Tuesday, February 28, 2017


HW due Wednesday:

1. Riki Ott - Day 3 - Reflection
...Write one paragraph sharing your thinking, wonders, questions, and big take-aways from today's lesson with Riki Ott.

Here is the 2nd Story of Stuff video we watched on Monday with Riki: Story of Stuff - Citizens

Monday, February 27, 2017


HW due Tuesday:

I will collect your Oregon Historical Society field study assignment tomorrow. 

Make sure you have your science fiction novel in class!!!

1. Riki Ott Reflection
...Write a 1 paragraph reflection about what you heard, thought, wondered, and walked away with after an hour long "USA Civics" lesson with Riki Ott this afternoon

Saturday, February 25, 2017


HW due Monday:

1. Oregon Historical Society Field Study Assignment:
...Include R.A.C.E. and connections/observations in your essential question
...Here is the assignment: OHS Field Study Assignment
...Below are our brainstorm notes for the essential question

2. Asa's Innovation Rotation activity
...Spend no more than 15 minutes working on completing Asa's Innovation Rotation activity


Essential Question:  

  1.   How do people make change in the world?

    1. Protesting and rallies → Mike talked about social change → our conversation
    2. History Hub → Change in Oregon → 1992 Civil Rights ballot protest and voting support
      1. 2007 → Oregon Legislature passing anti-discrimination laws
    3. Mike → Japanese internment → nursery being supported during internment
    4. Mike the docent is making change by being a rad “Michael”
    5. Protest → Oregon’s protest history → Hospital
    6. History Hub → Logging worker strike

Friday, February 24, 2017

7th Grade Service Project

7th Grade Service Project:

7th Grade Speech Graphic Organizer

7th Grade Speech Rubric

Your speech should be 3-5 minutes long. PRACTICE!!!

Be prepared to give your speech between March 6th - March 24th

Thursday, February 23, 2017


HW due Friday:

1. Nature Journal
...In your E-Core create a nature journal this afternoon/evening. You can do this inside or outside depending on the time and weather for when you do this. Hopefully you can do this outside and enjoy the wonderful weather this afternoon.
...Your nature journal should be done in your E-Core next to the Oregon Historical Society itinerary
...Look through your old nature journals from the fall to get an idea for what you have done so far this year
...This should be done for 10 minutes.
...Include date/time/place/weather
...Your nature journal can be a specific image, writing, poetry, observations, wonders, whatever you are most interested in

Also, check out the video we watched today with Riki Ott: The Story of Stuff - SOLUTIONS!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


HW due Thursday, February 22nd

1. Oregon Historical Society Field Study
...Using the Oregon Historical Society (OHS) links below, come to class with three facts about OHS and the exhibits written in your E-Core tomorrow.
...We will be on a field study from 12:00 - 3:00. Bring a lunch and appropriate clothing for our bus ride to and from OHS

Oregon Historical Society
OHS - Oregon Voices
OHS - Columbia River

2. Read-A-Thon
...Tomorrow we will be starting our day with reading for the Read-A-Thon. Come prepared with your choice science fiction novel and any extra coziness you want to enhance your reading!

3. Riki Ott
...Tomorrow we will start our work with Riki Ott (http://www.rikiott.com/). Come prepared to engage, question, and learn

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Oh me oh my. What an afternoon. So many meetings. Sorry I am just now updating the blog!

HW due Wednesday:
1. Science Fiction Reading Assignment #4

Make sure you respond to different questions from last week and include at least one specific example with a page number for each response

Read Read Read because it is the Read-A-Thon!!!

Field Study to Oregon Historical Society (12:00 - 3:00)

Tuesday Afternoon - In Class - NewsELA

1. NewsELA
a. Pick one of the following articles to read
b. Read at appropriate grade level. Respond to written questions and complete quiz.
c. Read a second choice article if you finish early.

We will work until 2:30.

NewsELA Article Choices:
"No girls allowed"

Immigrants March

Boy Scouts and Girls

***If you are prompted for a class code, try either:  Class Code: 4042j9 or 64FBB5***

2. Water is Life - Group Poster Projects


Saturday, February 18, 2017



HW due Tuesday, February 21st

1. READ DAILY!!!!!!!!
...You don't have any specific assignments to go along with your reading. However, make sure you are reading. Read daily for 20-30 minutes.

