Friday, June 12, 2015

THE END, is just the beginning

No more "home-stretch" talk, we have officially reached the end of year and begin to leap into lives beyond room 211. Go forth into the world with openess, love, compassion, and critical consciousness of the world you are a part of. Happy summer everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Tomorrow is the last day of school!!!!!!!


HW due Thursday (the last day of school!):
-Don't forget class compliments

Bring a lunch and water bottle as we will be spending the day at Colonel Summers Park

Happy last day of school everyone :) :0 :)

Extra Credit:
Complete Teacher Feedback
Teacher Feedback for Michael – EXTRA CREDIT

Please help me reflect on my teaching so that I can become better at what I do

These questions are here to help guide your feedback. If you want to write something different be my guest. If you want only answer 1 of these questions be my guest. If you want to record your responses or tell me in person instead of writing that is fine. Know that the more you can share with me (both positive and negative) the better it can help me improve as a teacher. I REALLY appreciate you taking the time to do this for me. The questions of highest interest/priority for me are in bold… THANK YOU.

1.     List specific things (maybe three) that you enjoyed about by teaching style this year. Explain how they helped you learn and grow.
2.     List specific things (maybe three) that you thought could be improved on in terms of how I teach (talking too much, too much train whistle, etc…). Explain what you think I could do to make these things better.
3.     What are your thoughts on organization/homework/grades? Did the way I collected, graded, gave feedback, and returned things work? Did the planner/blog combo work? Did the way I showed your grades to you work?
4.     Thoughts on the classroom… Where things are, how I have things set up, what I have on the walls, etc…. Aside from being really crowded are there things I could do to make the space better?
5.     Thoughts on how “classroom management” and discipline worked in the class. Was I too strict? Equitable? Too lenient?
6.     Any final thoughts on my teaching style? Things that really worked and things that really didn’t work?
7.     What was the most important thing I taught you this year? Why do you think that?
8.     Overall and random comments and suggestions are much appreciated!!!!!!!


Notes to students in Michael’s future 2013-2014 class…

What are the top 10 things one should know about being in Michael’s class the first day they walk in?

Inline images 2

Sunday, June 7, 2015


HW due Monday:
1. Term 4 Service Reflection
...Focus on either creative service reflection (using the rubric and including the basic questions in your creative reflection) OR the 3 paragraph What? So what? Now what? written reflection

2. Narrative Non-Fiction - Final Assignment (part 1... part 2 will be in class)

Narrative Non-Fiction – Final Assignment

What good reader strategies did you use? How did you grow as a reader from this book?

What was the most important message/big idea that you took out of this novel? Give at least 2 examples from the book that show the message/big idea

What did you learn about yourself as a reader and as an individual from reading your narrative non-fiction book?

HW due Tuesday:
1. Cultural Exchange Reflection

Skyberry Farms - Kickstarter
Check out what former SES students are doing now! Spread the message and video and consider donating.

Cultural Experience

During the school year, choose one event to attend outside of school that increases your understanding of another culture besides your own.

Examples include but are not limited to: Polish and Greek Festivals, Portland State’s International Night, Native American ceremony or PowWow, religious services, or an international speaker.

Before you go: Research the culture you will be experiencing. What geographical place did this culture grow? Why did some of the people immigrate to the US? What religions or customs are important to them?

At the event:  Attend with curiosity and a willingness to learn and participate by tasting new foods, watching dances or other performances, or by asking questions. What are the important things that are being passed down from one generation to the next?

Reflection:  Write a one-page paper (typed in 12 point font & double spaced) on your experience.
1)     Introduction: Explain what event you chose and why
2)    Background: In 1 – 2 paragraphs give some background on the culture you experienced.
3)    Body: If you can, describe what organization put on the event and some information about that group and its goals
4)    Body: List and describe several ways this event tried to share the culture with you (examples include: food traditional dress, handicrafts, language, stories, performances, and/or religious ceremonies.
5)    Conclusion: Discuss what the values of passing down customs and traditions to a younger generation. What customs have been passed down in your family and how do they compare to this experience?