Monday, April 29, 2019


HW due Tuesday:

1. Bring choice reading material with you to class. You should be reading daily for at least 20 minutes.

2. Ancient Japan
-Complete Indigo's packet that most of you finished Friday or over the weekend. I will be checking this off tomorrow.
-Complete the Ancient Japan - Elements of Culture worksheet that we worked on this morning that most of you already finished. If you were absent, I can explain this better in person and you can ignore this for now.

3. Ancient Egypt - Timeline
-Complete the last part of this Ancient Egypt worksheet related to the timeline (you can ignore the other parts of this worksheet for now... Only focus on the timeline part today) in our textbook that can be found here: Ancient Egypt - History Alive - Timeline

If you want to order a class photo from today as a part of the Marine Bio fundraiser you can click here:

Thursday = Japanese Garden Field Study - This costs $5 per student. Please either bring in $5 in the coming days or contribute here Thank you!

Thursday, April 25, 2019


Student Led Conferences

Student Led Conferences Guide

 Check in with your families about signing up for the Student Led Conferences tomorrow, April 25th from 3:30 - 6:30. If you need to schedule an alternate time or an "at-home" conference, get in touch with me at and we can make arrangements. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


HW due Thursday:

1. Check in with your families about signing up for the Student Led Conferences tomorrow, April 25th from 3:30 - 6:30. If you need to schedule an alternate time or an "at-home" conference, get in touch with me at and we can make arrangements. 

2. Philadanco - Watch one more video from the list below. List 6 observations/thoughts/questions/connections you had during the performance today and from any of the videos you watched today.

A reminder that tomorrow is Rebekah's last day with our class. Come ready to celebrate and appreciate her as she gets ready to take another step in her journey as a school counselor.

Dance as Social Justice Videos:
Social DanceBoys and Dance
Street Dance Activism - Black Lives Matter
Stereotypes in Dance - Body Size
Ballet Hispánico
Remebering Japantown - PDX

Influential Philadelphia Artists:Besse Smith
Billie Holiday
The Roots
Raven Wilkinson
Fresh Prince of Bel Air

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

QSA Shirts - Order Today

HW due Wednesday: 

1a. White Bird Philadanco Dance Performance Permission Slip + Article
1b. After reading the article, either list 6 things that stood out to you from the reading or watch 1 video related to influential Philadelphia artists and 1 video about dance as social justice.

Dance as Social Justice Videos:
Boys and Dance
Street Dance Activism - Black Lives Matter
Stereotypes in Dance - Body Size
Ballet Hispánico
Remebering Japantown - PDX

Influential Philadelphia Artists:
Besse Smith
Billie Holiday
The Roots
Raven Wilkinson
Fresh Prince of Bel Air

Other Notes:

Check in with your families about signing up for the Student Led Conferences this Thursday, April 25th from 3:30 - 6:30

Spring 2019 QSA T-Shirts: Order Online Today

It's time to release our BRAND NEW Queer Straight Alliance T-shirts! All fund will go towards supporting our Middle School and 3x5 Queer Straight Alliances. This year, our shirt is made of an especially soft and comfy material. The shirt also features both QSAs, so that all kinder through eighth grade students (and their families) can rock these shirts! Wearing the shirts can help queer and trans youth see visible allyship/support and also creates a welcoming community on our campus and within our families.

A select few shirts will be available for purchase at the QSA Day in May 2019.

Thanks for supporting our queer straight alliances!


Monday, April 22, 2019


HW due Tuesday: 

In preparation for our White Bird Philadanco dance performance at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall on Wednesday, read the following article...

1a. Read Philadanco article
1b. What is Philadanco? What are 2 influences on the dance program? What are 2 interesting details you took away from the article?

Check in with your families about signing up for the Student Led Conferences this Thursday, April 25th from 3:30 - 6:30

Thursday, April 18, 2019


HW due Friday: 

1. Oregon Food Bank field study assignment

Don't forget to wear ORANGE for our last day of spirit week to represent our core class community!!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


HW due Wednesday:

We have no leaders for First Thoughts - What's Been Inspiring Me Lately?! tomorrow. If you have not yet done this in our core class and are interested, let me know as I would love for this happen tomorrow!

