Wednesday, June 14, 2017


***Make sure you finish all of your class compliments***

From Videos From Today:

How to Dance 1

How to Dance 2

The Ten Things

See you all in core class tomorrow at 8:45

Michael’s Class List – Year of the Mountain – 2016-17

Alphabetical (First, Last)

  1. Benjamin M.
  2. Briton G. f
  3. Camila S.
  4. Chaas L.
  5. Claire M.
  6. Corey G.
  7. Delilah W.
  8. Emma M.
  9. Erin D.
  10. Finian H.
  11. Flynn M.
  12. Gabe K.
  13. Ike H.
  14. Jackson A.
  15. Jacob L-D.
  16. Julia L.
  17. Kai M.
  18. Lilah C.
  19. Luca K.
  20. Lyra W.H.
  21. Maya L.
  22. Melody P
  23. Naimah J.
  24. Nena S.T.
  25. Odessa S
  26. Samuel S.
  27. Sean A.
  28. Solson P
  29. Stella H-D
  30. Tenzin T
  31. Thomas T
  32. Torsten M.

Native Plant Study Guides and Test

Tuesday, June 13, 2017



Yearbooks are on sale! If you want to purchase one for $25 please see Michelle in the office or visit the School Pay link

HW due Wednesday:

Work on your class appreciations tonight for 15-25 minutes.

If you did not finish your Teacher Feedback to me I would greatly appreciate whatever you want to share. This is not graded and not 100% required, but know your feedback is incredibly informative and helpful for me as a teacher. THANK YOU!

End of Year - Teacher Feedback - Michael

Monday, June 12, 2017


All service reflections and late work was due today by 3:47 pm. Anything not turned in by then (unless we made a specific, individualized plan) becomes a 0. That means, you don't really have all that much HW for the rest of the year!!!!

HW due Tuesday:

1. Work on your class appreciations for 15 minutes this evening.

Michael’s Class List – Year of the Mountain – 2016-17

Alphabetical (First, Last)

  1. Benjamin M.
  2. Briton G. f
  3. Camila S.
  4. Chaas L.
  5. Claire M.
  6. Corey G.
  7. Delilah W.
  8. Emma M.
  9. Erin D.
  10. Finian H.
  11. Flynn M.
  12. Gabe K.
  13. Ike H.
  14. Jackson A.
  15. Jacob L-D.
  16. Julia L.
  17. Kai M.
  18. Lilah C.
  19. Luca K.
  20. Lyra W.H.
  21. Maya L.
  22. Melody P
  23. Naimah J.
  24. Nena S.T.
  25. Odessa S
  26. Samuel S.
  27. Sean A.
  28. Solson P
  29. Stella H-D
  30. Tenzin T
  31. Thomas T
  32. Torsten M.

Friday, June 9, 2017

6/9/17 - Last Weekend of the School Year!!!

HW due Monday:

1. Term 4 Service Reflection: Service Reflections Rubric and Expectations

2. ALL LATE WORK MUST BE TURNED IN BY MONDAY, JUNE 12TH... NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 12TH...If you want to know what your are missing and where you grades currently are at, click here: Updated Term 4 Grades - 6/8
. If you are missing an old assignment and are trying to track it down, it is very likely you can find it on this blog if you scroll down to the date before it was due on here.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Sorry for the lack of a blog post yesterday. I was in meetings all afternoon and had an evening class and didn't get home until 9:00.

HW due Thursday: 
1. Nutrition (and awesomeness) Facts
-3 for beets
-3 for lettuce
...Come with them written down for tomorrow

2. Bring in choice silent reading material for tomorrow morning

3. Spend 12 minutes work on your class appreciations

Tomorrow after lunch we will spend 20-30 minutes celebrating our class. If you want to bring in a yummy (and nut free) treats for that time or to honor your summer birthday (if you have one) you are welcome to do so as long as you have enough for all 33 people in our class.


Term 4 Service Reflection will be due Monday, June 12th (you will get time in class to work on those reflections tomorrow).

