Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

HW due Friday:

1. Service Journal pages (something you have had assigned all week... no reason that you should have to do this tonight unless you were not proactive).
-p. 42 (service log), p. 9 (garden log), 19, 12, 15, 26

2. Term 1 Service Complete (unless you have talked to me already)


Thursday, Nov 7th 
1. Last day of term
2. Service Reflection due!!!
3. Field Study Questions for Fish Hatchery and Jean's Farm #2 due!!!!

Day of the Dead Processional
Join the third annual Day of the Dead celebration!   Procession starts at 5:30pm downtown on SW Columbia and Clay. Kids are gathering at Sunnyside School at 4pm to get their face painted and then taking the bus downtown for the procession. (please send bus $)  Parents, we will need all the help we can get painting faces. Bring any pictures or items to remember those who have passed. Middle school students participating will earn service hours for community service!  Thanks to 8th grade Spanish students who will make sugar skulls for the event!
The procession will end at the Crystal Ballroom with a huge alter, Aztec dancers, mariachi music. Adults are $12 and kids under 12 are free.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

After Eagle Fern...

HW due Thursday...
1. Rest
2. Relax
3. Smile as you should be proud of yourself, your class, and your school for a special and wonderful trip (THE RAIN CAN'T HOLD US BACK!)
4. Share a story of the trip with a family member

You had other weekend homework that you were supposed to have done last weekend. If for some reason you chose not to do it then you are actually looking at having homework tonight (My Life as a River graphic organizer vignette and river facts... I gave detailed info on them in my last blog post)... Homework tonight sounds miserable. If you did not do your weekend homework last weekend and are trying to do it tonight I would suggest you rest tonight, take a few late points, and do it VERY well this upcoming weekend. Use it as a lesson learned about putting things off until later (it never works very well). REST REST REST! Your health, sanity, and relaxation are the most important thing tonight!

Thanks for a great Eagle Fern Extravaganza!!!!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Eagle Fern on Monday... and Weekend HW

Have a restful week in preparation for Eagle Fern!

At the bottom of this email you will find the packing list in case you need one!

Eagle Fern logistics:
-Come with a positive and engaged attitude!!!
-Connect with other classmates during the trip!
-Pack for extra warmth/layers/rain protection (even though the weather should be relatively dry)
-Bring a day pack with a lunch for the first day
-Label all your gear!!!!
-Show up to school @ 8:45, drop stuff (with name on it) under the sign with my name on it at the back field, head up to core class to check in

HW due Monday.
1. Choice Fiction Reading Assignment #3
...Complete the assignment WHILE you are reading your book
...Add in the page numbers to the work

Example My Life as a River Graphic Organizer Paragraph

***Explain how it connects to the river feature
***Explain what that river feature is
***Tell your story!!!

Topic/Big Idea:  
I can't wait to go to school today I thought to myself as my alarm beeped in the background. I have so much to talk about with my friends! The depth of my river dropped quickly when I started high school, forming a pool that I swam and splashed in for 4 years.  Much like a pool within a flowing river, my time in high school represented a sense of peace, calm, and place. I loved my experience, my family, my friends, and life, and I felt like I could have stayed in that unmoving space forever!

Other ideas within my story...
  • Friends represented the calm that a pool provides
  • Freedom allowed me to dive deep within my pool
  • A sense of self and peace was a part of my being much like the pool of a river

But even the deepest water molecule doesn’t stay in the pool forever as I eventually found myself floundering with the rapids of a river.

HW due Thursday (that you should really do this weekend because it is not too difficult, you don't have much weekend homework, and doing homework the night you get back from Eagle Fern will be miserable).
1. My Life as a River VIGNETTE - Graphic Organizer
...Bring all three stories + River Map with you to class on Thursday

2. Find 5 rivers that interest you in our country. Write 1 interesting fact about each river. Be thinking about a river that you would be interested in studying more about.

Packing list:

    o   Clothing for all weather – layers, warm, cold and rainy
    (rain coat,boots or sneakers, change of socks and undergarments, hat for campfire, pajamas, etc)
    o   Sleeping bag and pillow ( (if they are not in stuff sack, please place in garbage bag labeled with student name; sleeping pad if you have it)
    o   Hygiene items (deodorant, toothbrush, etc.)
    o   Water bottle
    o   E-core journal and pencils
    o   Flashlight
    o   Sack lunch for first day
  • o   Daypack
  • o   Optional:  Musical instruments for campfire, sports equipment, deck of cards

DO NOT bring any valuables such as electronics  (there is no cell phone reception at the camp).
DO NOT bring any personal snacks as food is not allowed in cabins (but do bring your own lunch for day #1).