Friday, December 27, 2013

Winter Break

I hope everyone is enjoying their winter break!!!

This is a friendly reminder that you should be reading throughout your Winter Break. You can either email me ( or give me a note on the first day back telling me the following:
1. What you have been reading
2. What you thought about it

You do not need to worry about what you read (as it is a novel of some sort) or finishing the book so long as you are reading consistently throughout the break.

Be sure to work on your other winter break homework assignments like relaxing, smiling, and appreciating those around you :) :) :)

Have a great celebration as we enter into a new year!!!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Last Weekend Before Winter Break :)

Sorry for the late blog post folks!

Congrats on a most excellent River Festival and all the hard work/effort/thinking/creativity that went into everything you did leading up to it.

Your homework this weekend is to READ.

You should be finished with your Native American novel by Wednesday, December 18th. If you are already finished, you should be reading something else of your choice.

You are going to have one homework assignment over winter break. It is going to be to read a book of your choice. Be thinking about what book you will read!

Next week we will be participating in Secret Snowflake. You are not allowed to spend more than 5 dollars total all week. You can get 1 gift or many small gifts. Place whatever you create in your buddies cubby (or elsewhere if you prefer). Here are the notes from what you all said during our secret snowflake conversation on Friday...

Secret Snowflake - Things I Enjoy

Lasayany – Hershey kisses
Willow – chocolate
Julian – Taco Bell (anything goes… the gift just means a lot)
Cellina – chocolate
Maia – all candy (sour/sweet things)
Lucy – caramel
Mya – allergic to tree nuts (hazlenuts and stuff like that… stay away from peanuts)... likes other stuff
Hannah – mint gum
Max – Charleston chews
Emma – chocolate
Iman – Chocolately sweet things
Aidan – Cosmic and sour candy
Blake – Nerds (yes!)
Oliver Bisby – sour sour sour or gummy bears
Sam – Corner store – tubes called dynamite like doritos or anything that is gummy/sour/sweedish fish
Hrishi – sour candy and/or 5 dollar basketballs
Ellis – soda beverages or anything ("I am proud of the class… the people… especially those who worked extra even when I didn’t!!!" - GREAT QUOTE ELLIS!)
Milo –  tinsy packets of caibou gummy beras or natyhing gummy/candy/sour ("
I like how we worked together" - GREAT QUOTE MILO)
Olivia – junior mints/peppermint bars
Holden – I don’t like candy but I love chocolate
Zakiah – skittles and other chewy candies like that
Parker – chocolate
Destinii – I like any type of candy except for dark chocolate
Ben – skittles/chewy candies
Acacia – chocolate that is not super dark and iced tea
Sara – sugar sugar sugar
Silvan – twix, snickers, and peanut m & m’s
Luz – chocolate
Sloan - absent
Jackson - absent

Thursday, December 12, 2013

River Festival - Last Night


Due Friday:
1. River Story!!!
2. Come to the River Festival (6:00 - 8:00)
... Earn service :)

the following people are signed up to earn service in my classroom during the River Festival:
3:30 - 4:30 (you need to give me a note saying how you will be helpful during this time... This is the a VERY important time in helping me bring my room together. I am looking for energy, leadership, independence, and amazingness) - Milo, Max, Hrishi, Hannah, Willow, Mya, Iman
5:50 - 6:30 - Luz, LaSayany, Olivia, Cellina
6:30 - 7:00 -  Julian, Aidan, Maia
7:00 - 7:30 - Destinii, Aidan, Emma

If you are not signed up but want to be please let me know and I can add you to the list! The more help the better!!!

Extra Credit:

1. Create and add another Pacific Northwest Native Plant to our mural
2. Bring in a tablecloth to help get our room beautified for the 3D projects (Getting roughly 4 of these in the classroom would be VERY appreciated :))

Below are the steps for how to arrange your final River Story
River Story --- This is the order it should be in....(leave space for epilogue/author's page)
1. Cover
2. Map
3. Fact Page
4. Timeline
5. Intro
6. Natural History
7. Initial Inhabitants
8. Arrival of Settlers
9. Growth of Cities/Industry
10. Problems/Solutions
11. Epilogue
12. Author's Page

D. Type Epilogue/Author's Page (come get the handout next to the projector!)…..Add 1 Image to each

River Story Epilogue and Author's Page --- These are the two least important pages... Don't spend more than 15 minutes on each
River Story – Epilogue

This is the conclusion to your River Story. It should wrap up the entire story of your river and show what the future looks like for your river. The epilogue can be written from either your own perspective or the perspective you have been using throughout the story.

