Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Hi folks! Sorry I was out sick today. I got side-swiped by a fever. I'm feeling better and am planning on being at school tomorrow for our last field study of the year. I'm looking forward to hearing how the day went from Shelley and looking through your lists of learning from the ancient culture unit tomorrow.

The reason this is our last field study of the year is because next Thursday, June 8th, we will be preparing and cooking our Iron Chef meal! The following Thursday, June 15th is the last day of school and the entire middle school will be walking to Luarelhurst Park together!

You have no HW due Thursday because I wasn't in school today. However, you should plan on coming to school prepared for our last field study. Have a lunch, water bottle, layers (it might rain a bit), any treats you want to share with the entire class (that don't have peanuts in them), and clothes that you can run around in (we will be playing lots of games). Our field study will be from roughly 10:45 - 2:30 so come to school with you other stuff, including reading material for the morning, and your blue ancient cultures folders so that we can continue to get ready and organized for our ancient cultures unit post-assessment.

See you all tomorrow!



7th Grade Spanish - Wednesday In Class - Final Exam Review

Hi 7th grade Spanish. Sorry that I am out sick today. I got hit with a wicked fever yesterday afternoon. Today is all about review! Your Spanish Final Exam will be next week. First, spend some time playing these different review games related to much of what we have studied. You can find other games on the Spanish - Quia website to play as well if you want.

Once you have gone through all these games you can then start thinking about your final exam. It will NOT be open Spanish Journal. Instead, I am going to allow one page of notes, front and back. You can start preparing that note-page this morning, either using your journal or googledocs.

Thank you for your engagement and respect for our substitute, Shelley.

Spanish Final Exam - Preparation Games:

Spanish Numbers
Picture Perfect - Numbers 1-20
Rags to Richers - Numbers 1-100

Days of the Week + Months of the Year
Days of the Week Games
Months of the Year Games

Spanish Colors:
Colors Quiz

Weather + Seasons: Matching Weather

La Hora:
Rags to Riches - La Hora

Greetings and Goodbyes:
Word Jumble - Greeting and Goodbyes

Ser y Estar
Rags to Riches - Ser y Estar
Pop Ups - Ser y Estar
Pop Ups - Ser y Estar - Challenge

Conjugation - Tener
Conjugation Match - Tener

Games - La Familia
Matching - Family Vocab

Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Welcome back to the last three weeks of school with core class!

HW due Wednesday:

Pick either of the following choices. Don't spend more than 18 minutes on this.

Option 1:

In preparation for Iron Chef, find a delicious and exciting recipe that includes our two main ingredients: beets and lettuce. Remember, whatever we make, we need to be able to serve a bite to the entire middle school.

Option 2: 

MJ-Please put on your homework list to visit this site and READ about the 7 different types of marine pollution. Hopefully they will have picked  ONE they want to do art on by next week and know a few facts about it.

This website is really an art contest (top winner is 1000.00!)  but it is also their last project.  They can choose to submit or not, but it is their assignment to do the art project.  Thanks, Mia

Could you ask your kids to tell you what they learned after reading about NOISE POLLUTION...or OIL POLLUTION...or SEWAGE AND RUNOFF POLLUTION...OR MARINE DEBRIS pollution, or ACIDIFICATION POLLUTION or INVASIVE SPECIFIES POLLUTION
Or even get them to LIST the seven types..

PLEASE include in your "homework postings" this week that students should have a plan for their final art project. This means, knowing what type of ocean pollution they are going to do art about, as well as what form of art format they will choose. 

Your grades have been sent home to your families. They are also available here: 
Updated Term 3 + 4 Grades - May 28

Thursday = Last Field Study to Mt. Tabor

Tuesday PM - In Class

Tuesday PM in Class TO DO: 

1. Easy CBM Reading Assessment:
a. Teacher Username: mjansa
b. Reading Comprehension 
c. Reading Vocabulary

2. NewsELA 
...1050L - 8th grade
...850L - 6th grade
...Read, Quiz, Written Resposne
b. Choice Article

Come see Michael if you finish early

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Post Marine Biology - Weekend HW

I hope you all had radical Marine Biology experiences. I can't wait to come together on Tuesday to re-connect and share stories.

