at the Lava Tubes, Book for the bus ride)
C. Label your stuff (all of it!)
D. Get plenty of rest tonight
E. MORE WARMTH (I will be sleeping with a hat/gloves on)

Tomorrow show up at school at 7:45. Please drop your stuff in the gym in a straight line under my name sign. Once you have dropped your stuff please come up to the classroom (bring your day pack with you). We will leave to get on the buses at 8:15.

Middle School Fall Trip - LaPine Oregon Packing List

  •  Lunch
  •  Water bottle
  •  Personal snack
  •  Pencils and sharpener
  •  E-Core journal
  •  Book to read

  • Comfortable hiking/walking shoes (No open toe sandals, no canvass shoes (Converse etc.), no bare feet or flip flops)  
  • Long underwear
  • 2 pair of jeans/pants
  • Long sleeve, warm (wool) layers to wear
  • 2 Hats (night and day), gloves, scarf (wool is preferred)
  • 2-3 pair of WOOL or synthetic socks
  • WARM jacket and sweater/sweatshirt ~ we expect temperatures to be around 40 degrees
  • Warm pajamas (sweatpants (with longjohns) work great!)
  • Plastic bag to put dirty clothing into
  • Toothpaste & toothbrush
  • Toiletries (Deodorant, no perfume, no makeup, or unnecessary items)
Sleeping / Around Camp
  • WARM Sleeping bag and pad
  • Pillow (optional)
  • Mug/to go cups for hot beverage
  • Flashlight/headlamp (check for brightness and extra batteries)
Do not bring
  • Absolutely no electronic equipment (NO cell phones, walkmans, Discmans, IPODs, mp3 players, headphones, radios, game boys – nothing)  Cameras are OK.

Remember it can be very cold in Central Oregon
Wearing layers will keep you warm!

Medication: We will collect medication(s) the morning of departure.  Please leave medication in its newest, original container.  Staff will be on-site to review dosing instructions and obtain authorization for medication to be administered by school personnel.  

Departure Date: Tuesday, September 30th. Please be at SES at 7:45am.
Return Date: Thursday, October 2nd – 1:00 PM
Check Out:  Students must be checked out with their CORE Teacher before leaving school grounds.  Please be certain to pick up medications  and loaned equipment at check out.


Links to where we will be going during out trip...
LaPine State Park (where we are camping!)

Lava Lands Visitor Center

Big Obsidian Flow - Newberry Caldera

Sunday, September 7, 2014

First Weekend HW 9-6

Sorry for the late blog post everyone!

Here is the weekend HW:

Due Monday:
1. Fountain Field Study Questions
...Remember to focus your energy on the essential questions. That is where I expect to see the most thought, detail, and effort. The response should have AT LEAST 3 complete sentences.
...You can respond to the other, assignment questions anyway you want, including written, drawn, spoken (and recorded), or anything else you feel inspired to do.

2. Perspective.... One your 1/2 sheet of paper create an image of the word perspective (example: give your perspective on the word of perspective). If you need ideas, simply look up the word perspective on google images.

Enjoy your weekend... Hope you all enjoyed some amazing fist pumps Friday!

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Come ready to rock and roll for our first field study to the Moda Center fountain!!!!

Please bring:
-a lunch (or get a 'to go' lunch from the cafeteria in the morning)
-appropriate clothing (that can potentially get wet should you choose to play in the amazing fountain)
-water bottle

HW due Friday:
1. Using a notecard (or any sheet of paper if you don't have your notecard) create an image (drawn, painted, printed, however you want to do it) for one of the following four major expectations for field studies... BE PREPARED, BE AWARE, BE ENGAGED, BE POSITIVE... The image should represent what you think that expectation looks like in action!

Looking forward to a fun, community building first field study!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Day #2 - DONE! Two days in and it already seems like we are getting into a great "core class flow." Thanks all for being amazing, bringing your engagement, and positivity!

Also, thanks for checking the blog.

Once the homework picks up, the routine of checking your planner/the blog will prove helpful!

HW due Thursday:
1. Give the pink parent intro letter to a parent at home

-Bring in your summer memento (sorry we didn't get a chance to share today)

Tomorrow we will start Math/Spanish/Friendship (after morning meeting and 1 hour of core)

Friday we will go to the Moda Center (formerly known as the Rose Garden) Fountain with Asa's class four our first field study. Make sure you have turned in your permission forms if you have not already done so :)

As a check in tomorrow when you walk in the door show me what you think a radical fist pump would look like OR share with me one thing you learned from this Kid President video...

Cheers :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day of School HW

Hooray! We all survived our first day of school!

Read the post before this to get your "welcome" to the class blog.

HW due Wednesday:
1. Fill out permission forms (yellow med form, blue walking form, white field study permission forms)
2. Check the class blog (if you are reading this then you have successfully completed this assignment!)

1. Bring in summer memento (item that represents your summer) to class to share (this will be due Monday, September 8th)
2. Give Michael a high five upon walking into core class tomorrow morning to show him that you read the blog :)

Friday, September 5th = Fountain Field Study... We will be going on our first field study with Asa's class to the Moda Center fountain (where the Blazers play)... Permission forms must be turned in by this time to go on the trip!

You are all awesome. Thanks for making the first day so engaging, positive, and successful!