It should include:
·       What is life on the river like TODAY?
·       A brief summary of each section (1-5 sentences total)
·       What the future ahead looks like for your river…
·       1 Image (or border if you want)

River Story – Author’s Page

This is the final page in your River Story. The goal of this page is introduce yourself to the reader, talk about who you are and share parts of your bamba, and share about what you learned during the process of writing your River Story

It should include the following:
1.     Introduction to who you are
a.      Name, age, school, and any other important details you want to share about yourself
2.     My Bamba
a.      Share two things that you do when not writing river stories that make up a part of what makes you special (your bamba) ... for exmpale I might share that when I am not writing my River Story I can be found eating elephant ears by the handful!
3.     The Writing Process
a.      Share what the research and writing process was like, what you learned about yourself
4.     Big Take Away….
a.      One final thought about your river and your hopes for its’ future
5.     Image
a.      At least 1 image
                                               i.     Add an image related to yourself
                                              ii.     Add anything else that relates to you, your river, or your bamba

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

3D Project and Write Up Rubric

River Festival 3-D Project

  • Help bring our rivers to life at the River Festival with a three-dimensional project.
  • This project should demonstrate some aspect of life on the river you’ve researched, something specific you learned from a field study or in the classroom related to rivers.
  • In addition to the 3-D project, a brief write-up will need to go along with it explaining what you did, why, and what it means/how it works.

Below are some suggestions:
  1. 3-D map
  2. Model of a building or a boat as it relates to history of a river
  3. Diorama of an event with explanation of the significance
  4. Focus on a specific topic regarding your river, such as river features, erosion/deposition, water quality, specific animal/macroinvertabrates, or anything else you learned!
  5. Create a board game that is educational for those playing it.
  6. Write a song. This may be displayed, performed, or recorded.
  7. Make a video that demonstrates your learning.
  8. Create a computer program that shows a field study or something on your river
  9. Create a dance, a play, or infomercial. This would be performed the night of the festival or recorded and played via video.
  10. Create a food dish from the region of your river.
  11. Other ideas? Check with Michael

This project may be done alone, with your family or with friend(s) from core class.

  1. Detailed plan along with who is working on it by Friday, December 6th
  2. Project with write-up the morning before the River Festival-- Thursday, Dec. 12th

8 points – 3D/Interactive
7 points – Write up/explanation
5 points – Effort

Total Points: 20 points!!!

3D Project Write Up

In addition to the 3-D project, a brief write-up will need to go along with it explaining what you did, why, and what it means/how it works.

The write up should include the following:
  • What did you do for your project?
  • Why did you choose this out of all the options?
  • How does it specifically show your learning?
    • At least 5 pieces of information related to your topic

***This can be written in response form and attached to your project
***This can be found within your project through interactive flaps, song lyrics, signs, etc
***It can be a combination of the two

Monday, December 9, 2013

HW - River Story and 3D Proejct - Planning it Out

Mapping out our HW

3D project due Thursday 
...If you have not started, you would be wise to spend 20-30 minutes on this each day this week until you are finished. Use the 3D project rubric as your guide.

River Story due Friday
 You have all worked hard, well, and thoroughly on your river stories over the past month. I have been impressed with your research, writing, and effort. The River Story is due Friday. Even if it doesn't feel like it, most of you are VERY VERY VERY close to done. For those of you who don't feel close or are overwhelmed, I have mapped out what our time in class and at home can look like this week to get it ready to finish by Friday. 
...Monday night - 30-45 minutes of choice work on River Story based on what makes most sense for your (borders, final draft writing, timeline)
...Tuesday - 1 hour in the computer lab
...Tuesday night - complete final draft writing
...Wednesday - 1 hour in WW to finalize pages
...Thursday - 1 hour in core to finalize pages, bind books, get it finished
...Thursday night - finishing touches at home! Turn completed book in Friday.