Michael’s Class List – Year of the Mountain – 2016-17

Alphabetical (First, Last)

  1. Benjamin M.
  2. Briton G. f
  3. Camila S.
  4. Chaas L.
  5. Claire M.
  6. Corey G.
  7. Delilah W.
  8. Emma M.
  9. Erin D.
  10. Finian H.
  11. Flynn M.
  12. Gabe K.
  13. Ike H.
  14. Jackson A.
  15. Jacob L-D.
  16. Julia L.
  17. Kai M.
  18. Lilah C.
  19. Luca K.
  20. Lyra W.H.
  21. Maya L.
  22. Melody P
  23. Naimah J.
  24. Nena S.T.
  25. Odessa S
  26. Samuel S.
  27. Sean A.
  28. Solson P
  29. Stella H-D
  30. Tenzin T
  31. Thomas T
  32. Torsten M.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Tuesday PM in Class - NewsELA

NewsELA articles:

NewsELA Instructions:
a. Login into NewsELA using your google PPS account
b. Read articles at appropriate grade level.
***If you are prompted for a class code, try either:  Class Code: 4042j9 or 64FBB5***

1. Pick one of the following food justice/gardening articles to read:

After reading one of the articles above, respond to written questions and complete the quiz.

2. Choice Article
a. You only need to read this article. You do not need to respond to questions or take the quiz.

When done, begin working on class appreciations!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 5, 2017


HW due Tuesday:

1. End of Year Student Review Worksheet: End of Year Student Review
...Explain all of your reasoning for favorite core moment, area of study, and summer book recommendation
...Fill the blank space with images representing you
...This will hang on the wall with your class appreciations envelope until the last day of school
...Don't work on this for more than 24 minutes.

2. Bring reading material to class tomorrow

HW due Wednesday;

1. SES garden service hours (2 total hours) complete. If you do not have this taken care of connect with Steph ASAP to figure out a plan of action

Friday = Iron Chef + Sunnystock!!!!

Term 4 Service Reflection complete by Monday, June 12th (we will spend some time in class on Thursday working on these reflections)

Friday, June 2, 2017


HW due Monday:

1. Mt. Tabor - Final Field Study Assignment: Mt. Tabor Field Study Itinerary

...Write down what you read, a brief summary, a connection, and a question

3. Mia's Art Class OR Iron Chef (whichever you didn't do earlier in the week)... Don't spend more than 11 minutes on this

Iron Chef: 

In preparation for Iron Chef, find a delicious and exciting recipe that includes our two main ingredients: beets and lettuce. Remember, whatever we make, we need to be able to serve a bite to the entire middle school.

Mia's Art Class: 

MJ-Please put on your homework list to visit this site and READ about the 7 different types of marine pollution. Hopefully they will have picked  ONE they want to do art on by next week and know a few facts about it.

This website is really an art contest (top winner is 1000.00!)  but it is also their last project.  They can choose to submit or not, but it is their assignment to do the art project.  Thanks, Mia

Could you ask your kids to tell you what they learned after reading about NOISE POLLUTION...or OIL POLLUTION...or SEWAGE AND RUNOFF POLLUTION...OR MARINE DEBRIS pollution, or ACIDIFICATION POLLUTION or INVASIVE SPECIFIES POLLUTION
Or even get them to LIST the seven types..

PLEASE include in your "homework postings" this week that students should have a plan for their final art project. This means, knowing what type of ocean pollution they are going to do art about, as well as what form of art format they will choose. 

Don't forget, you need to finish your Term 4 Service and Garden hours by Monday, June 11th. 

Ancient Cultures Post Assessment

Thursday, June 1, 2017


Awesome final field study at Mt. Tabor. Big thanks to Brian for the yummy end of the day popsicles.

HW due Friday:

Friday morning we will be taking our Ancient Cultures post assessment. You will be asked to respond to each essential question from the unit and to give to specific examples from your learning to support your response. It will be open note. Bring your blue folder and E-Core. We have had time to prepare in class this week, but you have no other homework tonight so that you can best prepare for this tomorrow.

We will talk about your final field study assignment tomorrow afternoon and it will be due Monday.

Mt. Tabor Final Field Study Assignment