Wednesday, January 31, 2018


HW due Thursday:

1. We are not going on a field study tomorrow. We will be at school all day. Make sure you have your Human Rights Novel with you in class!

2. Read your assigned section from the Making It Home book you took home from school today (I will give you a copy of this at school if you were absent today)

  1. Kosovo
  2. Bosnia
  3. Afghanistan
  4. Iraq
  5. Congo
  6. Liberia
  7. Sudan
  8. Burundi

Complete the corresponding Making It Home note-taking sheet once you have read your section all the way through.

Monday, January 29, 2018

1/30 - Michael Sub Plans + HW Due Wednesday

Hi all. Sorry I am not able to be in school today. Happy birthday Samson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

During the afternoon when you have your chromebooks read the NewsELA article about the refugee Olympian (

When done, make sure you have completed the Mapping One Refugee's Journey handout based off the article you were assigned by Bonnie this morning.

If you finish everything early, spend some time on the United Nations of Human Rights website participating in a portrayal of the refugee experience through Against All Odds simulation .

HW due Wednesday
In preparation for our work with Mic Crenshaw Wednesday afternoon, your homework due Wednesday is to write 4 bars about either your weekend, your day today, or your thoughts so far on the essential question “Who is a refugee?”

Saturday, January 27, 2018


Happy end of term 2 everyone!

Enjoy the long weekend.

HW due Tuesday:

1. Real Life Exhibit Field Study Assignment
2. Read your Human Rights Novel daily

Thursday, January 25, 2018


Thank you for your engagement, critical thinking, and willingness to share and challenge today during and after our time at the Real Life Exhibit.

HW due Friday:

1. 4 Bar Friday (inspired by Damian Lillard - 4 Bar Friday - Damian Lillard)
...Write 4 bars (based off our work with Mic Crenshaw... essentially, 4 lines) about either your experience at the Real Life Exhibit today or about your thoughts on homework

We will be working with Mic again in the morning after PE and will be spending time continuing our discussion on the Real Life Exhibit in the afternoon.

Tomorrow is the last day of Term 2. Turn in any late work before the end of the day!!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


HW due Thursday:

1. Term 2 Service Reflection due tomorrow. 
...Either print it or get it sent to me no later than 8:30 AM.
...Consider the rubric, expectations around conventions, and your areas of focus based off your term 1 reflection (Service Reflection Graphic Organizer + Rubric)
...If you think are already finished, spend at least 15 minutes going back through your reflection with the support of the rubric while paying special attention to conventions and find at least one more thing to add to your reflection

2. Get your field study permission slip signed and turned in please!!!

3. Field Study to the REAL Life Exhibit through Medical Teams International this Thursday. Bring a lunch!!! Come to school with 3 facts about Medical Teams International and their REAL Life Exhibit based off the info on their website:

Friday is the last day of Term 2!!! All late work should be turned in by then.

Awesome work today with Mic. Thanks for your engaged thinking, writing, and sharing. Here is a link to a video of the band that Mic talked about (his friend is the drummer) today during his performance --> Too Many Zooz - Subway Performance

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


HW due Wednesday:

1. Work on your Term 2 Service Reflection for 27 minutes tonight. This is due Thursday.
...Consider the rubric, expectations around conventions, and your areas of focus based off your term 1 reflection (Service Reflection Graphic Organizer + Rubric)

2. Make sure you have your Human Rights novel in class tomorrow!

3. Get your field study permission slip signed and turned in please!!!

Field Study to the REAL Life Exhibit through Medical Teams International this Thursday

Friday is the last day of Term 2!!! All late work should be turned in by then.

Monday, January 22, 2018


HW due Tuesday:

1. Human Rights Card
...Include the following: Human Rights Article #, explanation of this human right in your words, image with a caption that represents your human right
...Make this bold and clear as it will hang up in the classroom throughout this unit and we want to be able to see it!

2. Bring your Human Rights Novel to school tomorrow!

Extra Credit:

In preparation for our spoken word poetry work with Mic Crenshaw starting tomorrow, check out a piece by Mic Crenshaw and write down one line that stands out to you and why.

Mic Crenshaw - Superheroes
Mic Crenshaw - Obvious
Mic Crenshaw - Earthbound

HW due Thursday:
1. Term 2 Service Reflection
a. Remember to use the rubric as your guide while you work (Service Reflection Graphic Organizer + Rubric)

Field Study to the REAL Life Exhibit through Medical Teams International this Thursday

Friday is the last day of Term 2!!! All late work should be turned in by then.

Friday, January 19, 2018


Finish your Term 2 Service Hours!!! We will work on our reflection in class together Monday afternoon and the final reflection will be due Wednesday, January 24th. 