You will not have other homework from core this week. The focus is on these two assignments.

Your Native American novel will need to be finished by Wednesday, 12/18. This means if you are behind on this novel you will have all next weekend to catch up on it (it will be pretty much your only homework assignment next weekend and week).

If this is still feeling overwhelming come check in with me and I can help you make a plan of action to get everything done in a sane way.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving Break

Have a great Thanksgiving Break!!!!

HW for break:

1. Read daily!
2. Smile :), relax, appreciate, eat, challenge yourself, sleep, thank the special people in your life
3. Have a conversation with your family about your conference after it has happened... Click here for a link to the parent conference schedule...

 4. 3D Project (see rubric below) is not due until Thursday, December 12th.... Feel free to think about this/work on this over break. If you do not feel like it you will have plenty of time after break to do this as well.

Service: Homeless lunches with Vinnie on Wednesday, November 27th from 10:30 - 12:00

River Festival 3-D Project

  • Help bring our rivers to life at the River Festival with a three-dimensional project.
  • This project should demonstrate some aspect of life on the river you’ve researched, something specific you learned from a field study or in the classroom related to rivers.
  • In addition to the 3-D project, a brief write-up will need to go along with it explaining what you did, why, and what it means/how it works.

Below are some suggestions:
  1. 3-D map
  2. Model of a building or a boat as it relates to history of a river
  3. Diorama of an event with explanation of the significance
  4. Focus on a specific topic regarding your river, such as river features, erosion/deposition, water quality, specific animal/macroinvertabrates, or anything else you learned!
  5. Create a board game that is educational for those playing it.
  6. Write a song. This may be displayed, performed, or recorded.
  7. Make a video that demonstrates your learning.
  8. Create a computer program that shows a field study or something on your river
  9. Create a dance, a play, or infomercial. This would be performed the night of the festival or recorded and played via video.
  10. Create a food dish from the region of your river.
  11. Other ideas? Check with Michael

This project may be done alone, with your family or with friend(s) from core class.

  1. Detailed plan along with who is working on it by Friday, December 6th
  2. Project with write-up the morning before the River Festival-- Thursday, Dec. 12th

8 points – 3D/Interactive
7 points – Write up/explanation
5 points – Effort

Total Points: 20 points!!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


HW due Thursday:

1. Field Study to Reed College Cooley Art Gallery
...We will be eating at the cafeteria. You can bring a lunch or IF you have one missing assignment or less you can purchase goods from their cafeteria.
...Bring in 2 facts about Crystal Springs creek as it relates to Reed College

2. River Story - Graphic Organizer 1
...Attempt to write out your intro, natural history page on your purple graphic organizer
...It is ok if you don't fill it out perfectly. Do what works best for you.

***Make sure you are reading your Native American novel***

HW due Friday:
1. Parent Conference Letter

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Term 1 Ends... Term 2 Begins...

Grades are being submitted all day Friday! Report cards probably won't come home until the week of Nov 18th though.

No school Friday (grading day)
No school Monday (Veteran's Day)
....extra credit - find a current event related to Veteran's Day
Sunday = Jackson's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKSON!!!!

Term 2 starts Tuesday, Nov 12th... You will all have straight A's at the start of term 2! How will you work to keep it that way?!?!

Because it is the end of the term you have NO NO NO homework during this long weekend. The only school related thing you should be doing is READING DAILY! Enjoy the mini-break :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Thursday is the last day of Term 1!!!

I hope you all are enjoying your week of learning away from the world of core class...

REMINDER THAT THE FOLLOWING ARE DUE IN MY CLASSROOM TOMORROW (none of this should be a surprise... almost all of this should have been completed already... it has been assigned for a week or more!!!)

1. TERM 1 ENDS!!!!!!
2. Turn in Term 1 Service Reflection!!!!
3. Turn in E-Core (Jean's Farm + Fish Hatchery)
4. Turn in Geography worksheet #4 (Portland/Oregon)

***Reminder that you will have to drop off those things in my classroom Thursday before/during/after school as we will not be meeting as a core class that day.

