Friday, September 29, 2017


Hope you all have a restful weekend. Many of you missed school today. I hope you are feeling better and that the following is helpful in explaining what you missed and what you need to do this weekend.

The HW assignment due Monday is related to our choice fiction novels. You can access the assignment here: Choice Fiction Novel Assignment #2. You should work on this while you are reading y

HW due Monday:

1. Choice Fiction Novel Assignment #2

2. If you were absent, check out the Camp Collins Creative Reflection that we worked on today in class. It is not required work this weekend, but it will help ease your transition back to school if you spend 15-20 minutes working on this creative reflection this weekend: Camp Collins Creative Reflection 2017

Check out the service opportunity at Mt. Tabor tomorrow at our service blog:

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Post Camp Collins HW

Thanks for an amazing 3 days and 2 nights together as a community at Camp Collins!!! Enjoy family and being in your own bed tonight!!!

HW due Friday:

1. Rest
2. Relax
3. Share a positive surprise, proud moment, and highlight from Camp Collins with someone from your family

ALSO, bring your choice fiction novel to school tomorrow.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Camp Collins

HW due Tuesday:

1. Get ready for our Camp Collins overnight trip!!!
Here is the packing list: Camp Collins Fall Overnight Packing List
Bring a daypack tomorrow that has a lunch (you can get a lunch from the cafeteria if you need), water bottle, and appropriate layers.
Please make sure you have your name on all your gear, especially your main bags!

When you get to school tomorrow, drop your stuff in the auditorium in our core area then come up to core class. We will get settled together and be on the bus and out the door at 9:15.

We will be back Thursday around 2:00 and will dismiss at normal school dismissal times at 3:15

Saturday, September 23, 2017


Happy weekend folks.

Here is the homework that is due Monday:
1. Mt. Tabor Field Study Assignment: Mt. Tabor Field Study Itinerary + Assignment Doc
-essential question (be sure to use specific examples and evidence from the field study in your response)
-geologic vocabulary card (pick a word from your list of vocabulary words you had on your back at Mt. Tabor. On a 1/2 sheet of paper, write out the word, define it in your own words, and add an image)
-Thanks to Emmett, Manu, and Tony and my basketball loss you do not have to do assignment questions 3, 4, and 5. Completing #4 is worth extra credit

If you lost your sticky vocabulary words, pick from the following:
Columbia River Gorge, Cinder Cone Volcano, Layers of the Earth, Fault, and Continental Drift

2. Read 20-45 minutes daily

If you were absent, here is the make-up field study assignment:
Fall 2017 Make Up Field Study Assignment

We are going to Camp Collins from Tuesday - Thursday. Plan to be at school Tuesday around 8:30 (we won't leave until 9:15) and know that we will be back Thursday before 3:15.

Here is a packing list: Camp Collins 2017 Fall Overnight Packing List

Thursday, September 21, 2017


HW due Friday:

Thanks to Manu, Tony, and Emmett L beating me in basketball today during our field study our homework tonight is cancelled. CANCELLED. The only thing you have to do tonight is read. You should read your choice fiction novel for 20-45 minutes tonight.

Share one highlight from Mt. Tabor and one geological observation or wonder you had today with someone in your family.

Bring your Camp Collins form tomorrow if you have it

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


HW due Thursday:

Come prepared with appropriate clothes and shoes for a Mt. Tabor field study. Bring a lunch, water bottle and positive attitude.

Read the Geology of Mt. Tabor Brochure (Mt. Tabor Geology Brochure)
a. underline at least 4 vocabulary words that you think are related to geology
b. put a ??? next to anything in this handout you don't understand
c. Write 3 important details you learned from this brochure

Bring in your Camp Collins forms if you haven't already done so

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


REMINDER: Tomorrow is a late start!!! School starts at 10:45.