HW due Monday

What are human rights?
1. Check out this Human Rights Slideshow
2. What is your assigned human right (UN Declaration of 30 Human Rights)... If you were absent today, pick one from the 30 that you want to focus on
3. Go back through the slideshow and focus on your specific human right
4. Go to the Human Rights website and learn more about your specific human right through a 1 minute video specific to your human right #.
5. Go back through our first Human Rights video and find your human right to learn a bit more
6. OPTIONAL (if more info is needed) --- Spend 5-10 minutes learning more about your assigned human right online. Here is a Know Your Rights website to start at
7. Create a quick image with a caption that shows what your human right means... We will use that quick image in class on Monday to make a more detailed, thorough, and clear image as a part of a human rights art activity

Spoken Word Poetry
In preparation for our spoken word poetry unit with Mic Crenshaw ((, watch one spoken word poetry video. Write down 3 words that come to mind right after you are done with the video.

Portland Public Schools - Verselandia (2 hours long presentation from PPS high school students doing spoken word!)


Thursday, January 18, 2018


Sorry all for the super Late post. Just getting to a computer after a long afternoon of meetings and such. Your homework is to read for 30 minutes and to monitor your comprehension every chapter using sticky notes in your human rights novle

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


HW due Thursday:

1. Read your Human Rights Novel
...Add 2 sticky notes from a part of your book that you want to discuss with your reading group tomorrow. It can be a part from your book that was confusing, interesting, hilarious, thought-provoking, etc...
...Add 2 sticky notes monitoring your comprehension as you read. For example, at the end of a chapter write out the big ideas of that chapter in 3 sentences or less on the sticky note

Term 2 Service Hours due Monday, January 22nd. We will work on the reflection on the 22nd together in class.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


HW due Wednesday:

***Tomorrow is a LATE OPENING!!!! School starts at 10:45. We will begin the day with a class meeting***

1. Mercy Corps Field Study Assignment
...We had 30 minutes to work on this in class this afternoon. How much did you get done? Did you take ownership of that time to work? You will get 15 minutes to finish this in the morning. That means you should have pretty much all, except maybe one question complete tonight. Use the rubric on the second page of the assignment to make sure you are meeting all field study assignment expectations.
... Please bring in $5 to help pay for our field study to Mercy Corps today if you did not do so today

Friday, January 12, 2018


No School Monday, January 15th - MLK Day of Service

HW due Tuesday, January 16th

***We are going on a special field study on Tuesday that I forgot to mention!!! We are going to the Mercy Corps Action Center in downtown Portland. We have to leave SES at 9:00AM (!!!) and we will be back at noon. You can either bring your lunch or get one from the cafeteria. We will eat our lunch as soon as we are back at school at noon.***

1. Oregon Jewish Museum Field Study Assignment
... Use the R.A.C.E. rubric + connections/examples when responding to the essential question
... Don't forget to add assignment question #4 --> What was one idea from this exhibit that directly connects to things happening in your life today?

...Because you are going to meet as a novel group for the first time next week don't get past page 100 in your Human Rights Novel

***Consider how you are contributing to our experience in PE and what you can do to have a more positive impact in that space... We will be writing about and discussing this on Tuesday in class***

Thursday, January 11, 2018


HW due Friday:

1. Essential Concepts Vocabulary Card

The following are Essential Concepts in our Human Rights Unit. Focus on the concept you were assigned and create a vocabulary card for that concept, including the concept, a definition in your own words, and an image.

A.Experience Discomfort
B. Speak Your Truth
C. Stay Engaged
D. Expect/Accept Non-Closure
E. Counter-storytelling
F .Resiliency
G. Strength-Based models of thinking (not deficit)
H. Privilege

Easy CBM Instructions

  1. On student side, click on "click here"
  2. In teacher login type: mjansa
  3. Find your name on the drop down menu
  4. Select test 1: WINTER reading comprehension
  5. Select test 2: WINTER vocabulary
  6. When done, smile and put away your chromebook and come check in with Michael to get your Human Rights Novel

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


HW due Thursday:

1. Field Study to Oregon Jewish Museum
a. Our field study will be from 10:00 - 2:00. Come prepared with a lunch and appropriate clothing.
b. Find out three facts about the Oregon Jewish Museum from their website

Extra Credit:
Find an awesome, engaging, and meaningful video about resiliency and share it with me before 8:30 AM  

Wednesday AM To Do

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


HW due Wednesday

1. Strength Based Models of Thinking vs. Deficit Based Models of Thinking (Strength Based Approach Video from Class)

On a 1/2 page of paper show a personal example of how you take a perceived deficit about yourself and how you can flip that into a strength.