Service Reflections Rubric:

-There should be a minimum of three paragraphs
-I am looking for a strong hook and conclusion... CONNECTIONS of your work to the outside communities and world...Correct grammar and punctuations, and of course a creative piece (please don't do the same creative piece over and over again on each reflection... spice it up)
-I would recommend doing your work on the computer as I often send back reflections for editing after I first receive them. Doing your work on the computer enables you to go back and make corrections without having to feel like you are starting all over again.

•What did you do?
•Who was involved?
•Where were you?
•What part did you play?
•When did it happen?

Michael's comments: The "what" is a quick, brief paragraph. Recognize that you must go far beyond the “what” to have a complete reflection as paragraph takes little thought and effort to complete. Pay attention to the “so what” and give the MOST attention and thought to the “now what”

•Why did you do it?
•Why was it important to do?
•How was it helpful?
•Who benefits from the Project?

•What are you going to do with what you learned?
•What will you keep doing (or not doing) now?
•How is this action connected to a larger issue? What larger issue?
•Who is doing something about this issue?
•What organizations exist to address this issue?

Always Consider…

you --> School --> COMMUNITY --> WORLD

Michael's notes: A paragraph should be spent showing how your work connects outside of your three hours of service to the greater community and world.

Michael's final note:
When looking at reflections I will always look for a hook, 3 paragraphs (with the NOW WHAT paragraph reflecting the most effort), and CONNECTIONS (showing how your work relates to bigger picture ideas).

These are worth 25 points and show reflect a high level of effort and thought

Friday, November 1, 2013

Term 1 Ending!!!

Enjoy the weekend everybody!!!

-6th graders at Outdoor School
-7th/8th graders in grade level health rotations

1. TERM 1 ENDS!!!!!!
2. Turn in Term 1 Service Reflection!!!!
3. Turn in E-Core (Jean's Farm + Fish Hatchery)
4. Turn in Geography worksheet #4 (Portland/Oregon)

***Reminder that you will have to drop off those things in my classroom Thursday before/during/after school as we will not be meeting as a core class that day.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

HW due Friday:

1. Service Journal pages (something you have had assigned all week... no reason that you should have to do this tonight unless you were not proactive).
-p. 42 (service log), p. 9 (garden log), 19, 12, 15, 26

2. Term 1 Service Complete (unless you have talked to me already)


Thursday, Nov 7th 
1. Last day of term
2. Service Reflection due!!!
3. Field Study Questions for Fish Hatchery and Jean's Farm #2 due!!!!

Day of the Dead Processional
Join the third annual Day of the Dead celebration!   Procession starts at 5:30pm downtown on SW Columbia and Clay. Kids are gathering at Sunnyside School at 4pm to get their face painted and then taking the bus downtown for the procession. (please send bus $)  Parents, we will need all the help we can get painting faces. Bring any pictures or items to remember those who have passed. Middle school students participating will earn service hours for community service!  Thanks to 8th grade Spanish students who will make sugar skulls for the event!
The procession will end at the Crystal Ballroom with a huge alter, Aztec dancers, mariachi music. Adults are $12 and kids under 12 are free.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

After Eagle Fern...

HW due Thursday...
1. Rest
2. Relax
3. Smile as you should be proud of yourself, your class, and your school for a special and wonderful trip (THE RAIN CAN'T HOLD US BACK!)
4. Share a story of the trip with a family member

You had other weekend homework that you were supposed to have done last weekend. If for some reason you chose not to do it then you are actually looking at having homework tonight (My Life as a River graphic organizer vignette and river facts... I gave detailed info on them in my last blog post)... Homework tonight sounds miserable. If you did not do your weekend homework last weekend and are trying to do it tonight I would suggest you rest tonight, take a few late points, and do it VERY well this upcoming weekend. Use it as a lesson learned about putting things off until later (it never works very well). REST REST REST! Your health, sanity, and relaxation are the most important thing tonight!

Thanks for a great Eagle Fern Extravaganza!!!!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Eagle Fern on Monday... and Weekend HW

Have a restful week in preparation for Eagle Fern!

At the bottom of this email you will find the packing list in case you need one!

