Friday, November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving Break

Have a great Thanksgiving Break!!!!

HW for break:

1. Read daily!
2. Smile :), relax, appreciate, eat, challenge yourself, sleep, thank the special people in your life
3. Have a conversation with your family about your conference after it has happened... Click here for a link to the parent conference schedule...

 4. 3D Project (see rubric below) is not due until Thursday, December 12th.... Feel free to think about this/work on this over break. If you do not feel like it you will have plenty of time after break to do this as well.

Service: Homeless lunches with Vinnie on Wednesday, November 27th from 10:30 - 12:00

River Festival 3-D Project

  • Help bring our rivers to life at the River Festival with a three-dimensional project.
  • This project should demonstrate some aspect of life on the river you’ve researched, something specific you learned from a field study or in the classroom related to rivers.
  • In addition to the 3-D project, a brief write-up will need to go along with it explaining what you did, why, and what it means/how it works.

Below are some suggestions:
  1. 3-D map
  2. Model of a building or a boat as it relates to history of a river
  3. Diorama of an event with explanation of the significance
  4. Focus on a specific topic regarding your river, such as river features, erosion/deposition, water quality, specific animal/macroinvertabrates, or anything else you learned!
  5. Create a board game that is educational for those playing it.
  6. Write a song. This may be displayed, performed, or recorded.
  7. Make a video that demonstrates your learning.
  8. Create a computer program that shows a field study or something on your river
  9. Create a dance, a play, or infomercial. This would be performed the night of the festival or recorded and played via video.
  10. Create a food dish from the region of your river.
  11. Other ideas? Check with Michael

This project may be done alone, with your family or with friend(s) from core class.

  1. Detailed plan along with who is working on it by Friday, December 6th
  2. Project with write-up the morning before the River Festival-- Thursday, Dec. 12th

8 points – 3D/Interactive
7 points – Write up/explanation
5 points – Effort

Total Points: 20 points!!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


HW due Thursday:

1. Field Study to Reed College Cooley Art Gallery
...We will be eating at the cafeteria. You can bring a lunch or IF you have one missing assignment or less you can purchase goods from their cafeteria.
...Bring in 2 facts about Crystal Springs creek as it relates to Reed College

2. River Story - Graphic Organizer 1
...Attempt to write out your intro, natural history page on your purple graphic organizer
...It is ok if you don't fill it out perfectly. Do what works best for you.

***Make sure you are reading your Native American novel***

HW due Friday:
1. Parent Conference Letter

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Term 1 Ends... Term 2 Begins...

Grades are being submitted all day Friday! Report cards probably won't come home until the week of Nov 18th though.

No school Friday (grading day)
No school Monday (Veteran's Day)
....extra credit - find a current event related to Veteran's Day
Sunday = Jackson's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKSON!!!!

Term 2 starts Tuesday, Nov 12th... You will all have straight A's at the start of term 2! How will you work to keep it that way?!?!

Because it is the end of the term you have NO NO NO homework during this long weekend. The only school related thing you should be doing is READING DAILY! Enjoy the mini-break :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Thursday is the last day of Term 1!!!

I hope you all are enjoying your week of learning away from the world of core class...

REMINDER THAT THE FOLLOWING ARE DUE IN MY CLASSROOM TOMORROW (none of this should be a surprise... almost all of this should have been completed already... it has been assigned for a week or more!!!)

1. TERM 1 ENDS!!!!!!
2. Turn in Term 1 Service Reflection!!!!
3. Turn in E-Core (Jean's Farm + Fish Hatchery)
4. Turn in Geography worksheet #4 (Portland/Oregon)

***Reminder that you will have to drop off those things in my classroom Thursday before/during/after school as we will not be meeting as a core class that day.

Service Reflections Rubric:

-There should be a minimum of three paragraphs
-I am looking for a strong hook and conclusion... CONNECTIONS of your work to the outside communities and world...Correct grammar and punctuations, and of course a creative piece (please don't do the same creative piece over and over again on each reflection... spice it up)
-I would recommend doing your work on the computer as I often send back reflections for editing after I first receive them. Doing your work on the computer enables you to go back and make corrections without having to feel like you are starting all over again.

•What did you do?
•Who was involved?
•Where were you?
•What part did you play?
•When did it happen?

Michael's comments: The "what" is a quick, brief paragraph. Recognize that you must go far beyond the “what” to have a complete reflection as paragraph takes little thought and effort to complete. Pay attention to the “so what” and give the MOST attention and thought to the “now what”

•Why did you do it?
•Why was it important to do?
•How was it helpful?
•Who benefits from the Project?

•What are you going to do with what you learned?
•What will you keep doing (or not doing) now?
•How is this action connected to a larger issue? What larger issue?
•Who is doing something about this issue?
•What organizations exist to address this issue?

Always Consider…

you --> School --> COMMUNITY --> WORLD

Michael's notes: A paragraph should be spent showing how your work connects outside of your three hours of service to the greater community and world.

Michael's final note:
When looking at reflections I will always look for a hook, 3 paragraphs (with the NOW WHAT paragraph reflecting the most effort), and CONNECTIONS (showing how your work relates to bigger picture ideas).

These are worth 25 points and show reflect a high level of effort and thought

Friday, November 1, 2013

Term 1 Ending!!!

Enjoy the weekend everybody!!!

-6th graders at Outdoor School
-7th/8th graders in grade level health rotations

1. TERM 1 ENDS!!!!!!
2. Turn in Term 1 Service Reflection!!!!
3. Turn in E-Core (Jean's Farm + Fish Hatchery)
4. Turn in Geography worksheet #4 (Portland/Oregon)

***Reminder that you will have to drop off those things in my classroom Thursday before/during/after school as we will not be meeting as a core class that day.