Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Computer Lab - Geologic Time + SERVICE

Geologic Timeline Exploration


Service Learning Scavenger Hunt
1. Find 3 service organizations that people could connect with at any point in the school year to get service (example: Oregon Food Bank)
2. Find 3 specific service events going on in Portland in the month October (or early November)
3. Fill out your Service Calendar Card  with one specific service learning opportunity

If you finish early come check in with Michael and then get started on creating a poster for one service organization or service event. The poster should be bold, have images, and include the following info: Who?/What?/When?/Where?/WHY WHY WHY WHY?!?!?!?!?!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Computer Lab - Columbia Gorge Scavenger Hunt

While in the Computer Lab this afternoon, please complete the following:

1. Read the following article: http://www.oregontraveldaily.com/news/bizar021109_825.php
a. Where do you see evidence of lava and water shaping the land?

2. Go to the following link: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/megaflood/
a. Read the intro and captions to the Ice Age Lake article
b. Explore the Scablands... Find at least 5 pieces of evidence found that help explain the impact of the Missoula Floods on the Columbia River Gorge

3. Read the following article: http://www.iceagefloodsinstitute.org/floods.html
a. After reading the article, click on and explore the Ice Age Floods map

4. Find definitions for Basalt, Columbia Rive Basalts, Glacial Erratics

5. Learn about Beacon Rock
a. Find 5 different images
b. Find 3 interesting facts
c. How did it come to be?
d. Read about the hike

6. Find 5 other interesting sites related to any of the following: Missoula Floods, Beacon Rock, Columbia River Gorge geology, Rocky Butte, Mt. Tabor, Columbia River Basalts, and the Vista House

Friday, October 3, 2014

Post Overnight Weekend HW

What a lovely Friday we all had... In case you missed the Friday celebration, here is a video for you to help experience the excitement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_BszJzLyxI

Whether you were in school or not today, you all still have homework due Monday.

HW due Monday 

Weekend HW #1 - Central Oregon Overnight - Essential Questions... 
....They have been slightly adjusted so here is what expected...

(Essential) Question 1: What is the story of the Newberry Volcano (5 points)
...Spend 5-10 minutes reading about the Newberry Volcano before writing
...When did it become active? When did it last erupt? What happened in between the first and last eruption that makes it so important, huge, and well-known? What does the future hold for it?
...Reference at least 5 facts (examples, it was a shield volcano before it collapsed in on itself and became a caldera, the lava flow from the Newberry Volcano is the size of the state of Rhode Island)
...AT LEAST (minimum) of 1/2 page

(Essential) Question 2: How does each site we visited connect to the story of the Newberry Volcano? (10 points...THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION)
...Include: Boyd Cave Laba Tube, Lava Lands Visitor Center, and the Big Obsidian Flow
...Include SPECIFIC DETAILS FROM YOUR EXPERIENCE at each of these sites
...AT LEAST (minimum) of 1/2 page

(Assignment) Question 3: Write 1 sentence for how you experienced each of the following while on this trip... (5 points)
....Geology, Climate, Culture, and Ecology ((the study of living things, their environment, and the relation between the two),

Weekend HW #2 - Central Oregon Overnight Creative Reflection
...This is less important than the essential questions... Students who were at school today had over an hour to work on this. If you were not at school today and feel overwhelmed by the essential questions then you can turn this in on Tuesday (though you should at the very least get started on this). 
...Below is the assignment rubric/expectations

Central Oregon Overnight Creative Reflection

Welcome back to the world of being in a classroom! Before we get too caught up in everything that we do in here we are going to take some time to reflect on our Central Oregon experience. This is not an intense assignment and is instead something for you to do to capture what your time in Central Oregon was like.

On a blank white sheet of paper (you can choose whatever size works best for you) you are going to create a writing/drawing piece that reflects upon your fall overnight experience.

I would like to see the following represented in your assignment:
  • A map (it does not have to be to scale) of where we were during our trip (look at the map in your e-core for guidance!)
  • At least 1 word and 1 image for the following sites/lessons
    • LaPine State Park – camping with your class, campfire with the middle school
    • Big Obsidian Flow – hike, cooperative lava game
    • Lava Lands – hike, visitor center
    • Boyd Cave Lava Tube – lava tube exploring, panorama photo creating
  • At least 1 word and 1 image for the following:
    • The highlight of your trip (mark with a Jsmiley face J)
    • The biggest challenge you faced on this trip that you are most proud of overcoming (mark with an !exclamation point!)
    • The most important part of this experience for you (mark with a *star*)
  • The entire page should be filled
  • There should be color

How you complete the above requirements is up to you. So long as those are on your reflection, this can look like whatever you want. You can add anything else to this reflection you want.

Use your creativity and memories of Central Oregon to create this piece.

What isn’t finished in class today becomes homework. Use your class time wisely!

...Normally your reading assignments are due on Monday. NOT THIS WEEK! I will give you your week 3 reading assignment on Monday in school. It will be due Tuesday morning.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Post-LaPine Trip HW

You all have some VERY SERIOUS homework tonight!!!

1. Hug the people you love that you were away from. Thank them for supporting you on this trip.
2. REST, RELAX, SLEEP (in a cozy, non-freezing sort of way).
3. Take a shower (we all know that the D.O. (deodorant) can only cover that B.O. (body odor) for so long)
4. Show up to school tomorrow ready for a relaxing, reflective, and important day of celebration (for an awesome job this week) and learning. Please know you will also have Math/Spanish/Friendship tomorrow.

THANK YOU ALL FOR SUCH A SPECIAL WEEK. Your engagement, attitude, positivity, and support of one another was SO SO SO SO IMPRESSIVE!!!!

Enjoy your evening with your families :)