Friday, September 21, 2012


Happy Friday... Don't forget your Double Dream Hands!

HW due Monday.

1. Little People Journal Entry
...Please answer all prompts on the white Little People page you glued into your Little People journal thoroughly and thoughtfully. This writing should reflect engagement, effort, and imagination
...Remember that you can type this, write it directly in the journal, or write it on a larger piece of paper and fold/tape it into your journal.

2. Service Statistic and Image
...Using our If the world were a village of a 100 people statistics find one that stands out
...Create a page with the statistic and image (with color) representing the statistic

3. Bring your favorite quote that best represents who you are and your bamba!!!!

Wednesday - we will begin our choice fiction reading assignment. Be thinking about which Just Right reading book you want to be engaged with during this assignment.

Thursday = field study to Jean's Farm (!!!)

Have a happy weekend!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012


What a swell trip we had today eh?!?! Start thinking about the world that your tribe of little people belongs to....

HW due Friday:

1. Field Study Questions
...Before you start take a moment to look at your score from last week. Figure out what you need to do to either improve or keep being amazing with your answers.
...Essential Questions = maximum effort and thought (which looks like a minimum of 3 complete sentences).
...Complete all assignment questions.

-School Pictures @ 11:30
-Middle School Dance @ 6:30

Extra Credit:
1. In your field study questions at the very bottom write the answer to this question:
....Which "famous" hiking trail were we on for parts of our field trip both today (Hoyt) and last week (Forest Park)???????
....Circle and label your answer EXTRA CREDIT so its really easy to observe

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


HW due Thursday:

We are going to Hoyt Arboretum (which is right above the Zoo) tomorrow. Dress appropriately (we will be doing some more hiking!) and bring a lunch/water...

1. Spend 5-10 minutes reading about Hoyt Arboretum online. Come to school with 3 interesting facts about this place we are headed to tomorrow...

2. Come up with two more examples of Form and Function in our world (see below for notes/examples)

3. Create a "Little Person" drawing in one of the following areas related to a forest (streams, canopy, deciduous trees, moss/lichen/fungus, fruits and flowers, soild, nurse logs/snags, and the "dew."

....This does not need to be a fancy drawing (don't spend more then 10 minutes on this), I simply want you to try and wrap your imagination around where we could see them in the forest (you can also print a picture or write about this).

Friday = Picture Day (@11:30) ------ bring your forms if you want to order
Turn in Camp Collins forms to the office

Form/Function Notes:

Function: what does it do?
Form: what is its shape


FORM follows (comes after) FUNCTION

***environment/setting always plays an important role***
***SURVIVAL (danger/predators)  plays a role***

An example of animal or thing related its….

Function ____________________ (what does it need to do)
Form _______________________ (the shape it takes to do what it needs to do)

Function – protection from sand in the eyes
Form – Long eyelashes

Function – it needs to swim fast in the water
Form – webbed feet, smooth skin


Little People Sightings ....

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


HW due Wednesday:

1. LATE OPENING!!!!! (school starts at 10:45)

2. Reader Profile sheet (who are you as a reader?!)

-Turn in Camp Collins forms to the office
-bring a composition book if you have one available in your cubby/locker/house
-GARDEN DAY opportunity!!!! Tomorrow @ 9:00 at the Cob Bench with Vinnie and Louie until 10:30... A reminder that everyone needs 2 hours of garden work a term

Thursday we are going on a field study to Hoyt Arobretum

Friday is picture day (@ 11:30)... Turn any forms/checks into me.

Keep your eyes peeled for little people (especially the dancing ones!)...

Monday, September 17, 2012


HW due Tuesday:

1. Important Moments in Our Reading History sheet
...This is worth 10 points. I expect thoughtful answers. I will be collecting it tomorrow morning first thing.

2. Bring reading material for silent reading

-If you have not already done so you will be presenting your summer mementos tomorrow
-Turn all Camp Collins forms into Rebecca at the office

Friday, September 14, 2012


Happy Friday!

Weekend HW:

1. Complete Field Study questions
...maximum thought and effort on essential questions (minimum of 3 COMPLETE sentences)
...Complete all assignment questions, including a map of our day (from your perspective... meaning its ok if its not accurate)

2. Complete buddy poem (we will produce a final draft on Monday)
...Minimum of 10 sentences in the poem
...Attempt to start each sentence with an action word (verb), preferably (but not required) with a -ing word
...Use your buddy interview form for information about your buddy

3. Bring a book that is at your reading level (not a magazine) to class on Monday...

Don't forget shoes for P.E.

Thursday = field study to Hoyt Arboretum

Friday = 1st middle school dance

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Wow. What a great field study today (minus the talking/poking for the last 10 minutes on the bus)...

