Thursday, March 23, 2017


HW due Friday:

1. If you did not finish your argumentative essay after our two hours of writing in class, please make sure you finish it tonight. Use the Argumentative Essay Assessment Rubric (Assessment Rubric Handout) as your guide. Please make sure you have sent this to me before 8:30 am tomorrow.

2. If you did not bring in a 1 liter bottle to class today, please do so for science lab tomorrow.

Thanks to Thomas, you do not have any other homework tonight. Hooray Thomas.

Thursday in Class:

a. Login into NewsELA using your google PPS account
b. Read articles at appropriate grade level.
c. Respond to written questions and complete quiz.

***If you are prompted for a class code, try either:  Class Code: 4042j9 or 64FBB5***

1. NewsELA - Seasame Street
2. NewsELA - Choice

***If you want to create a formal bibliography, use

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


HW due Thursday:

1. Argumentative Essay 
...Work on this for 19 minutes tonight. You do not need to share this with me as we will work on it with the chromebooks for an hour tomorrow morning.

Make sure your essay has the following:

Thesis Statement + Topic Sentences
Facts/Quotes/Personal Examples
Sources (are there more than 2?)
Transition Sentences (at the end body paragraph 1 and 2)
Hook + Concluding Thought
Transition Words (are there at least 3?)

2. Bring choice reading material to class tomorrow!!!!!!!!

3. Science Lab - Bring 1 liter plastic bottle to science lab

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


HW due Wednesday:

1. Argumentative Essay Writing
...Work on your argumentative writing essay for 23 minutes tonight
...We will need your writing pieces (I don't expect them to be finished... You just need to have them in class to do some editing/revising) in class tomorrow. Either print them or share them with me no later than 8:30 am tomorrow morning.

Monday, March 20, 2017


HW due Tuesday:

1. Wildlife Tours Prep:
...Spend 15 minutes working on your animal info worksheet.
...Some of the animal worksheets are specific or confusing. Fill out what you can or write in what you know if none of the questions make sense to you. You do NOT need to complete this worksheet. The goal is to build some background knowledge to get your ready to prep your Wildlife Tour lessons tomorrow at school
...Spend 5 minutes finding an awesome fact about your animal

If you were absent today or missed the handout find 5 facts about the following animal:

Wildlife Tour Groups 2017




Frogs and Turtles



Wolves and Coyotes


Friday, March 17, 2017


HW due Monday:

1. Work to finish your argumentative final graphic organizer.
...Include a thesis statement, topic sentences, transition sentences, facts/quotes/anecdotes with explanations, and a hook and conclusion.
...Don't work more than 45 minutes on this assignment. If you don't finish and have spent 45 minutes working on it, communicate and advocate ahead of time and we will come up with a plan on Monday to get things finished.
...Argumentative Final Graphic Organizer LINK
...For those of you choosing to focus on bottled water or Nestle, here is an info/fact sheet that will be helpful for your research: FACT SHEET - Bottled Water + Nestle

7th Grade Survey

Thursday, March 16, 2017


HW due Friday:

1. Reed College Field Study Assignment Reed College Field Study Assignment
...EQ response should include Re-stated question, Answer, Cited evidence, Explained with at least two specific details from the field study, 1 connection, and 1 observation
...You do not have to do assignment question 4 (the thank you note to Gregory). We will do that together in class

2. Science Lab
...If you can, please try to bring in a 1 liter plastic bottle for our science inquiry project you are starting in science lab.

Essential Question Notes from our end of day discussion

Essential Question:
  1. What is iconoclasm?
    1. The destruction of icons
    2. What is an icon??? (something or someone that is looked up…. Someone that has a role in a society … a symbol that represents something … not necessarily a person… something that represents people or is worship)
    3. Why is it relevant today?
      1. ISIS (the destruction of museums)
      2. People are trying to put down other people’s ideas or values
        1. The upside down flag
          1. The USA is not accepting everyone… the flag for those who don’t feel valued in America
      3. American politics today
    4. Give examples from the exhibit and the discussions you had.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


HW due Thursday:

1. Hunger Banquet Reflection:
a. How did you feel during the banquet? What was challenging? IN your opinion, what is the purpose of this Hunger Banquet experience? Do you think the banquet meets this goal? Why or why not (it is ok for you to be critical of the banquet if you don't think it met the goal)?
b. What was the biggest idea you took away from the Hunger Banquet experience?

2. Cooley Art Gallery Field Study 11:30 - 3:00
-Iconoclastic Exhibit:
-3 facts about the exhibit
-Bring $$$ if you want to eat lunch at the cafeteria

Argumentative Essay - Final Graphic Organizer

Tuesday, March 14, 2017


HW due Wednesday:

1. Argumentative Essay - Paragraph Practice
... Using the provided topic, thesis statement, topic sentence, fact, quote, and transition sentence, write a practice argumentative body paragraph.
...The goal of this assignment is not the research, but to practice using the argumentative essay format to get ourselves ready to write our own argumentative essay this week

Argumentative Essay - Paragraph Practice

 2. Hunger Banquet tomorrow from 1:15 - 2:15

HW due Thursday:
1. Field Study Reed College Cooley Art Gallery (11:15 - 3:00)

HW due Friday:
 1. Bring a 1 liter plastic bottle to science lab

Happy Pi Day!!!! The Music in Pi

3/14 - Tuesday AM - In Class

Tuesday AM in Class:

***Make sure your Argumentative Main Ideas Graphic Organizer HW are out your table***

1. NewsELA:
a. Login into NewsELA using your google PPS account
b. Read articles at appropriate grade level.
c. Respond to written questions and complete quiz.