Eagle Fern logistics:
-Come with a positive and engaged attitude!!!
-Connect with other classmates during the trip!
-Pack for extra warmth/layers/rain protection (even though the weather should be relatively dry)
-Bring a day pack with a lunch for the first day
-Label all your gear!!!!
-Show up to school @ 8:45, drop stuff (with name on it) under the sign with my name on it at the back field, head up to core class to check in

HW due Monday.
1. Choice Fiction Reading Assignment #3
...Complete the assignment WHILE you are reading your book
...Add in the page numbers to the work

Example My Life as a River Graphic Organizer Paragraph

***Explain how it connects to the river feature
***Explain what that river feature is
***Tell your story!!!

Topic/Big Idea:  
I can't wait to go to school today I thought to myself as my alarm beeped in the background. I have so much to talk about with my friends! The depth of my river dropped quickly when I started high school, forming a pool that I swam and splashed in for 4 years.  Much like a pool within a flowing river, my time in high school represented a sense of peace, calm, and place. I loved my experience, my family, my friends, and life, and I felt like I could have stayed in that unmoving space forever!

Other ideas within my story...
  • Friends represented the calm that a pool provides
  • Freedom allowed me to dive deep within my pool
  • A sense of self and peace was a part of my being much like the pool of a river

But even the deepest water molecule doesn’t stay in the pool forever as I eventually found myself floundering with the rapids of a river.

HW due Thursday (that you should really do this weekend because it is not too difficult, you don't have much weekend homework, and doing homework the night you get back from Eagle Fern will be miserable).
1. My Life as a River VIGNETTE - Graphic Organizer
...Bring all three stories + River Map with you to class on Thursday

2. Find 5 rivers that interest you in our country. Write 1 interesting fact about each river. Be thinking about a river that you would be interested in studying more about.

Packing list:

    o   Clothing for all weather – layers, warm, cold and rainy
    (rain coat,boots or sneakers, change of socks and undergarments, hat for campfire, pajamas, etc)
    o   Sleeping bag and pillow ( (if they are not in stuff sack, please place in garbage bag labeled with student name; sleeping pad if you have it)
    o   Hygiene items (deodorant, toothbrush, etc.)
    o   Water bottle
    o   E-core journal and pencils
    o   Flashlight
    o   Sack lunch for first day
  • o   Daypack
  • o   Optional:  Musical instruments for campfire, sports equipment, deck of cards

DO NOT bring any valuables such as electronics  (there is no cell phone reception at the camp).
DO NOT bring any personal snacks as food is not allowed in cabins (but do bring your own lunch for day #1).


Monday, September 30, 2013


Happy end of September!

HW due Tuesday:

1. Writing - My Life as a River
...Following the Movie Behind Your Eyelids rule/idea (use detail... capture emotion... Write with all 5 senses) write 1 story from your My Life as a River Map. Your story should be somewhere between 1 paragraph to 2 pages. You should not have to spend more than 30 minutes on this homework assignment unless you want to spend more time writing because you love writing!

2. Current Event
...Pick a current event related to a river (any river in the world)
...Some helpful research hints include going to a news website ( and searching the word river or searching for a specific river (Willamette, Columbia, Balch Creek, etc...)

3. Bring your choice fiction novel to class for silent reading tomorrow!

Thursday = Field Study to Forest Park (round 2!)
Friday = Last day before I send grades home to families

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Belmont Library Resources

How to choose a "Just Right Book" according to the Belmont Librarian extraordinaire, Jane Corry...

Look at the cover.

Read the flap.

Open at random and read a page. See if you are intrigued.

Look at what authors wrote blurbs on the cover of a book you liked, read something by them.

Get recommendations from trusted friends or relatives.

Read another book by an author you like.

Ask a librarian for suggestions, we love talking about books (one you know or…)

Use a booklist.

Use a database.

Read an award winner


 Printz Award

Newbery Medal

Sibert Award (non-fiction)

Take a chance, they are free from the library and you don’t have to finish a book just because you started it.

Monday, September 16, 2013


HW due Tuesday:

1. Current Event
...Find a current event from a news source of your choice about anything going on in the world!
...Complete the current event worksheet form
...When filling it out know that I care most about your connection to the current event, reason for choosing it, and opinion.

