Happy end of September!
HW due Tuesday:
1. Writing - My Life as a River
...Following the Movie Behind Your Eyelids rule/idea (use detail... capture emotion... Write with all 5 senses) write 1 story from your My Life as a River Map. Your story should be somewhere between 1 paragraph to 2 pages. You should not have to spend more than 30 minutes on this homework assignment unless you want to spend more time writing because you love writing!
2. Current Event
...Pick a current event related to a river (any river in the world)
...Some helpful research hints include going to a news website (oregonlive.com) and searching the word river or searching for a specific river (Willamette, Columbia, Balch Creek, etc...)
3. Bring your choice fiction novel to class for silent reading tomorrow!
Thursday = Field Study to Forest Park (round 2!)
Friday = Last day before I send grades home to families
HW due Tuesday:
1. Writing - My Life as a River
...Following the Movie Behind Your Eyelids rule/idea (use detail... capture emotion... Write with all 5 senses) write 1 story from your My Life as a River Map. Your story should be somewhere between 1 paragraph to 2 pages. You should not have to spend more than 30 minutes on this homework assignment unless you want to spend more time writing because you love writing!
2. Current Event
...Pick a current event related to a river (any river in the world)
...Some helpful research hints include going to a news website (oregonlive.com) and searching the word river or searching for a specific river (Willamette, Columbia, Balch Creek, etc...)
3. Bring your choice fiction novel to class for silent reading tomorrow!
Thursday = Field Study to Forest Park (round 2!)
Friday = Last day before I send grades home to families