Your weekend HW as you get ready for the final three weeks of the school year is:

2. Appreciate your family
3. Spread kindness, compassion, love
4. Relax and do something awesome

Your grades have been sent home to your families. They are also available here: Updated Term 3 + 4 Grades - May 28th

Thursday, May 18, 2017


HW due Friday:

Thank you all for a wonderful day together. Too bad you all couldn't beat me at kickball!

It is especially worth nothing that you all did awesome work on your CASL On-Site Research Project today!!!

Most of you are close to done. I expect that people work at least 15 minutes on their project tonight (even if you are done, what more can you add?), but no more than 45 minutes (a few of you talked to me and the absolute maximum you should work on it tonight is an hour).

Come to class tomorrow with your folder set up and ready. 

We will work on the Realm of the Senses writing piece Friday morning in class.

Reminder that any late or absent work from before May 1st turns into a 0 that cannot be made up after this Friday.

Final On-Site Research Project Folder:
Name on Folder business card + other images

Outside of Folder → Venn Diagram (Compare/Contrast artifacts, Elements of Culture, and Ancient Cultures) + Map (where you traveled + images)

Inside of Folder → 2 Artifact Pages

On Table in Front of Folder → Other (Google Slides/3D Models/etc…)

Ancient CASL - On-Site Research Project

On-Site Research Project - Main Assignment
On-Site Research Project - Venn Diagram
On-Site Research Project - Example - Head Professor Corwin

On-Site Research Project Resources:

Ancient Cultures - Pathfinder
...Use the above link for great resources and links compiled by guest Librarian Grimm about the following ancient cultures: Aboriginal Australia, Sub-Sahara West Africa, Japan, India, Greece, Rome, Egypt, Maya

Ancient Cultures - History Alive
...Use the following resource for links to different reading packets related to many different ancient cultures
Ch. 1-6: The Rise of Civilizations
Ch. 7-12 - Ancient Egypt
Ch. 13-18 - Ancient India
Ch. 19 - 24 - Ancient China
Ch. 25-31 - Ancient Greece
Ch. 32-37 - Ancient Rome

Ancient Cultures - Japan:
Ancient Japan - Ch. 20
Ancient Japan - Ch. 21
Ancient Japan - Ch. 22

Archaeology Introduction and Resources and Links

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


HW due Thursday:

1. Ancient CASL Program - On-Site Research Project

...Great job working on this in class today!!! Your homework is to work on this for exactly 24 minutes tonight.

Ancient CASL - On-Site Research Project

On-Site Research Project - Main Assignment
On-Site Research Project - Venn Diagram
On-Site Research Project - Example - Head Professor Corwin

On-Site Research Project Resources:

Ancient Cultures - Pathfinder
...Use the above link for great resources and links compiled by guest Librarian Grimm about the following ancient cultures: Aboriginal Australia, Sub-Sahara West Africa, Japan, India, Greece, Rome, Egypt, Maya

Ancient Cultures - History Alive
...Use the following resource for links to different reading packets related to many different ancient cultures
Ch. 1-6: The Rise of Civilizations
Ch. 7-12 - Ancient Egypt
Ch. 13-18 - Ancient India
Ch. 19 - 24 - Ancient China
Ch. 25-31 - Ancient Greece
Ch. 32-37 - Ancient Rome

Ancient Cultures - Japan:
Ancient Japan - Ch. 20
Ancient Japan - Ch. 21
Ancient Japan - Ch. 22

Archaeology Introduction and Resources and Links

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


HW due Wednesday:

1. Cultural Historical Fiction Novel Assignment #4:
Cultural Historical Fiction Reading Assignment #4 - link
...This is your last novel assignment for this unit. You should be doing this assignment on a book you have finished (you should be finished with your first cultural historical fiction novel by tomorrow!). You had 30 minutes this morning to work on it in addition to another 30 minutes later this morning if you were stuck on your writing lesson. Many of you chose not to work effectively this morning while we had a sub in the room. Consequently, you have more to do on this assignment tonight.