Potential News Sources (there are so much more!)
-newspaper, magazine, radio, tv

2. Bring silent reading material (if you are reading something from my bookshelf tell me before class)

-Late opening
-Trip to Belmont Library (bring library card or a home address/phone number so we can get you a library card)

-Willamette River Walk field study

-Have chosen your choice fiction novel
-Have your "binder" set up and organized (see below for specifics)

Michael’s Class – Binder Organization

  1. Have a section/folder/space for HW that is needs to be completed or is going to be turned in
  2. Have a section/folder/space for handouts
  3. Have a section/folder/space for notes/activities
  4. Have a section/folder/space for returned homework (keep returned homework until the end of the term)

  • Put new things towards the front, old things towards the back
  • Avoid loose papers, stuffing things into your backpack
  • Check/clean/organize your binder/backpack once every few weeks (avoid binder/backpack monster)

Friday, September 13, 2013


Happy weekend! Enjoy the sunshine :)

HW due Monday...

1. "Important Moments in My Reading History"
 ...Help me build an understanding of who you are as a reader
 ...Explain the significance of each example

2. Writing
...Complete "Who are We?!" interview partner form
...Complete "Who am I?!" form
...We had plenty of time working on these in class today. Most of you were close to (if not all the way) finished. If this assignment is a struggle for you this weekend think about using your time more wisely in class!

3. Year of the River image (this is the least important homework assignment)
...The class has some of my images about what I think "The Year of the River" looks like. I want you to add your own so that its not my ideas but our ideas.
...Bring in something that represents what the Year of the River looks like in your mind (it can be an image, actual picture, map, quote, poem, word, anything!)

Thursday - Willamette River field study
Friday - must have selected your (just right) choice fiction novel

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Are you checking the blog?!?!?! If you are place a sticky note with a cool fact about yourself in my homework bin first thing tomorrow.

HW due Friday:
1. Come prepared for our field study to Mt. Tabor
...Bring a lunch
...Bring a positive attitude and a smile
...Bring layers and be prepared for rain

Saturday, June 15, 2013



Thanks for such a special year.

You all are incredible :)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Marine Biology week!

Enjoy marine biology!!!!!!!!!!!

TO DO during marine biology:
Have a positive attitude
Dance your bamba
Challenge yourself
Accept vulnerability
Get to know people better

Due Sunday night (if you haven't already done them)
-Wildlife Tour essential questions
-Science fiction final novel assignment
-8th grade portfolio work

Happy early birthday to Oliver, Elizabeth (May 23rd), and Jada (May 24th)

All should enjoy the memorial day weekend they get back from marine biology with rest and joy (along with some daily reading!).

Monday, April 29, 2013

May = Walk/Bike to School Challenge

Hi everyone,
This Wednesday at SES we begin the Walk & Bike to School Challenge!  With the help of a few volunteer parents we will be keeping track of student participation by collecting tally sheets that we will distribute to each class.  Find a place to hang the tally sheet so that everyone can record their mode of transportation.  We suggest making copies once all your students names have been written so its easy to start each week with a fresh tally sheet.  Teachers please encourage student participation as we will be roaming around promoting as well!  Students who must drive can with the help of their parents park a few blocks away and safely walk to school.  Carpooling is a major plus that counts a bus on the tally sheet.

Sean Hutchinson is a parent who will be volunteering coming around to all K-2 classes to announce this event at the beginning of next week.  A few fun events we have planned... Enjoy,

  • Wed May 1st Begin Walk & Bike Challenge
  • Fri May 3rd Free Basic Bike repairs for students & staff!
  • Fri 10th Bike Train 30th & Morrison departs @ 8:20AM please join
  • Fri May 31st Celebrate with Acoustic Music on the Blacktop 8:15-9:00AM

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

4/3 - Single Story questions and Service Reflection Rubric

Sorry for the late blog post. I just got out of my second afternoon meeting.


Due Thursday:

A reflection on our conversation based off today's "Alleyway Tableaux"

1. In what ways did many of our tableauxs represent a single story (think about what Danny pointed out how we are showing similar scenes with the car crash, police officers, etc...)?

In creating an alleyway many students were involved in "shady" activities. This was described by some as "ghetto." As a result many guesses were thrown out about where this could have been. Guesses included 82nd, Las Vegas, Compton, Harlem, and Outer South East areas of a city. I perceived many of this to be perpetuating a single story about what these places are like (as opposed to what they are actually like). When we observe and partake in single stories the most important thing is to learn from them (as opposed to be defensive or feeling guilty). So the point of these questions are to learn and grow and challenge ourselves and our thinking!