***If you are prompted for a class code, try either:  Class Code: 4042j9 or 64FBB5***

NewsELA - Museums + Refugees

2. When Michael has checked off your Thesis Statement and Topic Sentences you may begin working on your Argumentative Essay - Final Graphic Organizer

Argumentative Essay - Final Graphic Organizer

Monday, March 13, 2017


HW due Tuesday

1. Argumentative Essay - Main Ideas: Argumentative Essay - Main Ideas
...Focus on figuring out your thesis statement and topic sentences!!!
...Use my Blazers example as a guide for your work

2. Have choice reading material in class Tuesday

Thursday = Field Study to Reed College Cooley Art Gallery

Sunday, March 12, 2017


HW due Monday: 

1. Thesis Statement Practice (see page 2 on the linked assignment): Thesis Statement Practice

2. Argumentative Research: Argumentative Research
...We have worked on this twice in class now. Attempt to finish this basic research for your argumentative topic related to our Water is Life unit.
...I also have created a list of facts related to the topic of bottled water. If you are struggling with your research, you can choose this topic and access the research provided Bottled Water Research
...Do not spend more than 30 minutes work on this. If you aren't finish after 30 minutes, write me a note and I will understand.


Thursday, March 9, 2017


Thursday PM in Class

Thursday PM in class:

Agrumentative Essay - RESEARCH: Argumentative - Research Organizer

Thursday AM in class:

NewsELA --  You are going to read and respond to two NewsELA articles today (reminder, no headphones during NewsELA work, or at all for that matter today)

a. Login into NewsELA using your google PPS account
b. Read articles at appropriate grade level.
c. Respond to written questions and complete quiz.

***If you are prompted for a class code, try either:  Class Code: 4042j9 or 64FBB5***

Article 1 - Required
Flint, Mi - 3 Years Later

After your first article is finished, stop NewsELA until you have completed your Water is Life Post-Assessment. Once your assessment is completed, go back to NewsELA and read a second article

Article 2 - Pick any of the following articles
Life in Ancient Fossils
Colorado River Flow
Trayvon Martin - 5 Years Later

When done with both articles, take your chromebook back to the Library and begin working on your final science fiction novel assignment 

Final Sci Fi Novel Assignment 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


HW due Thursday:

Because of my chromebook afternoon screw up, your science fiction final novel assignment is not due tomorrow. You should work on it for 20-30 minutes tonight. We will finish it up tomorrow in class. 

Sci Final Assignment

Wednesday Core PM with Bonnie:

Water is Life - Post Assessment

NewsELA --  You are going to read and respond to two NewsELA articles today (reminder, no headphones during NewsELA work, or at all for that matter today)

a. Login into NewsELA using your google PPS account
b. Read articles at appropriate grade level.
c. Respond to written questions and complete quiz.

***If you are prompted for a class code, try either:  Class Code: 4042j9 or 64FBB5***

Article 1 - Required
Flint, Mi - 3 Years Later

Article 2 - Pick any of the following articles
Life in Ancient Fossils
Colorado River Flow
Trayvon Martin - 5 Years Later

When done reading your 2 NewsELA articles work on your final science fiction novel assignment. This is due tomorrow!

Science Fiction Final Novel Assignment
...Included on the link, if you want it, is a graphic organizer for the Full Book Summary. If you would prefer, you can just fill out the graphic organizer and that can count as your summary!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


HW due Wednesday:

1. Science Fiction Final Novel Assignment: Final Sci Fi Assignment
...This is not due Wednesday. It is due Thursday. However, you should spend 20-30 minutes working on the side we focused on in class today (reflection + creative). You will have some time to work on this Wednesday afternoon in class and then it will be due Thursday.

2. Tomorrow you will be taking a Water is Life post unit assessment. It will be completely open note and you should make sure that you have your blue Water is Life folder in class.

Happy birthday Maya Light!!!

Monday, March 6, 2017


HW due Tuesday

1. Essential Question Response Practice: EQ Response Practice

2. READING --- Bring choice reading material with you to school tomorrow. In addition, bring your science fiction novel to class (which you should have finished by now), as we are going to be working on our final novel assignment starting tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

HW due Monday, 3/6

Thursday and Friday the 8th graders are on the 8th grade retreat. I will be gone with them. In addition to normal grade level math and Spanish, 6th and 7th graders will be moving through grade level health rotations Thursday and Friday.

That means that your Core HW is not due until Monday, March 6th.

HW due Monday, March 6th:

1. Science Fiction Novel FINISHED (if you are beyond your first novel, you don't have to worry about finishing)

2. Science in my Science Fiction Activity Worksheet: Sci Fi Science Activity Worksheet Link
...Don't worry too much about overly specific details, essentially expand what you read about in your sci fi novel by looking at the current related real technology and science, cite your sources, and compare it to your book. If you get stuck on something, skip it and simply tell me something else you do know related to your book instead.

3. Innovation Water Rotation Activity: Water Rotation Reflection Link
...Pick one of the seven water rotation lessons you participated in these past weeks and reflect up on them.

7th grade service project

7th Grade Speech Graphic Organizer

7th Grade Speech Rubric

Your speech should be 3-5 minutes long. PRACTICE!!!

Be prepared to give your speech between March 6th - March 24th