Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Missoula Flood Online Exploration

To reinforce our knowledge and follow-up on our field study, we will be working on the Missoula Flood Online Exploration during Core today (10/30/18). The worksheet with links can be accessed here

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Baby Life

Hi All,

A reminder that I will be back at school on Monday, Oct 29th to work with Jeff to submit your grades for Term 1. Your Writer's Workshop, Reading, and E-Core journals should all be turned in to Jeff by the end of the day Friday.

Because my baby was 10 days late, my family is still getting settled into this new reality and I will not be able to join you all on the Beacon Rock field study this Thursday like I had hoped. Sorry!!!!!!! I look forward to hearing about your trip and seeing some pictures of you all during the climb! Have fun!!!

As promised, here are some baby life pictures.

Introducing Zephyr Caselle Jansa.  Born 10/16/18 @ 7:44 PM weighing 7 lbs 4.4 ounces! My wife Him, my wife Julia, and I are all living with overflowing hearts and are doing well!

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Michael's October Baby Leave - Homework, Grades, and Other Notes...

Hello Core Class Community!

First of all, you are all awesome. Thank you for being patient and flexible with me as I take this leave from school to take another leap on life's journey to welcome a new human being into my family's life.

The following is the only blog post I am going to make while I am gone. I want to fill you in on what to expect in terms of calendar stuff, field studies, homework, and grades.

Much of this is the exact same as what I shared in class on Friday, 10/5, but I wanted to put it into writing in case anyone forgot...

If you need to get in touch with Jeff via email to advocate for yourself or to share some work his email is t.jeffkessler@gmail.com


This is the most current Grade Assignment Spreadsheet - Updated 10/14/18. This is a good indication of your progress in Term 1. Any missing work or resubmitted work should be turned into my HW Bin by 10/26 (the last day of Term 1). I will update this Grade Assignment Spreadsheet again on October 29th (the final grading day for Term 1) after working with Jeff to review your core class work during the two weeks you will be with him before the end of the term and after reviewing your E-Core, Writer's Workshop, and Reading journals. Make sure all 3 of your core class journals are turned by Friday, October 26th!!!

Week of Oct 8th - 11th
-6th Graders at Outdoor School (All the best 6th graders!!! Enjoy the learning, adventures, and fun!).
-7th/8th Grade Health Rotations
-Core class does not meet this week
-Wednesday, October 10th - 3:45 - 5:00 - Garden Day
-No school Friday, October 12th

Week of October 15th - 19th
- Tuesday, October 16th - 1st Just Right choice Fiction Novel finished
-Tuesday, October 16th - Extra Credit - Read the following article and write down one though you have about this issue: Youth Sue US Government Over Failure to Protect Future Citizens From Climate Change
-Tuesday in Class PM - Rock Cycle Online Learning Activity (Interactive Rock Cycle - Animations + Interactive Rock Cycle + Rock Collections + Interactive Types of Rocks)
-Final Just Right Choice Fiction Reading Assignment due Thursday, Oct 18th
-Thursday, October 18th - Field Study to the R.I.C.E. Museum to connect our work with geology to the rock cycle
-R.I.C.E. Museum Field Study Assignment due Monday, October 22nd (use your time to work on this in class on Friday well!).
-Friday, Oct 19th is the SES Run/Walk/Move.
-Harvest Fair @ SES is Saturday, October 20th. Please volunteer to support our class fishing booth by using the sign up sheet on our Agenda Board.

Week of October 22nd - 26th
-Thursday, October 25th - Field Study to the Columbia River Gorge + Beacon Rock (bring appropriate clothes and hiking gear --- you are hiking Beacon Rock!)
-Thursday, October 25th - 3:15 - 4:30 - Garden Day
-Beacon Rock Field Study Assignment  due by the end of the day Friday (you will have all of class that Friday to work on this)
-FRIDAY IS THE LAST DAY OF TERM 1!!!! Turn in all journals (E-Core + Writer's Workshop + Reading) to Jeff by the end of the day Friday. Together Michael and Jeff will be working on grades on Monday, October 29th. Your journals need to be submitted to receive full credit for you work while Jeff is your teacher. Without a journal turned in by the end of the day Friday, October 26th, Michael cannot give you full credit for your work. Turn in all journals by this day!!!!

A Note on Term 1 Service: 
Because Michael did not do a good enough job making space to introduce, explain, and set expectations for service LEARNING with our current core class, you do not have any service reflections due in Term 1. This is the Service Learning Term 1 Reflection, but completing this is not required. You can turn this in by Friday, October 26th for Extra Credit. Know that you will have extended expectations for Term 2 + 3 + 4 that Michael will help to set once he returns. Any and all service learning completed in Term 1 will count towards future service learning expectations and reflections. Sorry for any confusion or inconvenience.

No school Monday, October 29th - Term 1 Grading Day 
I will update this blog again on Monday, October 29th with info on what is going down for me in Baby Land, when I am returning to SES (currently this is unclear as I am waiting to see when my baby will arrive!), and what you can expect in the weeks ahead as we start Term 2.

Thursday, October 4, 2018


HW due Friday:

1. For My People poem - DRAFTa. Work on the For My People poem that we spent over an hour writing in class tonight. Spend 14-19 minutes working on your poem. If you want me to print it, please send it to me before 8:30 tomorrow morning.

Here are some resources that we used today with our poem:
For My People - Margaret Walker + For My People - SES Student Examples
For My People - Graphic Organizer

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


HW due Thursday:

1. Read 30-40 minutes tonight. 
a. I screwed up my afternoon plan and didn't teach you all enough to assign the homework I had planned based off our work. Happy no homework night. Instead, I am adding an extra 10 minutes on to your usual daily reading routine.

We are not travelling on a field study tomorrow. I am excited for the learning we have in store tomorrow at school!

If you haven't already done so, make sure you have Sarah Rosmna's business consent forms signed.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


HW due Wednesday:

1. Choice Fiction Novel Assignment #3 (We worked on this for 25 + minutes in class today so all you have to do is finish your work that you started while you read tonight)

Monday, October 1, 2018


HW due Tuesday:

1. Age Poem 
... Refer to your Age Poem Graphic Organizer #2 + the Age Poem Rubric for guidance as you work
... We have spent two class sessions working on this draft. It should take no more than 24 minutes tonight. Don't work for longer unless you want to.

2. Sarah Rosman's Leadership in Business Class
a. Come to class with a signed Business Consent form
b. You will have the first 25 minutes of core class tomorrow to prepare for your presentations. Be ready to share your business plan in your 5 minute presentation starting at 9:20.

Leadership in Business - Important Documents