Due Friday:
...Bring your smiles
...Work on your field study questions (you will be getting plenty more weekend homework)
...Hopefully we will get time to share summer mementos

Due Monday:

1. Field Study questions
....Max thought/effort on essential questions (minimum of 3 complete sentences)
....Complete all assignment questions
....Make sure the inventory, micro map, nature journal (with date, time, place, weather) are all updated

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


HW due Thursday:

1. Field Study - Forest Park
...Bring lunch, water, appropriate clothes for hiking

2. Bring random object (that can be lost) for field study activity
...example: lego person, old hat, crayola marker, etc...


4. Finish organizing your binder (see below for instructions)

Binder Organization

3 sections + the front and back flaps

all things 3 hole punched (or whatever else needs to be done to avoid stuffing things in folders with no order)

new things in the front, older towards the back, oldest at the back

planner in very front

NO LOOSE PAPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

·      All HW that needs to get done or be turned in should be left in the front flap of your folder… TO DO HW needs its own space

1. Notes
2. Handouts
3. Random

Returned HW/Tests (or a folder to keep it all)
·      These should either be kept in the back flap of your biner or in its’ own divider section
·      All work that gets returned is kept until grades are received at the end of the quarter

Behind everything you should keep some (just a small amount) loose sheets of paper

Other things we will have for core:
Composition Books:
-E-Core (Already set up)
-Writer’s Workshop (To Be Set Up)
-Reading (To Be Set Up)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Tubularly Terrific Tuesday...

HW due Wednesday:

1. Perspective image
...On a 1/2 sheet of paper create an image that somehow captures the word perspective
...What is your "perspective" on the word perspective
....You can write/draw/print/take a picture/etc...
....Feel free to show parts of your "Bamba" in your image
....Example: Because Spanish is a part of my bamba I might draw a Spanish country in the back ground of my image... Because soccer is a part of my bamba I might include a soccer ball in my image

...Bring in a binder + 3 dividers (these can simply be colored pieces of paper... which I have at school)
...Tomorrow I will explain my optimal organizational approach for your binders. You don't have to organize things my way, but I strongly recommend following my basic organizational pointers.

3. Forest Park - 3 facts
...On Thursday we will be going to Forest Park. We will be going there 4-5 more times throughout the year. Tonight spend roughly 10 minutes on the internet looking up information about Forest Park. Come to school with 3 facts about Forest Park that you find interesting.


-Field Study - Forest Park

*** Turn in your parent packet to the office ***

Monday, September 10, 2012


First Monday of the school year.... Yikes!

HW due Tuesday:

1. Writing/Reading survey
....If a part of the survey doesn't make sense or confuses you do not worry about. Give it your best guess or skip it. The idea of this assignment is for you to start showing me how you feel about reading and writing

2. Bring reading material for silent reading tomorrow!

HW due Wednesday:

1. Perspective image
...On a 1/2 sheet of paper create an image that somehow captures the word perspective
...What is your "perspective" on the word perspective
....You can write/draw/print/take a picture/etc...
....Feel free to show parts of your "Bamba" in your image
....Example: Because Spanish is a part of my bamba I might draw a Spanish country in the back ground of my image... Because soccer is a part of my bamba I might include a soccer ball in my image

1. Field Study to Forest Park
2. Back to School Parent Night (tell your parents!) @ 6:00 pm.

*** If you checked the blog please come up to me tomorrow morning and say...
"Dear Michael, You should know that I am a radical person, From me****

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday Fist Pump Day!

Woo Hoo. We are one week into the school year!

Thanks to all for such a great field study today.
You were: prepared, aware, engaged, positive, and awesome!!!

Due Monday:

1. Field Study Questions
***Remember that you should focus most of your effort on essential questions (a minimum of 3 sentences), answer all essential and assignment questions, and update your table of contents

2. Bring in filled out forms from Parent Packet

Please remind your parents that Thursday, September 13th @ 6:00 is Parents Back to School.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Happy 2nd day of school!!!!

First of all, if you are reading this then congratulations on checking the blog. Checking the blog is a great habit to build in supporting your organization habits.

Tomorrow is our first field study!!!!!

We are going to the Rose Garden Fountain (with Cori's class)...

-water bottle
-e-core + pencil
-clothes that can get wet in the fountain (IF you decide you want to get wet)

Please be sure to pass your parent packet to your parents!!! They should turn their packets into the office or me.

Extra Credit:

Watch this incredibly cute video of a girl's first day of school. Write a list of 5 things that were super great about your first two days of school.

To receive the extra credit your task is to turn this sheet (with your name on it) in to my homework bin tomorrow morning when you walk into the classroom