Thursday, January 31, 2019


HW due Friday:

1. Reed College Nuclear Reactor Lab Field Study
a. ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS ONLY (ignore the Essential Question for now)

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


HW due Thursday:

1. Hero's Journey - Change Maker book in class

2. Reed College Nuclear Reactor
a. Tomorrow we are headed to the Reed College Nuclear Reactor from 10:30 - 3:00. We will be having lunch in the Reed College Caftereria and you are invited to purchase some of their food if you want (maximum of $10) though you need to be able to follow through with your engagement at the reactor
b. Come to class with 3 facts about the reactor:
c. Come to class with at least one positive and one challenge related to nuclear energy (Nuclear Energy - Pros/Cons)

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Unfortunately, no one signed up to lead First Thoughts tomorrow morning. Think about if this is something you could take a risk with to bring new energy, perspective, and inspiration to our class community. Consider signing up --- First Thoughts Leaders - Inspiration

HW due Wednesday:

1. Do you think Marv should share his climate change presentation to middle schoolers in Portland? Why or Why not? Respond with R.A.C.E. like this is an ESSENTIAL QUESTION, using at least 2 specific pieces of evidence from our day of learning (which could include Marv's presentation, the climate perspectives mixer, and Tara's energy lesson) and a connection.

Quotes from Marv's presentation:
-"This your world. You need to know what is happening."
- "The Earth, when given a chance will renew itself."
-"Our planet is unique."
-"What matters most is shifting attitudes and building awareness."
-"Have conversations, don't just preach."

Facts from Marv's climate change presentation:
-There have been 12 "1,000 Year Floods" in the past 7 years. There is only supposed to be 1 every 1,000 years.
-Antarctica has 6 times more ice loss than it did 40 years ago.

Energy Rotations - Tara's Class

Monday, January 28, 2019


HW due Tuesday: 

1. Climate Change - Perspectives (Climate Change - Perspective Worksheet + Character Roles Handout)
a. Read about your assigned person
b. Complete the Climate Change - Perspectives worksheet based off your character

2. Have your Hero's Journey - Change maker book in class tomorrow!!!

Friday, January 25, 2019

1/25 - Weekend HW

Weekend HW: 

READ FOR AT LEAST 20 MINUTES DAILY!!! If you have it already, I would encourage you to engage with your Hero's Journey book to make sure it is a "Just Right" fit for you. We will have a month to finish our books. 

HW due next Tuesday, January 29th - Have "Hero's Journey" book in class! (if you know you won't have it by then because of holds at the library or something else, come check in with me and advocate ahead of time and we will figure out an alternative plan).

Thursday, January 24, 2019

1/24 - Late Update

Sorry for the super late blog post! I'm still working on navigating teacher/dad balance. My bad.

HW due Friday:

1. Oregon Historical Society field study assignment

HW due next Tuesday, January 29th - Have "Hero's Journey" book in class!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Tomorrow we are going on a field study to the Belmont Library and then the Oregon Historical Society!!! We will leave at 9:45 for the library (bring your library card if you have it) and then make our way via TriMet to the Oregon Historical Society. Bring a lunch and appropriate clothes for being outside.

HW due Thursday:
1. Oregon Historical Society - 3 Facts (we will be spending a large part of our time in the History Hub so I encourage you to focus your research on that exhibit -

3. Bring choice silent reading material with you to class.

Energy Rotations - Karen's Class

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Michael's Class - Hero's Journey Writing Activity + Weekend HW

What's good 211 fam?! To get ourselves thinking about the concept of the "Hero's Journey" this morning you will be participating in a guided "Hero's Journey" writing activity.

Read the prompts at the beginning of the activity and create your own "Hero's Journey" story. So long as it is middle school appropriate you can make it be whatever you want (even if it isn't 100% connected to prompts).

You won't be able to print your writing, so if you want to keep what you come up with, copy/paste your responses into a Google Doc.

Click here to begin: Hero's Journey - Interactive Writing Activity (you will need to enable your "flash player" for this to work).

If you finish early you can create images to go along with your story in your WW Journal or you can silently read.

All students should be engaged in this activity within the first 5 minutes of class.

Weekend HW:
1. Read daily!!!

2. Consider what book you might want to read for our "Hero's Journey/Change-maker" choice reading unit. We are going to spend time looking more deeply at this genre and topic and just right book options come Wednesday, but for now here is a list of titles to check out that might help you get started: Hero's Journey - Book List

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Energy Rotations - Coal - Stations Work


HW due Wednesday:

1. Service Reflection - Self-Editing
a. Work to edit Michael's service reflection (follow the worksheet for guidance)
b. Edit your own service reflection, making at least two specific updates.

Are you interested in working to bring more engagement and inspiration and perspective to our First Thoughts? When will you share? First Thoughts - Student Leaders - Sign Up

Monday, January 14, 2019


HW due Tuesday:

1. Term 2 Service Reflection --- A reminder to use the Guide to Service Reflections rubric while writing. Also, you should have your "evidence" of service completed by tomorrow as well (this can be as simple as an adult signature, including your own parent). If you are expecting me to print your reflection, you need to have shared it with me no later than 8:35 AM tomorrow morning.