2. Portland Art Museum Field Study Assignment.
...PAM Field Study Assignment
...There are 4 essential questions. Choose 2 to answer. Between the two essential questions, practice R.A.C.E. (restate, answer, cite, and explain) and include a total of at least 2 specific examples from the day, 1 personal connection, and 1 personal observation.

The Read-A-Thon kicks off Tuesday. Come ready to get your read on!!! Make sure you have your choice science fiction novel in class everyday next week.

For those of you looking for after school garden service hours (everyone needs to have completed 3 total garden service hours at SES by the end of the year) you can sign up to help out with Steph after school here: After School Garden Hours - SignupGenius Link

8th Graders: Have your families pay for the 8th grade retreat here: https://www.schoolpay.com/link/eighthretreat

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Michael's Core Class - PM with Lynn

Michael's Core Class - PM:

Hiya core class! I'm excited to hear how your morning water rotation with Cori went. This afternoon please work to make sure you are positively engaged and representing yourself and our class community well. You may NOT use headphones this afternoon for music. Sorry. Make sure you manage expectations appopriately with chromebooks. 

I slightly changed my plans this afternoon. Tomorrow in the morning before our field study we will work on our Water is Life posters that we started yesterday. Today you are going to work through both NewsELA and VTS using the chromebooks and practice having student led discussions.

  1. Read the following NewsELA article on “intersectionality.” Login into NewsELA through google using your PPS account. Select to read it at an appropriate reading level for yourself. After reading the article, respond to the written questions and the quiz.
  2. VTS (Visual Thinking Strategies) Writing Practice
    1. Tomorrow we are going to the Portland Art Museum (!!!) in the afternoon. We are going to practice using VTS there. This afternoon, we are going to do an individual writing exercise to prepare for tomorrow.
    2. Get a VTS Writing Practice Handout from Lynn (VTS Written Response Handout)
    3. Find one image to focus on using the New York Times VTS blog:
    4. Once you have selected your image, use the VTS handout that Lynn has to draw a brief sketch of the image and respond to the following prompts in writing:
      1. What is going on in this image? What do you see that makes you say that? What more can you find?
      2. Your writing should reflect thought, effort, creativity, and specific detail
    5. Turn this completed document into Lynn when done.
  1. 3. When done, find another NewsELA article to read and complete the responses for OR respond to a different VTS article in your WW Journal
  2. 4. You will have until 1:50
  3. 5. Be prepared to discuss your thinking related to the NewsELA article and VTS image you looked at

Tuesday, February 14, 2017



HW due Wednesday:
1. Read Dakota Access Pipeline role for Cori's rotation tomorrow (sorry that this was given to you at the last second today). Your role could be Iowa Farmer, Our Children's Trust, North America's Building Trade Unions, Standing Rock Sioux, Energy Trust Alliance. Highlight three big ideas from your reading so that you can best own that role tomorrow with Cori

HW due Thursday:
1. Science Fiction Reading Assignment Week 3
Sci Fi Assignment Week 3

7th Grade Speech Graphic Organizer

7th Grade Speech Graphic Organizer

Make a copy of the above document if you prefer to type your graphic organizer

Monday, February 13, 2017


HW due Tuesday:

1. Sci Fi Reading
a. Bring your book to class tomorrow!
b. Charactergram --- Create an image from your book that includes a main character during a specific scene that happened while you were reading. Give the scene a caption in your own words explaining what is going on. Include the page number this specific scene comes from.

Friday, February 10, 2017


HW due Monday:

1. Powell Butte Native Planting Field Study Assignment
Native Planting Itinerary + Assignment

Focus on putting detail and effort into your essential question using R.A.C.E., while including connections/observations.

Share something that stood out to you about your learning this week with someone in your family.

Read DAILY!!!

Make sure you have your Science Fiction choice novel in class every day next week, especially Monday!


Garden Service:
After School Garden Hours w/ Steph Sign Up

Thursday, February 9, 2017


Wow! We got wet this afternoon! Thank you for your positive attitude, continued engagement, and flexibility.