Side 1 -- Deficit, image, caption (explaining the deficit)
Side 2 -- STRENGTH, image, caption (explaining the strength)

Deficit thinking - I'm too short to play basketball
Strength thinking - Because I am short, I am able to move quicker, I have to be tough, and I can see different angles on the court

Deficit thinking - I am bad at planning ahead
Strength thinking - I very present to the people I am with in all moments of the day

8th Grade Leader Survey

Monday, January 8, 2018


HW due Tuesday:

1. Writing for 17 minutes
...Focus on either a moment during your winter break where you had a single story shift because you got another perspective or a time during the break when you used one of the 4 agreements (experience discomfort, speak your truth, stay engaged, and expect/accept non-closure). Your story should include dialogue and an image. Because you only have to write for 17 minutes, it does not need to be complete a story with a a perfect beginning, middle, and end. 

Thursday = Oregon Jewish Museum field study

Thanks to the families that boosted our snack situation today!!!

A reminder that I am trying to get extra copies of the following books in our class. Can you help?

Human Rights + Refugee Books:
-Refugee by Alan Gratz
-The Lines We Cross by Randa Abdel-Fattah
-What is the What by Dave Eggers
-I am Malala

Also, we are going to create a "reading corner" in our classroom. Do you have any coziness that you could bring in to help make that the most awesome corner in the school (bean bag chairs, pillows, carpets, etc...)?

Friday, January 5, 2018


HW due Monday:

1. Family Migration Stories 
"to learn about other and connect with them, we first must know about ourselves."

Find someone in your extended family or an adult in your life to briefly interview them about the story of how they came to Oregon. Be sure to ask well in advance so you honor their time and energy and aren't waiting until the last second. If you need more time to make this interview happen, self-advocate (my email is and set up a new deadline for when you can get this done. Complete the interview sheet as best as possible and take quick notes to remember what you heard.

What are you doing for your Term 2 Service Hours? If you still need hours, there are some great opportunities this weekend with the Sunnyside Tree Recycling Event from 10 - 4 both Saturday and Sunday. More info and sign ups can be found here:

If you can't make it this weekend, but still need service, check out the middle school service blog:

Thursday = field study to the Oregon Jewish Museum

If you have any of the following, or can get your hands on them, please do so to support our learning and nutrition:


Human Rights + Refugee Books:
-Refugee by Alan Gratz
-The Lines We Cross by Randa Abdel-Fattah
-What is the What by Dave Eggers
-I am Malala

Thursday, January 4, 2018


HW due Friday:

1. Complete your "Waving Flag" representation of who you are (if you were absent, this is an assignment that would best be explained in person... For now, scroll down on the blog and follow through on the steps on Sarah Rahbar's Waving Flag blog post from yesterday) and share one thing from the flag and what it represents with at least one person in your family.

If you have any of the following, or can get your hands on them, please do so to support our learning and nutrition:


Human Rights + Refugee Books:
-Refugee by Alan Gratz
-The Lines We Cross by Randa Abdel-Fattah
-What is the What by Dave Eggers
-I am Malala

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


HW due Thursday:

1. READ (30 minutes) and bring reading material to school on Thursday

2. Tomorrow we will finish our Geology Post Assessment that you started before winter break. It is open note. Bring your E-Core with whatever you need to do to prepare for it.

I forgot to collect your Post Winter Break - Reading + Life Check In today. I will be collecting it tomorrow morning.

We are out of snack in the classroom. Can you help bring some in for our class?



Step 1: Read Sara Rahbar's bio
Step 2: Look through all of the Waving Flags she created... Pay attention to what she is representing in her different flags (symbology) and how she created each flag (composition)
Step 3: Read artist statement (on bottom of blog)
Step 4: Put computer to sleep, plug back in, come see Michael... Tell him 1 thing you though about the identity symbology and 1 thing about the composition (how she created the flags).

Waving Flag Examples:
In the end we are all just visiting
and we all come to this world alone and we leave alone.
But while we are here we try so desperately to belong to something,
to someone and to somewhere.
Metamorphosing and transforming for the means of surviving it all,
our foundations lay, but our houses have burned to the ground.
Building castles in the sky, for a species that cannot fly, brick by limb we tear it down.


Tuesday, January 2, 2018


Welcome back to school and happy 2018. I hope everyone had a restful and special winter break.

HW due Wednesday:

1. Post Winter Break - Reading + Life Check In
...If you already sent me a winter break reading email you can skip the first part of this brief assignment

2. Bring choice reading material to school tomorrow

We are currently completely out class snack. If you want to have afternoon snacks please bring some in for the class to share.