HW due Wednesday:

1. Choice Fiction Novel Assignment #1 Choice Fiction Novel Assignment #1 - Google Doc
...Read your "Just Right Choice Fiction Novel" that you have not read before and that you think you can finish in a month for 20 minutes. While reading, work on completing your first reading assignment. This is an assessment of your thinking while you read, not your writing. If you want to type your answers or verbally record yourself responding to the questions, you can so long as you get your responses to me before 10:40 AM (because it is a late start) tomorrow. Your work should end up in your Reading Journal.

6th/7th graders, question #7 is optional (but you will eventually have to do it later).

Please make sure you have turned in your Camp Collins forms

Thursday = Field Study to Mt. Tabor

Monday, September 18, 2017


Tomorrow is Picture Day at 10:00 am. If you want some pictures to keep, bring your forms (if you haven't already) or get some from the office if you don't know where your are.

HW due Tuesday:
1. Your "Just Right Choice Fiction" novel that you have not read before should be in class with you tomorrow. If you want to connect that to Audible or LearningAlly you can! We will start tomorrow with silent reading.

2. Writing Territories: Take a look through all the writing territories you have come up with in the last few lessons (Writing Territories Handout). Pick one and spend 15-20 minutes writing about it!!! You can hand-write or type it, just make sure you have it in class tomorrow morning (if you need help printing, send it to before 8:30 AM). Don't write for more than 20 minutes unless you want to!!!

Wednesday = Late Opening. School starts at 10:45
Thursday = Field Study to Mt. Tabor (intro to geology)

Friday, September 15, 2017


Congratulations on finishing your first full week of school! It seems like we've already been at school for months.

Oh my goodness, Annie, I didn't realize it was going to be your birthday this weekend. Have a great birthday on Sunday! We are looking forward to give you tons of extra high-fives and smiles on Monday. Hooray for you!

HW due Monday
1. Unity Farm field study assignment: Unity Farm Field Study Itinerary + Assignment
...Remember your essential question response should be in complete sentences, re-state and the question, include at least 2 specific examples from the field study to support your claim, and add both a connection and observation from the field study

2. Read 20-45 minutes daily
...Read your Just Right Choice Fiction novel that you have never read before and that you think you can finish in a month (or sooner) this weekend. Ask yourself if you feel like this is a just right book for you. If it is too challenging or if you aren't engaged or interested in it then don't read it! Check in with me via email ( or at lunch or after school and we can try to consider a better fit for you.

Wednesday, September 20th = Late Opening (school starts at 10:45)

We will talking way more in depth next week about the upcoming overnight trip to Camp Collins in two weeks from Tuesday, September 26th through Thursday, September 28th

Thursday, September 14, 2017


Awesome work in the dirt and the bus today folks!

HW due Friday:
1. Have your just right choice fiction novel that you haven't read before that you think you could finish in a month with you in class. If you this is going to be a problem for you, communicate with me before 8:35 tomorrow.

2. Practice understanding the essential question response criteria rubric by assessing three different essential questions written by past students. Essential Question Responses - Student Examples

For each essential question response (there are three total) give them a score out of 3 points. Give two reasons why you gave them that score.

Consider our essential question criteria:

***Field Study Essential Question*** (3)

  • Complete sentences
  • At least 2 specific examples from the field study
  • At least 1 connection and 1 observation from the field study
  • MAXIMUM EFFORT!!! write an effective constructed response
Restate Restate the question by turning it into a statement
Answer Answer all parts of the question
Cite        Give examples and SPECIFIC evidence from the field study!!!
Explain   Explain how your evidence supports your answer

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

9/13 (late post... whoops!)

My apologies for the second day in a row of VERY VERY late blog posts. My bad.

HW due Thursday:

1. Read the two short articles on Mudbone Grown Unity Farm and respond to the three questions at the end: Unity Farm Article and Questions

A reminder to come ready to go right away tomorrow. We have to leave at 8:50 AM to catch our bus to head out to the farm. Bring a lunch (or get one right away from the cafeteria), water bottle, and appropriate clothes that you are comfortable getting dirty.