HW due Friday:
1. Powell Butte Nature Park Plant Restoration
...Find and write down three facts about Powell Butte to follow up on our time planting today and restoring habitat in the area.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Dakota Access Pipeline

Indigenous Youth asking Obama to stop DAPL
Indigenous youth initiated this movement and is supported by thousands of people  click here
Optional: Huffington Post Photo Essay and Recordings: Click here  - listen to a few voices at Standing Rock. What is their story, why are they there protecting all of our water?
Optional Music video - Count how many times you hear them refer to Manifest Destiny
Trump reversing Obama’s stay on the pipeline http://time.com/4548566/dakota-access-pipeline-standing-rock-sioux/


HW due Thursday:

1. Field Study - Native Plant Restoration @ Powell Butte Nature Park with Portland Metro
***If you lost your form, you can print this out and fill in the field study details (2/9 - Powell Butte)
PPS Field Study Form (blank)
...We will be on our field study from 12:00 - 2:30. It will be wet and cold. Bring warm clothes, gloves, hats, solid shoes, and rain gear!!!

2. End of Term 2 Reflection (Term 2 Reflection)
...You can hand-write your responses, type them, audio or video record them. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

2/7 - Afternoon Activities and HW

Hi core class!!!

Sorry I have been out the past two days. I've been wicked sick with a fever/flu situation that I'm still trying to shake. I'm hopeful that I will be back at school tomorrow. Thanks for your patience and flexibility while I have been gone and make sure you are being awesome for Bonnie!

This afternoon while you have the chromebooks you are going to spend some time with NewsELA and then working on a term 2 reflection assignment.

1. Sign in through google with your PPS account
2. Read the following article at your appropriate reading level and respond to both the written and quiz sections:
3. Pick an article from their Water is Life section that you have not yet read, read it at your appropriate grade level, and respond to the both the written and quiz sections:

When done, use your remaining time to finish your Science Fiction Week 2 Reading Assignment. This is HW due tomorrow.

Science Fiction Week 2 Reading Assignment
a. Pick one question from each of the following sections (setting, characters, plot, summary): Sci Fi Reading Assignment Week 2 Questions
b. Respond to the questions on your assignment page: Sci Fi Reading Assignment Week 2 Responses

If you finish early, work on the following term 2 reflection (don't worry this is not yet HW). We will work on this more Wednesday.

Term 2 Reflection:
Work on your Term 2 Reflection: Term 2 Reflection
You can type this out on a chromebook, hand-write it, or share your responses with me in recorded audio or video format.
This will be due Thursday.

HW due Wednesday:
1. I will finally collect your weekend HW (science fiction reading bookmark and water is life processing collage)
2. Science Fiction Week 2 Reading Assignment

Have an effective, productive, and positive afternoon. I hope to see you all tomorrow!

Thursday, February 2, 2017


TERM 2 IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HW due Monday:

1, Science Fiction Choice Novel Assignment
b. Complete novel pacing (making sure you are on pace to finish your novel by Tuesday, March 7th) on purple novel assignment sheet.
Science Fiction Choice Novel Assignment
c. Complete Science Fiction Week 1 Bookmark Assignment
Week 1 Bookmark I
Week 1 Bookmark II

2. Water is Life Processing Collage
a. Pick an essential question from the unit (listed below) to focus on. Write this EQ on the page
b. List 3 speakers, field studies, or class lessons (For example, lead in PPS water, Flint, Nestle, Hidden Water, Peak Water, etc...) related to the essential question you are focusing on
c. Include at least 1 image that relates to the essential question
d. Add at least 5 of your own thoughts or ideas that you have had during this unit related to that essential question
e. Include 1 idea that has given you inspiration or motivation

Water is Life Unit - Essential Questions:
Where does water come from, and where does it go?
How does equity and justice play a role in who has access to water?
How do humans impact water?
What are my rights and responsibilities to water?

How do people create change and solve problems?

Spread the joy, creativity, community, and love of Caine's Arcade:
Caine's Arcade

Easy CBM

Easy CBM instructions

  1. Go to the internet
  2. In the address bar type:  pps.or.easycbm.com
  3. On student side, click on "click here"
  4. In teacher login type: mjansa
  5. Find your name on the drop down menu
  6. Select test: vocabulary + reading comprehension