Extra Credit:

Spend 10-15 minutes on Google Earth or looking through images, videos, or blogs related to traveling where your ancient culture is located present day. This will help you with future research and writing assignments and is just cool. To receive the extra credit, give Michael a high five tomorrow morning before 8:51 and tell him one new perspective you gained through this experience. 

Ancient CASL - On-Site Research Project

Ancient CASL - On-Site Research Project

On-Site Research Project - Main Assignment: On-Site Research Project - Assignment
On-Site Research Project - Venn Diagram
On-Site Research Project - Example - Head Professor Corwin

Proposal for Travel Grant Resources:

Ancient Cultures - Pathfinder
...Use the above link for great resources and links compiled by guest Librarian Grimm about the following ancient cultures: Aboriginal Australia, Sub-Sahara West Africa, Japan, India, Greece, Rome, Egypt, Maya

Ancient Cultures - History Alive
...Use the following resource for links to different reading packets related to many different ancient cultures
Ch. 1-6: The Rise of Civilizations
Ch. 7-12 - Ancient Egypt
Ch. 13-18 - Ancient India
Ch. 19 - 24 - Ancient China
Ch. 25-31 - Ancient Greece
Ch. 32-37 - Ancient Rome

Ancient Cultures - Japan:
Ancient Japan - Ch. 20
Ancient Japan - Ch. 21
Ancient Japan - Ch. 22

Archaeology Introduction and Resources and Links

Monday, May 15, 2017


HW due Tuesday:

CASL Proposal for Travel Grant: CASL Proposal for Study Grant LINK
...Complete both sides of this worksheet with the exception of the essential question response. We will work on that in class tomorrow morning.

Proposal for Travel Grant Resources:

Ancient Cultures - Pathfinder
...Use the above link for great resources and links compiled by guest Librarian Grimm about the following ancient cultures: Aboriginal Australia, Sub-Sahara West Africa, Japan, India, Greece, Rome, Egypt, Maya

Ancient Cultures - History Alive
...Use the following resource for links to different reading packets related to many different ancient cultures
Ch. 1-6: The Rise of Civilizations
Ch. 7-12 - Ancient Egypt
Ch. 13-18 - Ancient India
Ch. 19 - 24 - Ancient China
Ch. 25-31 - Ancient Greece
Ch. 32-37 - Ancient Rome

Ancient Cultures - Japan:
Ancient Japan - Ch. 20
Ancient Japan - Ch. 21
Ancient Japan - Ch. 22

Archaeology Introduction and Resources and Links

HW due Wednesday:

1. Cultural Historical Fiction Novel complete (if you are reading your second or third novel, it is ok if it is not finished. The first novel should be finished by then).

Friday, May 12, 2017


HW due Monday:

1. Unity Farm Field Study:
Unity Farm Field Study Field Study Assignment
...You will be assessing your own work on Monday. Have you used R.A.C.E.? Re-state, Answer, Cite evidence, Explain evidence? Have you provided at least 2 specific examples from the field study? Have you included a personal connection and observation?

2. CASL Proposal for Travel Grant: CASL Proposal for Study Grant LINK
...Work on this proposal for 28 minutes this weekend. I would expect that within that amount of time, you can complete roughly 2/3 of the front side of your yellow worksheet

HW due Wednesday:

1. Cultural Historical Fiction Novel complete (if you are reading your second or third novel, it is ok if it is not finished. The first novel should be finished by then).

