Sunday, June 10, 2012



1. Reading recommendations (this will be graded!)

2. Class compliments (you should get close to finished, if not all the way finished this weekend. That being said they are not due until the last day of school...  Challenge yourself to be thoughtful and kind to each student and to go beyond the generic compliments of "you are nice and cool")

3. Teacher Feedback - Extra Credit
....The more I can understand what I do that works and what I do that doesn't work the better teacher I can become. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take the time to do this.

Teacher Feedback for Michael
Extra Credit

Please help me reflect on my teaching so that I can become better at what I do

These questions are here to help guide your feedback. If you want to write something different be my guest. If you want only answer 1 of these questions be my guest. Know that the more you can share with me (both positive and negative) the better it can help me improve as a teacher. I REALLY appreciate you taking the time to do this for me. THANK YOU.

1.     List 3 specific things that you enjoyed about by teaching style this year. Explain how they helped you learn and grow.
2.     List 3 things that you thought could be improved on in terms of how I teach (talking too much, too much cowbell, etc…). Explain what you think I could do to make these things better.
3.     What are your thoughts on organization/homework/grades? Did the way I collected, graded, gave feedback, and returned things work? Did the planner/blog combo work? Did the way I showed your grades to you work?
4.     Thoughts on the classroom… Where things are, how I have things set up, what I have on the walls, etc…. Aside from being really crowded are there things I could do to make the space better?
5.     Thoughts on how “classroom management” and discipline worked in the class. Was I too strict? Fair? Too lenient?
6.     Any final thoughts on my teaching style? Things that really worked and things that really didn’t work? Overall comments and suggestions are much appreciated!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Buddy Reflection Rubric

Buddy Reflection
Name: _______________                                                                                                      
We have spent many Fridays this year going down and enjoying time with our buddies. They look up to you and are extremely excited whenever we come.  For your buddy reflection, please complete the following tasks:
1.  Write a 1 page reflection that includes:
       A lead or intro that captures the reader’s attention
       A memory from when you were the age of your buddy – describe the memory completely
       A memory that you have shared with your buddy
       Describe how you and your buddy are alike or different
       Is it important that we have “buddies” at a K-8 School? Why/Why not? Why do you think teachers make time fit buddies into their weekly schedule? Has your experience with your buddy been valuable for them?
       What did you learn about yourself while being with your buddy?
2.  Make a card or letter for your buddy.