Tuesday, December 10, 2013

3D Project and Write Up Rubric

River Festival 3-D Project

  • Help bring our rivers to life at the River Festival with a three-dimensional project.
  • This project should demonstrate some aspect of life on the river you’ve researched, something specific you learned from a field study or in the classroom related to rivers.
  • In addition to the 3-D project, a brief write-up will need to go along with it explaining what you did, why, and what it means/how it works.

Below are some suggestions:
  1. 3-D map
  2. Model of a building or a boat as it relates to history of a river
  3. Diorama of an event with explanation of the significance
  4. Focus on a specific topic regarding your river, such as river features, erosion/deposition, water quality, specific animal/macroinvertabrates, or anything else you learned!
  5. Create a board game that is educational for those playing it.
  6. Write a song. This may be displayed, performed, or recorded.
  7. Make a video that demonstrates your learning.
  8. Create a computer program that shows a field study or something on your river
  9. Create a dance, a play, or infomercial. This would be performed the night of the festival or recorded and played via video.
  10. Create a food dish from the region of your river.
  11. Other ideas? Check with Michael

This project may be done alone, with your family or with friend(s) from core class.

  1. Detailed plan along with who is working on it by Friday, December 6th
  2. Project with write-up the morning before the River Festival-- Thursday, Dec. 12th

8 points – 3D/Interactive
7 points – Write up/explanation
5 points – Effort

Total Points: 20 points!!!

3D Project Write Up

In addition to the 3-D project, a brief write-up will need to go along with it explaining what you did, why, and what it means/how it works.

The write up should include the following:
  • What did you do for your project?
  • Why did you choose this out of all the options?
  • How does it specifically show your learning?
    • At least 5 pieces of information related to your topic

***This can be written in response form and attached to your project
***This can be found within your project through interactive flaps, song lyrics, signs, etc
***It can be a combination of the two

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