Tomorrow night is Back to School Parent Night starting at 6:30. Check in to see if someone from your family is planning on attending.

HW due Friday:
All students should have a just right choice fiction novel that they have never read before in their hands Friday morning. Come and talk to me if that is going to be a problem.

Google Classroom + NewsELA - Weekly Reading

Google Classroom + NewsELA - Weekly Reading

I invited you all to my Google Classroom called Michael's Core Class 2017-18. Check Google Classroom under your Apps. Our Google Classroom Code is huc3ult

Once you are connected into my Google Classroom I want you to read an assigned NewsELA article. 

Either click on the link below or go to and type in the code below.

News ELA article:
NewsELA Class Code: PQJUBZ

If you still cannot access our Google Classroom or NewsELA article, simply go to and sign in through google using your PPS account. 

Read the following article at the "1010 or 810 Reading Level"

If this is challenging, try using this quick start guide to support you figuring out how to access the article: NewsELA Quick Start Guide

If you have finished the assigned article, quiz, and written response, read a choice NewsELA article at your reading level. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


My apologies for the late post. On Tuesday's I always have meetings right after school that go until 5:30.

HW due Wednesday:
1. Respond to the questions from our film this afternoon, DIRT! The Movie:Dirt! The Movie - Student Worksheet
...If you need to do this on a separate sheet of paper or want to type it or audio record it you are welcome to. This is a 5 point assignment and will be checked off tomorrow morning. Do not work on this for more than 30 minutes unless you want to.

Thursday = Mudbone Grown Unity Farm field study
Thursday = Back to School Parent Night 6:30 - 8:00

All students should have selected their "Just Right" fit choice fiction novels that they can finish reading within 1 month by Friday (this definitely includes graphic novels, but should not be a book you have read before). Unless you communicate ahead of time with me, I expect you to have that book in class Friday

Monday, September 11, 2017


HW due Tuesday:

1. Bring in a quote you stand for or a quote that you think best represents the way life should be lived.

...This quote can be written down, typed, printed. It can be from someone you know, someone you look up to, someone who is no longer living, or someone who is currently living. It can be from a song or from a fictional character. It should be middle school appropriate. This quote will live on our wall all year long. Make sure you are willing to stand by it!

Here are some examples of quotes if you are struggling to come up with one:

If you want more time to think about it you can have it as long as you let me know tomorrow before 8:35 (

2. Bring choice silent reading material to class for tomorrow morning (including magazine articles, graphic novels, anything through audible or learning ally)

Thursday = Field Study to Mudbone Grown Unity Farm
Thursday = Back to School Parent Night 6:30 - 8:00

Friday, September 8, 2017

9/8 - Weekend HW

Awesome Friday Fist Pumps today...Happy weekend everybody! Rest easy as next week is our first official full week of school!

HW due Monday:

1. Moda Center Field Study Assignment: Moda Center Field Study Assignment

Take some time review the expectations and rubric before finishing your assignment.
Remember that the essential question is the most important part of this assignment. I expect complete sentences, full effort, specific examples from our field study, and a connection and observation. Also, don't forget that you can complete your assignment questions in alternative ways if you don't want to write them out (lists, images and captions, audio recording, video recording, etc...). If you choose to type your responses to this assignment that is totally fine, just make sure that you have it either printed or emailed/shared with me before 8:30 Monday morning.

Field Study Assignment Rubric

Field Study Do's and Expectations

Google Docs Sharing:

Make sure you read daily this weekend (20-45 minutes a day)!!!

You will need to have selected a "Just Right Choice Fiction Novel and have it in your hands by next Thursday, September 14th

Thursday, September 14th is Back to School Parent Night from 6:30 - 8:00

Thursday, September 7, 2017


HW due Friday:

Thanks for an engaging day of learning, an exciting intro to the Year of the Mountain with some DIRT, and a great trip to the Belmont Library.