1. Ancient Japan - Indigo's Class
a. With Indigo this afternoon you all worked on "Anticipation Guide 20" in your work packets.  If you finished this, you have no homework (outside of 20 minutes of reading)! If you didn't finish it in class, you need to finish this as homework.

2.Please get both pages of this field study permission slip for the rest of the spring and for our trip to the Oregon Food Bank this Thursday filled out and turned back in tomorrow.

Monday, April 15, 2019


HW due Tuesday: 
1. Interactive Timeline -
a. Spend 10-15 minutes exploring this interactive timeline.
b. Pick one period of time from B.C.E. (Before Common Era) and look at 3 different places in the world during that time. Write down one observation for each place during that time.

Please get both pages of this field study permission slip for the rest of the spring and for our trip to the Oregon Food Bank this Thursday filled out and turned back in ASAP. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


HW due Thursday:

1. History Alive - Ch. 4 Reading Worksheet
a. Read ch. 4 (which most of you already did in class) and complete both sides of the Ch. 4 reading worksheet

Here is a link to the reading from Ch. 4

Here is a link to the Ch. 4 reading worksheet

Tomorrow we are going on a field study to the Miao Fa Temple in the morning. We are walking there and back so bring appropriate clothing. The walk will take us 25 minutes both ways. We are leaving school around 9:30 and will be back by lunch.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


HW due Wednesday:

Welcome to Term 4 folks! Because we spent most of the day in the world of state testing and because it is the beginning of Term 4, you do not have any homework due tomorrow!!! The only expectations you have are to read for at least 20 minutes tonight. 

Thursday, April 4, 2019

4/4/19 - LAST DAY OF TERM 3

Friday is the last day of TERM 3!!!

HW due Friday:
1. Reed College Cooley Art Gallery Assignment Questions
a. We worked on this for 20 minutes in class, so my hope is that if you used your time well this afternoon that you don't have to do any homework!

The reason why I don't want you all to have much HW tonight is because tomorrow is the last day of Term 3 and I want to give you space to either celebrate the term or to do some work to wrap things up before the term ends.

Some things to consider:

1. Updated Grades
2.A Guide to Service Reflections + Rubric
3.Service Learning Reflections - EDITING to consider + practice

Extra Credit:
What was the highlight of term 3 for you and why??? Complete this and turn it into my HW bin tomorrow morning for extra credit

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


HW due Thursday:

1. Term 3 Service Reflection is due at 9:00 AM Thursday. This means you will have the first 15 minutes of core class to work on it tomorrow morning if you need it. That said you should be close to finishing it when you walk into class tomorrow and should spend at least 15 minutes on it today after school

Service Reflection Resources
A Guide to Service Reflections + Rubric
Service Learning Reflections - Student Examples
Service Learning Quotes
Service Learning Reflections - EDITING to consider + practice

We are headed to the Reed College Cooley Art Gallery tomorrow morning. We will leave at 9:15. After our time with Gregory in the exhibit we will eat lunch in the cafeteria. You are welcome to eat lunch in the cafeteria, but cannot purchase caffeine, more than one sugary treat, and cannot spend over $9.99 (though you should frankly spend much less than that!).

Extra Credit: Come to class with 3 facts written down about the Eyehold to Eyehold exhibit we are visiting tomorrow.

We will continue with our state ELA standardized testing tomorrow afternoon.

A reminder that Term 3 ends Friday, April 5th!!!

Here are the updated grades as of 3/22: Updated Term 3 Grades 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


HW due Wednesday:

Starting tomorrow we are beginning our ELA state test. We will get settled, discuss the test, and practice in the morning and start the test in the afternoon. Come to school tomorrow rested, well-fed, and ready to state test rock and roll.

Though it is not required, you are strongly encouraged to work on your Term 3 Service Reflection for 15 minutes tonight. It will be due Thursday.

HW due Thursday:
Term 3 Service Reflection!!!

Term 3 ends Friday, April 5th!!!

Service Reflection Resources
A Guide to Service Reflections + Rubric
Service Learning Reflections - Student Examples
Service Learning Quotes
Service Learning Reflections - EDITING to consider + practice