Proposal for Travel Grant Resources:

Ancient Cultures - Pathfinder
...Use the above link for great resources and links compiled by guest Librarian Grimm about the following ancient cultures: Aboriginal Australia, Sub-Sahara West Africa, Japan, India, Greece, Rome, Egypt, Maya

Ancient Cultures - History Alive
...Use the following resource for links to different reading packets related to many different ancient cultures
Ch. 1-6: The Rise of Civilizations
Ch. 7-12 - Ancient Egypt
Ch. 13-18 - Ancient India
Ch. 19 - 24 - Ancient China
Ch. 25-31 - Ancient Greece
Ch. 32-37 - Ancient Rome

Ancient Cultures - Japan:
Ancient Japan - Ch. 20
Ancient Japan - Ch. 21
Ancient Japan - Ch. 22

Archaeology Introduction and Resources and Links

CASL Proposal for Study Grant

CASL Proposal for Study Grant: CASL Proposal for Study Grant LINK

Proposal for Study Grant Resources:

Ancient Cultures - Pathfinder
...Use the above link for great resources compiled by guest Librarian Grimm about the following ancient cultures: Aboriginal Australia, Sub-Sahara West Africa, Japan, India, Greece, Rome, Egypt, Maya

Ancient Cultures - History Alive
...Use the following resource for links to different reading packets related to many different ancient cultures
Ch. 1-6: The Rise of Civilizations
Ch. 7-12 - Ancient Egypt
Ch. 13-18 - Ancient India
Ch. 19 - 24 - Ancient China
Ch. 25-31 - Ancient Greece
Ch. 32-37 - Ancient Rome

Archaeology Introduction and Resources

Thursday, May 11, 2017


My apologies for the late blog post...

HW due Friday:
1. Unity Farm Field Study - Assignment Questions only! (the EQ will be HW this weekend after we talk about it in class tomorrow afternoon)
Unity Farm Field Study Field Study Assignment

2. Move-A-Thon --- Come ready to walk, run, or move tomorrow from 12:00 - 12:30

Reminder - I did not collect the culture wall worksheet today because of our field study. It will be collected tomorrow.

Culture Wall Worksheet: 

a. Complete the Culture Wall worksheet we worked on in class this morning and this afternoon (Culture Wall Worksheet)
b. Include the following in your worksheet (remember this is a 10 point assignment):

Culture Wall:
  • What cultures are you focusing on?
  • What Elements of Culture/Essential Question are you focusing on?

  • What artifacts have you found that show an example related to that Element of Culture or Essential Question?
    • Make a claim about the artifact and EXPLAIN the connection to your assigned essential question or element of culture
    • Create an image of the artifact with color
      • Include a caption underneath the artifact
    • Find 2 artifacts per culture and element of culture/EQ

History Alive - Reading Packets

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


HW due Thursday:

1. Field Study - Unity Farm 
a. Bring a lunch, water, and rain gear (it is supposed to rain) along with a positive attitude and clothes and hands that are ready to dig in the dirt
b. Oregon Food Bank or Unity Farm - 2 Facts
...Unity Farm (scroll down for a blurb on the farm and an awesome picture of Naimah's mom!)

2. Culture Wall Worksheet: 
a. Complete the Culture Wall worksheet we worked on in class this morning and this afternoon (Culture Wall Worksheet)
b. Include the following in your worksheet (remember this is a 10 point assignment):

Culture Wall:
  • What cultures are you focusing on?
  • What Elements of Culture/Essential Question are you focusing on?

  • What artifacts have you found that show an example related to that Element of Culture or Essential Question?
    • Make a claim about the artifact and EXPLAIN the connection to your assigned essential question or element of culture
    • Create an image of the artifact with color
      • Include a caption underneath the artifact
    • Find 2 artifacts per culture and element of culture/EQ

History Alive - Reading Packets

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


HW due Wednesday:

1. Cultural Historical Fiction Reading Assignment #3: Reading Assignment #3

Monday, May 8, 2017

Monday - In Class PM - NewsELA

NewsELA Instructions:
a. Login into NewsELA using your google PPS account
b. Read articles at appropriate grade level.
***If you are prompted for a class code, try either:  Class Code: 4042j9 or 64FBB5***

1. Assigned Article - Ancient Greece - Democracy
a. 1150L - 8th grade
b. 960L - 6th grade 
c. After reading, respond to written questions and complete quiz.