1. Writing - Making Sense of the Summer: Making Sense of the Summer Writing Activity
...Come to school with this finished tomorrow. If you finished it during the 45 minutes we worked on it in class, then spend 11-14 minutes working on this tonight, expanding beyond the minimum and adding more details. No one should work on this for more than 33 minutes unless they want to. If you get to 33 minutes and are not done, mark where you stop and check in with me in the morning.
I will collect these tomorrow.

Making Sense of the Summer - Current Event Links

Making Sense of the Summer - Current Event Links

Portland Antifa/Alt-Right

Portland’s New Police Chief

Shooting at the baseball field (Republican congressmen baseball team):  

Governor of NJ using the beach after it closed because of budget impasse:

North Korea:


Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Tomorrow we are NOT going on our Mt. Tabor field study due to the physical activities that go along with that field study and the poor air quality. Sorry.We will make up this field study in two weeks. Instead of a field study tomorrow, we will make some learning magic happen at school. We will also be visiting the Belmont Library in the afternoon to kick off our choice-fiction reading unit. If you have a library card, bring it.

You do not have any homework tonight except to read for 20-45 minutes.

Be thinking about a quote that you stand for that you could share with the class later this week.

Enjoy the afternoon and share a positive moment from school with someone from your family.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


I hope you all stay as cool and safe as possible this afternoon and tonight.

HW due Wednesday:

1. Important Moments in My Reading History
...Please complete this worksheet (Reading History Worksheet ) that we started working in class this morning so that I can better get to know you as a reader. You should not spend more than 30 minutes working on this.

Thursday we are going to Mt. Tabor for our field study

I hope you all had a good time connecting with your period 1 and period 2 teachers and classmates. Here is a copy of our core class weekly schedule: Michael's Core Class Weekly Schedule

Monday, September 4, 2017

Tuesday, September 5th - Early Dismissal @ 1:15

Dear PPS Families and Staff:
Due to a heat advisory all schools will end two hours earlier than the regular school hours on Tuesday, Sept. 5. All PPS kindergarten and preschool programs will be delayed one day and start on Wednesday, Sep. 6. Extended hot weather could cause unsafe or unhealthy conditions in PPS classrooms, and the safety of our students is always our foremost concern.
This early dismissal plan will also result in the cancellation of after-school activities in PPS buildings, including childcare. After-school athletics will follow OSSA guidelines.
School buses will arrive at school two hours earlier in the afternoon and drop students off at their regular bus stops two hours earlier. Because PPS child care sites will be closed, please plan to pick up your students at their school site two hours earlier than the normal end of your students’ school day.   
The District is making this decision because only a handful of our buildings have air conditioning. Additionally, smoke from forest fires has prompted an air quality advisory. This means windows in many classrooms must remain closed, which reduces air flow and can cause even higher temperatures. 
Families should contact their students' school with questions. PPS will also have a coordination line open at 503-916-6600 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. to answer questions.
Thank you for your understanding.
Yousef Awwad, Interim Superintendent

Friday, September 1, 2017


Hooray for having a great first week of school! What an awesome fountain field study we had today to finish off the week. We will work on our field study essential and assignment questions Tuesday in class. You do not have to worry about finishing it for homework.

Have an AWESOME long weekend.

A reminder that we will start school on Tuesday in core class, not morning meeting.

Homework due Tuesday:

1. Bring choice silent reading material to class. We will start every Tuesday with silent reading. Please bring reading material in for this day. It is choice, which means you can read a novel, graphic novel, newspaper, magazine, or any other kind of reading material. If you like to read using audible or learning ally, you are welcome to use that in class on Tuesday.

2. Perspective Card:
...On a 1/2 sheet of blank paper write the word perspective from your perspective. You can write this however you want with as much or as little detail as you see fit. This is from your perspective! This activity is an extension of our nature journal activity from our field study and an introduction into a word you will use all year.  Your card will hang in our classroom all year, showing how we have 33 different perspectives on the same exact word and capturing the importance of multiple perspectives in this class.

Below is an example (you can't use this one!)...

Image result for perspective