Friday, December 14, 2012



HW during winter break...
1. READ daily
2. At some point take 5 minutes and email what you are reading, how you are liking it, and anything else about your book (this isn't due until Friday, January 4th so its ok if it doesn't happen over break).
3. Attempt to sell 3 Applebee's tickets ($10, all you can eat breakfast, Saturday morning, January 26th)
...Once you know you have someone interested I will give you a ticket to sell.


Monday, December 10, 2012

Secret Snowflake

Secret Snowflake
These are the responses people gave at class meeting on Monday to the question "What type of Candy do you like?" and "What are some hobbies you enjoy?"
Niki – most candy (not nuts or bananas or coconut) & skating
Sorrel – skittles, milky way & soccer
Lenny – Twix or kit kats & drawing
Oliver Bisby – all candy (except bananas and coconut) & doing sciency type things
Amelia – all candy (except dried coconut) & violin
Maeve – doesn’t care about which candy & reading
Rowan – likes candy that lasts forever (like jawbreakers or twinkies) & reading/math puzzles
Emma – chocolate & arguing with Rowan
Rachel – Kit Kats & making stuff out of fabric
Oliver Borg – Dark Chocolate over Milk Chocolate & reptiles
Ben – NOT white chocolate and NOT vegemite & drawing
Griffin – Carmel & skateboarding
Erik – likes the sour spray stuff which he doesn’t know what its called (hates laffy taffy) & soccer
Dezmond – likes all types of candy (especially banana but not coconut) & loves funny jokes
Henry Mong – heath bars & skate stuff (like stickers)
Jackson – Almondy Joy & Football
Noah – Recess Peanut Butter Cups & snowboard
Nathan – likes any possible candy that there is & likes all kinds of stuff (anything)
Henry Schecter – Kit Kate, milk way, or twix (no peanuts) & music
Eliot – all types of candy & soccer
Issaiah – recess peanut butter cups & shoelaces/soccer
Jada – Dr. Pepper, skittles, butterfingers & singing!
Zoe – ring pops & drawing (and tacos even though she didn’t say it)
Kyzen – peanut butter (especially receses) & ticonderoga pencils, brightly colored things, and pink
Molly – chocolate & soccer
Tasja – Almond Joy and pretty much any candy (except licorice) & drawing
Theo – I like most candies except chocolate with nutes and m & m’s & I like most music except top 40 and yea
Ireland – jolly ranchers & drawing
Ayler – coke/dr. peppered (dark colored soda) & candlelit dinners and long walks on the beach
Simon – kit kats & guitar
Colette – nerds and kit kat & drawing!