2. Choice Article
a. You only need to read this article. You do not need to respond to questions or take the quiz.

After reading two NewsELA articles, put your chromebooks back and complete the following from this morning:
1. Ch. 25 Reading Packet + Ch. 25 assessment (which is on your geography challenge handout)
2. Ancient Greece Geography Challenge

Anything that is not finished in class from the above is your homework tonight. Use your time effectively!

If you finish everything  above early this afternoon, please watch the following two videos about Ancient Greece (try to use headphones if you have some).
1. The Persian Wars in 5 Minutes
2. Crash Course History - Alexander the Great

Saturday, May 6, 2017


Weekend HW due Monday:

1. Ancient India on Hawthorne Field Study Assignment: Ancient India on Hawthorne - Field Study Assignment

2. Read History Alive Ancient Greece Reading Packet
Ch. 25 (only read the introduction page)
Ch. 26-31 (only read the introduction page for each chapter)
Ch. 26-31 (only read the introduction page for each)
a. This packet is the introduction to each section on Ancient Greece
b. Read the introductions to each chapter
c. For each introduction write down what essential question that chapter might most connect to. If you can't think of one, simply write a 1-3 sentence summary of what you read for that section

Thursday, May 4, 2017


HW due Thursday:

1. NO HOMEWORK!!! Rest easy after a long day of learning and walking

Awesome work and walking on our field study today! Share something from our trip today with someone in your family

Student Led Conferences - Come participate in your conference. If you can't make it, come check in with me and we can set up an alternative time to have your conference.

REMEMBER, tomorrow is a 1/2 day early dismissal at 11:45

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


HW due Thursday:

1. 1/2 page writing story
...Write a 1/2 page story that captures a moment from school in the past few months. You will share this story with your family to start your student led conference. Don't spend more than 25 minutes working on this story tonight.
...Your story should include a hook (slow motion moment?) and dialogue and blocking

2. Field Study - Ancient India on Hawthorne
...We will be visiting several stores on Hawthorne that have connections to Ancient India. We will also be eating out for lunch at Rovente Pizza. Bring your lunch or bring some dollars (no more than $10) for pizza.

When will you be leading your conference? Families can sign up here:

Friday, May 5th = 1/2 Day Early Dismissal @ 11;45

Wednesday PM - In Class

1. Webquest:
a. What was daily life like in Ancient India?
b. Where do see our Elements of Culture?
c. Can you make any connections to our CASL Essential Questions?

2. Pathfinder:
a. Our esteemed CASL librarian, Professor Grimm helped put together a website devoted to Ancient India resources. Check out some of the online e-books and linked websites

3. When done with both websites, look through Ancient India Non-Fiction Books on the heater

Student Led Conferences - Student Guide

Thursday, May 4th = Student Led Conferences 3:30 - 7:00... When will you be leading your conference? Families can sign up here:

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


HW due Wednesday:

1. Cultural Historical Fiction Novels: Reading Assignment 2
...Complete the above assignment while reading your novel
...Bring your novel to class tomorrow for book groups!

Thursday, May 4th = Student Led Conferences 3:30 - 7:00... When will you be leading your conference? Families can sign up here:

Friday, May 5th = 1/2 Day Early Dismissal @ 11;45

Ancient Greece - Group Work

Ch. 28 
a. Watch this 5 minute video and take notes: Persian Wars in 5 Minutes
b. Be prepared to share your video notes with other groups
c. When done, read Ch. 28

Ch. 30
a. Watch John Greene's Crash Course video and take notes: Alexander the Great
b. Be prepared to share your video notes with other groups
c. When done, read Ch. 30

Monday, May 1, 2017


HW due Tuesday:
1. Read your Cultural Historical Fiction novel for 20-30 minutes
a. List and explain 1 connection and 1 question
b. Write a 3-5 sentence summary

Thursday, May 4th = Student Led Conferences 3:30 - 7:00... When will you be leading your conference? Families can sign up here:

Friday, May 5th = 1/2 Day Early Dismissal @ 11;45