OOOOOPS!!!! I forgot to send home the parent intro letter tonight. I will send it home tomorrow. If anyone in your family wants to read the letter it is pasted below... Sorry for the delay (and for the poor pasting of this document)

The Year of the Mountain - 2014-2015 - Michael’s Class

Michael Jansa 
503.916.6226 (School)
503.901.9775 (CELL)

Welcome to the Year of the Mountain!  I look forward to getting to know you as we work together with your child to make this a joyful and enriching year of learning and growth.

The Year of the Mountain at SES focuses on the land and the connection between people and the land.  This fall we will explore the geography and geology of our Pacific Northwest while looking at how this land influences the people who live here now and in the future as well as those who have lived here in the past. We will also explore the people, cultures, ecology and climates that are associated with some of our mountain features. Additional studies throughout the year will take us on journeys to explore narratives of self and coming of age, world conflict and refugees, ancient cultures and many other engaging and worthwhile topics.

Our large integrated units are supported throughout the year by literature investigations, morning meeting, writer’s workshop, service learning opportunities, gardening, science and computer lab, art, weekly field studies, cooking from our garden, P.E., and SO MUCH MORE… Within all that we do there will be an emphasis on critical thinking, multiple perspectives, inquiry, resilience, and practice moving mindfully within the class, school, local, and world-wide community. 

            The first weeks of school are used for building community, strong habits, and figuring out the rhythm of the school. Please know that it is normal to feel overwhelmed at first and that I will do whatever possible to help ease the transition for you and your child into this school year.

With that in mind, I am looking forward to working with all of you throughout this year.  I GREATLY value communication, structure, and flexibility.  I work best through email ( If you don’t have email access or prefer not to check your email, I will send a hard copy of my communication home in addition to occasional phone conversations. Above all else, please know that I am always open to communication and the more we connect the better. Together we play a critical role in your child’s education and growth!

At SES we believe that many of the best learning experiences take place outside of the school building.  That is why we will travel once a week during the fall and spring out in the field where the city, parks and wilderness areas become our classroom.  Thursdays will generally be our field studies day.  On the back of this letter is a schedule of our outings.  The school district requires us to have at least one other adult present on these trips and so it’s only with your help that these learning experiences can happen. Please look at the schedule to see if you can help out on any of our trips. I will be in touch with your shortly as I attempt to secure my parent volunteers for the fall.

I will work to create a strong sense of self and community within our classroom and school while building an academically challenging year full of engaging topics to grapple with, opportunities for academic and personal growth, and many moments to have fun and challenge ourselves.

I am thrilled to be entering my 6th year at Sunnyside. After a year teaching in Maine and a year spent traveling in South America I was fortunate to receive the opportunity to teach here at Sunnyside Environmental School. I have LOVED being a part of the incredible SES community as a middle school core teacher the past five years. This is a special school and I am excited to work with all of you during the 2014-2015 school year!


Michael Jansa
Here are some beginning of the year details:

  • Back to School Parent Night is Thursday, September 11th from 6:30- 8:00. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see you all there!!!
  • I will send consistent emails sharing what is happening in the class, upcoming events and field studies, covering important classroom news, and discussing anything else that will inevitably arise.
  • Your child will have a daily planner in which they will record each night’s homework assignments. In addition, I will update the class blog ( daily with homework, service opportunities, and important dates/events.
  • In accordance with the district, students will be graded on a quarter system this year
  • We will always be reading a novel, either all class, small group, or individual choice.  Students are expected to read at least 20-45 minutes per night and can have another book they are reading besides the class book.
  • We will go on weekly field studies (mainly on Thursdays) for much of the fall. We depend on parent chaperones to make these trips possible. Please help out wherever and whenever you can.
  • We will be implementing a VTS (Visual Thinking Strategies) curriculum through monthly lessons to develop critical thinking skills (
  • We are Buddies with Kelly/Sarah’s 1st/2nd class.
  • I appreciate your input, communication, and support. Never hesitate to get connect with me if you have questions, concerns, comments, thoughts, or anything else.
  • I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO A GREAT YEAR!!! Thank you in advance for your commitment, support, and communication!!!

Fall Field Studies and Events

Sept. 5 (Friday)
Rose Quarter Fountain (bus safety/community building)
Sept. 11 (Thursday)
Site Monitoring #1
10:00 – 2:30
Sept 18 (Thursday)
Mt. Tabor
Sept. 25 (Thursday)
Jean’s Farm
Sept 30 – Oct 2 (Tues - Thurs)
Fall Overnight Camping Trip – LaPine State Park (Central Oregon)
More info to come
Oct. 9 (Thursday)
Columbia Gorge

9:00 – 3:00
Oct 16 (Thursday)
Mt. St. Helens (day trip)
9:00 – 3:00
Oct. 23 (Thursday)
Jean’s Farm #2
9:15 – 2:30
Oct. 29-Oct. 30 (Wed - Thurs)
Fall Parent Conferences
8:00 – 8:00
Nov 6 (Thurs)
Zoo Tunnel
10:00 – 2:00
Nov 12 - 14
6th grade only!!!
More info to come
Nov 20 (Thursday)
Downtown Geology
Dec 4 (Thursday)
Plant Restoration
10:45 – 2:30