A reminder that tomorrow is the last day to to turn in Term 2 late work (Term 2 Updated Assignment Grades).

Friday, January 11, 2019

Last Weekend of Term 2

A reminder to read at least 20 minutes daily, especially on the weekends!

The last day to turn in late work is Tuesday, January 15th.

Term 2 service reflections are due Tuesday, January 15th. We will continue working on this in class Monday afternoon. Click here for the green Guide to Service Reflections

Term 2 ends Friday, January 18th.

Here are is the updated Term 2 Assignment Spreadsheet as we head into the last week of Term 2

If you still need service hours, here is a great opportunity at the Belmont Library on Wednesday, January 16th or 30th from 4:00 - 6:00 (

You can also check in with me at lunch or after school to explore other opportunities.

Thursday, January 10, 2019


HW due Friday:

1. Energy Article - The Sun, an Engine of Nuclear Energy
a. Read the assigned article and respond to the following two questions (What was the main idea of this article? What do you think nuclear fusion means?)
b. Create a quick and basic vocabulary card of your assigned form of energy from our energy posters (Mechanical, Radiant, Thermal, Chemical, Nuclear, etc...)

Tomorrow is the last day to turn in late work for term 2!

Term 2 Service Learning Reflections will be due Tuesday, January 15th. We will finish working on these together in class tomorrow morning.

If you still need service hours, here is a great opportunity at the Belmont Library on Wednesday, January 16th or 30th from 4:00 - 6:00 (

You can also check in with me at lunch or after school to explore other opportunities.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019


HW due Thursday:

1. Check out this brief article and graphic focusing on how we use energy: What is Energy? + USA Energy Consumption
a. On the back of the handout (or anywhere) write down three observations you made while reading and looking through this information
b. Write down two things that you wonder about after interacting with this  visul

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


HW due Wednesday:

1. Energy Article + Questions

Friday = Last day to turn in Term 2 late work 

Monday, January 7, 2019


HW due Tuesday:

1. Essential Skills + 4 Agreements Vocabulary Card
-Create a vocabulary card for 1 Essential Skill and 1 of our 4 Agreements. One side of the vocabulary cards should reflect your full engagement and effort. The other side can be completed more quickly. Each side should include the word, a definition in your own words, an image, and an example of how the Essential Skill or Agreement can be used.

2. Bring in choice reading material for silent reading at the start of class tomorrow.

This Friday is the last day to turn in late work for Term 2.

Friday, January 4, 2019

1/4 - Weekend Life

You have no homework (other than continuing to read 20 minutes daily) over the weekend.

Extra Credit:
-Find an engaging and meaningful video that focuses on self-control and discipline (an essential skill we are working on) to share with the class that is under 5 minutes

Service LEARNING Opportunities:

SES Tree Recycling: 

Sat 9:30a to 12:30p
Sat 1:00 to 4:00p

Sun 9:30a to 12:30p
Sun 1:00 to 4:00p

Tree Recycling Sign Up - Click Here:

Oregon Humanities Conversation Project
To SES families and community,
We will be hosting another event as part of the Oregon Humanities Conversation Project on Tuesday, January 8 from 6:30--8:30. This month's conversation, The Hate We Live In, will be facilitated by Tyler White, a recent graduate of De La Salle North (for more information about Tyler and his presentation, please see the link below). Childcare and dinner will be provided at this event; please RSVP via email to so we can get an accurate count for both participation and babysitting.  This is an important learning opportunity for everyone, and this month's topic is especially relevant for our current, middle school students and/or their adults. I hope many of you are able to attend. Middle school students (grades 6-8) are specifically encouraged to attend this event and be a part of this facilitated conversation. 

Thursday, January 3, 2019


HW due Friday:

1. What do you stand for???
Side 1 → Write down the quote you chose that most stood out to you today in class
Side 2 → What do you stand for???
Pick 1 thing (or many) to represent what you stand for with images. Fill your page. You are encouraged to make this bold (colored pencils, markers, etc…) so that it can be seen in this room. If you want to include words you can, but you do not have to.

You should spend at least 11 more minutes on this at home no matter how far you got in class today. 

Thursday In Class: Easy CBM - Winter Reading Assessments

Complete your Easy CBM - Winter Reading Assessments:
1.Click here ---
2. Login in as student. My teacher username is: mjansa
3. Complete the Winter Comprehension test
4. Complete the Winter Vocabulary test
5. When done, return chromebook, check out with Michael, and then go read the Amazing Humans of 2018 article on NewsELA.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Welcome to the new year folks!

HW due Thursday:

1. If you already sent me an email for extra credit over winter break telling me something you read over winter break and what you thought about it then you do NOT have to do this HW tonight. Congrats!

For all other students, your homework due tomorrow is to write down one thing you read during your winter break and one thing you thought about it (This is a short and easy assignment to get back into the groove of school. This shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes).

See you all tomorrow!