Below is an explanation of the origins of the term ghetto (

Formerly, a street or quarter of a city set apart as a legally enforced residential area for Jews. Forced segregation of Jews spread throughout Europe in the 14th–15th centuries. Ghettos were customarily enclosed with walls and gates and kept locked at night and during Christian festivals. Since outward expansion was usually impossible, most ghettos grew upward; congestion, fire hazards, and unsanitary conditions often resulted. Ghettos were abolished in western Europe in the 19th century; those revived by the Nazi Party (see Warsaw Ghetto Uprising) were overcrowded holding places preliminary to extermination. 

Today the term ghetto is often used to refer to areas that are economically and socially "unstable." While the term "ghetto" has different meanings to different people, I would argue that today when the term was being used it was being used as a negative reference to an area.

2. While these areas may have issues, how do we perpetuate a single story when we describe an area that we have spent limited (or no time) in and know few people from as a "ghetto?"

3. How do we limit an area and the people who live there when we assume that everything there is "sketchy, dangerous, and shady?"

4. How might using the term "ghetto" to describe other things like the Belmont Market be potentially damaging?

5. What might it feel like to live in area that you called home that others who you have never met refer to your home as "undesirable" or inferior place to live?

6. What are your thoughts about the conversation we had at the end of the day?

7. What are three questions you still have based off our conversations and these questions?

Due Friday:
1. Service Reflection (see below for service reflection rubric)

Service Reflections Rubric:

-There should be a minimum of three paragraphs
-I am looking for a strong hook and conclusion... CONNECTIONS of your work to the outside communities and world...Correct grammar and punctuations, and of course a creative piece (please don't do the same creative piece over and over again on each reflection... spice it up)
-I would recommend doing your work on the computer as I often send back reflections for editing after I first receive them. Doing your work on the computer enables you to go back and make corrections without having to feel like you are starting all over again.

•What did you do?
•Who was involved?
•Where were you?
•What part did you play?
•When did it happen?

Michael's comments: The "what" is a quick, brief paragraph. Recognize that you must go far beyond the “what” to have a complete reflection as paragraph takes little thought and effort to complete. Pay attention to the “so what” and give the MOST attention and thought to the “now what”

•Why did you do it?
•Why was it important to do?
•How was it helpful?
•Who benefits from the Project?

•What are you going to do with what you learned?
•What will you keep doing (or not doing) now?
•How is this action connected to a larger issue? What larger issue?
•Who is doing something about this issue?
•What organizations exist to address this issue?

Always Consider…

you --> School --> COMMUNITY --> WORLD

Michael's notes: A paragraph should be spent showing how your work connects outside of your three hours of service to the greater community and world.

Michael's final note:
When looking at reflections I will always look for a hook, 3 paragraphs (with the NOW WHAT paragraph reflecting the most effort), and CONNECTIONS (showing how your work relates to bigger picture ideas).

These are worth 25 points and show reflect a high level of effort and thought.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Spring Break

I hope everyone has had a lovely spring break!!!

As you gear up for school tomorrow here were the things you needed to be doing over break:

1. smiling
2. reading daily
3. try something new

The big thing due is that 7th graders are expected to have completed their grade level service by Monday. We will be learning about speeches all week and the following week (April 8th).

All term 3 service reflections will be due this upcoming Friday, April 5th.

See you all Monday morning!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Community Service Opportunity 2-14

SES families are invited to volunteer for a evening shift at The Oregon Food Bank this Thursday, February 14, 2013, 6:00-8:30PM.  Volunteer's will be helping in the Volunteer Action Center sorting and packing various food items that will be distributed to people in need.  Our group is signed up for 25 volunteer shifts age 6 & up.  This is a great opportunity for students and families to get together to make a difference for people in the Portland area.  Visit the OFB website for other volunteer opportunities at
Where:Portland Volunteer Action Center
7900 Northeast 33rd Drive, Portland, OR
When: 6:00-8:30PM Thursday, Feb 14th
Children must be chaperoned by an adult.  Any question please email Vinnie
